Crown Casino, Melbourne - Part 2

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Played last night for 6 hours, $950 profit. Was thinking of doing an all-nighter, try to get up to 2k+, but mate wanted to go, couple drunk guys left my table, and I decided to get up and call it a night.

Hand of the night. Indian guy has been straddling every round. I don't give Indians or Sri Lankans much respect at the poker table. Anyway, I limp from MP with 5:spade:6:spade:, he raises from the SB to 12, couple callers, I call, LP calls.

Flop: 5:diamond:5:heart:6:heart:

Indian guy: "All-in!" (for 280 mind you!)

But I don't think the next two guys heard him. I sure heard him and whispered to Asian on my left "This is funny!" I then feign ignorance and ask the dealer "Is it on me? Did he check?"

I'm hoping someone calls, but they fold. I say "I don't think I can lay this down, I have a strong draw!"

Of course I call, other guy folds. Indian guy shows A:heart:Q:heart:.

I don't show, but I say "I've got 78 of hearts!"

Dealer burns and turns the 9:heart: :D

I then say I'm kidding and show my book. Indian guy heads to the rails.

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Yeah that would piss me off no end - firstly that your ficitcious hand sucked out on me, and then when that wasn't your actual hand, that you had my nut flush beaten anyway.
He shoved 280 into a pot of about 60. He deserves whatever is coming his way. Anyone making that play would have no idea that a straight flush beats him on the turn. He wasn't pissed off, he was confused if anything.

And if any of you are stupid enough to make the same play, you deserve the same treatment.
He shoved 280 into a pot of about 60. He deserves whatever is coming his way. Anyone making that play would have no idea that a straight flush beats him on the turn. He wasn't pissed off, he was confused if anything.

And if any of you are stupid enough to make the same play, you deserve the same treatment.

So what your saying is that if I make a bad play at your table R+B, that I deserve to be effectively slowrolled, and sent on my way in shame and ridiculed in front of the table??

That, is probably the biggest leak a live reg can have, being someone to scare away the fishies...
i didn't slowroll him
i didn't shame him
i didn't ridicule him

i am ridiculing him here, but i didn't at the table. i didn't say anything to him about his play.

what i am saying is that if you make such a horrendous play at my table, i will punish you for it and move on to the next hand. if you stay or go, that's your decision.
I'll admit if I was completely on my game, heaven forbid, rather than having a laugh and some fun, I would have patronised the guy "Bad luck mate! Good play, you just got really unlucky there. 99% of the time you would win that. I got lucky, but you had me."
Hows this for FML that has nothing to do with poker.

I got to the train station 3 minutes early and noticed the train arriving early (seriously WTF?) So I start running for it and the stupid temp walkway is uneven so I trip and fall and ruin my pants. Then 30 minutes later as I am walking up to the ticket inspectors I notice I don't have my wallet anymore and obviously left it on the train inlcluding the $120 that was in it. Another 30 minutes goes by and I get to work and every God damn system is down meaning I have to work like it is the