Coronavirus & Lockdowns - the Positives - Thread

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Writing was already on the wall for cinemas but COVID-19 is speeding up film studios going direct to streaming.

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i hope the gyms stay closed. the usual amount of magnificent female specimens running and exercising in their gym gear along the beach has increased even more. it was hardto concentrate on my own running this morning. praise to the lord, allah and lorna jane
Played online Poker with 9 mates Saturday night, as we were all stuck at home doing fu** all.
Turns out it wasn't much different from every other Saturday night. Took Covid 19 to get the poker happening though.
What site? Played online too but could only get 5 on the table. Which site sits 9? Thanks in advance
i hope the gyms stay closed. the usual amount of magnificent female specimens running and exercising in their gym gear along the beach has increased even more. it was hardto concentrate on my own running this morning. praise to the lord, allah and lorna jane

I had noted a similar thing during my periodic walks. Granted I don't have the advantages of climate that you do. But still. Who knew "Yoga hot pants" were a thing?

On Friday I legitimately had the thing where I was about to U turn and head home when I was overtaken by one of the above. "Ah, maybe I'll go another 10 minutes before turning. No pain, no gain!" :D
I had noted a similar thing during my periodic walks. Granted I don't have the advantages of climate that you do. But still. Who knew "Yoga hot pants" were a thing?

On Friday I legitimately had the thing where I was about to U turn and head home when I was overtaken by one of the above. "Ah, maybe I'll go another 10 minutes before turning. No pain, no gain!" :D
females running in bikinis #justgoldcoastthings
youre young

Yeah 39 is young for tech stuff. I'm 35 and we had a classroom computer in year 4. I've been through MS DOS, floppy disks, dial up, broadband, wireless, flash drives, touch screens etc. so I think I'm at a good point for understanding where technology has come from. Plenty of computer stuff I can't do sure, but it's not like I am a pensioner given an iPhone like it's something out of Star Trek.

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Might be a good time to put Dusty's Dad's mates out of business

Nine people at the Rebels motorcycle clubhouse in Sunshine West were fined last night for breaching the stay at home rules.

Seven men and two women socialising at the clubhouse were each fined $1652 by Echo Task Force police.
Because I'm working from home for the forseeable future, I've got back into programming as a hobby and not just for work.
So far I've built (or am currently building):
  • A script to pull the latest parliamentary speeches by chosen MPs and then using Google's sentiment analysis to determine whether sentiment has got more negative as Covid19 progresses
  • An API interface for SportsBet
  • An apache web server broadcasting on my WiFi including:
    • A notepad for sharing messages to each other
    • A streaming service for non Netflix/Stan/Disney/etc. moves/tv shows
    • Text input to broadcast anything to our Google Home in the lounge room (good for asking for a coffee when you hear someone else making one)
  • Various other (minor) scripts
    • E.g. pulling latest ABC headlines and refreshing every X minutes, pulling latest covid19 stats and reading them aloud on Google Home
Trying to have a bit of fun in a pretty un-fun time.

Coronavirus & Lockdowns - the Positives - Thread

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