Mega Thread Coronavirus & the AFL - Stage 4 Restrictions in Place in Vic - Part 3

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This is part Three.

Part One can be found here -

Part Two can be found here -

Part 4 can be found here:

Australian stats page:

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Mate of mine in Melbs just said on the news its 85 new cases today. Anyone else confirm that?
85 is AUS wide.
3 SA
75 in VIC last 24 hours, 0.3% total positive test rate from all tests conducted in VIC.

Health.Gov website

Not far from lockdowns of affected areas I think
Fatality rate is going down all the time, it has gone down from estimated 5% to ball park flu levels, CDC has it at 0.26% ATM, a huge drop.

Quite frankly it is a joke.

It is at least 20 times less lethal than what we were told and locked down on .... yet here we still are.
The average global deaths from the flu is just under 400,000. COVID is currently at 500,000 in only six months. I guess if 100,000 people come back to life and no one else dies, your claims 'it's just a flu' might have a ring of truth :drunk:

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In many cases virus spreads more quickly through a lack of common sense and not adhering to the advice. Gathering in groups of tens of thousands while there's a pandemic going on probably wasn't a good idea.

Pot luck if we escape from it with no cases drawn from it, but still quite stupid at this time. But its the attitude that individuals know better than the advice that has put Victoria in our current situation. I blame all those who as soon as restrictions were lifted all gathered and spent the next few weeks going out together, shopping in groups, attending big family gatherings and outings, caught up with every single person they could. Just cause we can do something, doesn't mean we should.

But which key event do you think would impact the views of the wider public more (remembering that there’s an assumption many of these new cases are from CALD backgrounds):
- A BLM protest in the CBD on a Saturday
-That schools were open to all students a few days later on the Tuesday

I think the “Schools are safe” manta did more to change the perception of people than the BLM protest did. Why should I still stay at home all the time if my child has to return to school?
But which key event do you think would impact the views of the wider public more (remembering that there’s an assumption many of these new cases are from CALD backgrounds):
- A BLM protest in the CBD on a Saturday
-That schools were open to all students a few days later on the Tuesday

I think the “Schools are safe” manta did more to change the perception of people than the BLM protest did. Why should I still stay at home all the time if my child has to return to school?
This "why should I" "I have the right" "you can't control me" type language - here's the thing, we all want this pandemic to go away and things to return to normality. The quicker we reach 0 new cases like states like WA and QLD have, the quicker this occurs. If we use common sense, stay home wherever possible unless it's essential, keep our distance, wash hands, etc. etc. then it helps to mitigate the risk.

Maybe we can't do that perfectly in every situation, there are going to be gaps and grey areas. But there's things people are doing that put that at obvious risk. Whereever possible, in most cases, if people tightened up their behaviour we'd be in a much better spot. That's my main point, we need to do whatever possible as a country, as a state, as individuals for ourselves and others at risk.
This "why should I" "I have the right" "you can't control me" type language - here's the thing, we all want this pandemic to go away and things to return to normality. The quicker we reach 0 new cases like states like WA and QLD have, the quicker this occurs. If we use common sense, stay home wherever possible unless it's essential, keep our distance, wash hands, etc. etc. then it helps to mitigate the risk.

Maybe we can't do that perfectly in every situation, there are going to be gaps and grey areas. But there's things people are doing that put that at obvious risk. Whereever possible, in most cases, if people tightened up their behaviour we'd be in a much better spot. That's my main point, we need to do whatever possible as a country, as a state, as individuals for ourselves and others at risk.

But you’ve avoided the key part of my discussion because it doesn’t fit your political narrative here (as the opening of schools came from pressure of ScoMo rather than an Andrews initiative)

Do you think it’s fair to blame the protest (which had approx 10,000 people attend) on a Saturday when we already had 1/4 of students (including 17/18 year olds) back in the classroom for a fortnight and all students back a few days later.

This isn’t a personal thing for me as my job has had me out in the community for most of the pandemic, but I think you’re being ridiculous if you ignore the impact school openings had on the mindset of the public and blame it on the protests.

Returning to the classroom is not an essential activity— students could learn remotely & possibly will need to again.
It's not my job to have the answer.

If people listen to the advice given, it can be achieved.
But people are only doing what they are allowed to do. Did you really think after enduring the toughest restrictions while we watched other states give some leeway to their residents we were going to remain indoors once allowed back out, hell no.

Did you really think people were going to abide by the gathering rules once they saw the AFL teams allowed to train in full groups of 44+, hell no.

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lol, yep because buying people off has never happened before, what a tinfoil hat conspiracy - good one you got me ....ZZZZZZzzzzzzz...
Didn't see the agreement to back the government's line, that came with jobkeeper.

How many of the BLM protestors were on jobkeeper do you think.

If you break the agreement and critisise the government, what happens. Do they cut you off, or do you have to pay it back?

On moto g(6) plus using mobile app
But you’ve avoided the key part of my discussion because it doesn’t fit your political narrative here (as the opening of schools came from pressure of ScoMo rather than an Andrews initiative)

Do you think it’s fair to blame the protest (which had approx 10,000 people attend) on a Saturday when we already had 1/4 of students (including 17/18 year olds) back in the classroom for a fortnight and all students back a few days later.

This isn’t a personal thing for me as my job has had me out in the community for most of the pandemic, but I think you’re being ridiculous if you ignore the impact school openings had on the mindset of the public and blame it on the protests.

Returning to the classroom is not an essential activity— students could learn remotely & possibly will need to again.
Im not necessarily blaming the protests. Although I acknowledge it's pot luck cases didn't come from it.
It's one example among many, so apologies if it looks like I'm solely blaming the protest.

The protest is more an example of the attitude of many who didn't use common sense. There are numerous examples.

Some are unavoidable, but as much as possible we should be trying to mitigate risk. And we can, it's within our power in many cases.
But people are only doing what they are allowed to do. Did you really think after enduring the toughest restrictions while we watched other states give some leeway to their residents we were going to remain indoors once allowed back out, hell no.

Did you really think people were going to abide by the gathering rules once they saw the AFL teams allowed to train in full groups of 44+, hell no.
So what your saying is Victoria needs to be governed harshly because people aren't smart enough to look after themselves?
But people are only doing what they are allowed to do.

Apparently these outbreaks are driven in large by people ignoring numbers on social gatherings and going out/to work when sick. I struggle to believe people thought these thinks we’re ok.

They knew they shouldn’t, but they did it anyway.
So what your saying is Victoria needs to be governed harshly because people aren't smart enough to look after themselves?
Nope, i'm saying the harsh lockdown was always going to blow up in Andrews face, threatening police action and hefty fines at every turn was pissing people off especially when we saw other states allowing people to cast a line or have a dip in the ocean so long as they stayed apart just to name a couple of things.

Point is, allow people to do things within reason, talk nicely and they will listen to you, threaten people, talk down to them and ban them from doing anything and they will stop listening and tell you to GAGF.

Andrews thought acting tough was going to win the battle of the premiers, it didn't and if there was promotion/relegation, he would be getting relegated while the NT would be getting promoted.
Apparently these outbreaks are driven in large by people ignoring numbers on social gatherings and going out/to work when sick. I struggle to believe people thought these thinks we’re ok.

They knew they shouldn’t, but they did it anyway.
People are probably heading to work because they don't have enough days available to take 10-14 work days off or risk getting the arse.

Have you ever heard off or read the term, ' if they are allowed to do it then so can i ', once sporting teams were allowed back to train in groups larger than what the ordinary person was allowed, once the NZ Warriors were allowed to train in groups while in quarantine when the ordinary person was required to stayed locked in their room , while protests were allowed to happen in each city........................

all bets were off.
Brace yourself for today's numbers.

Currently over 2.5K people who are either, in quarantine (returned travellers), confirmed cases, or close contacts of confirmed cases.

Well, the last few days have made a 17 rounds of playing each other pretty much redundant, Is it time to split the comp into two pools of Vic and Non-Vic. Finals could be the top clubs from both pools. If this outbreak is resolved then clearly we could revert to trying to play everyone once.
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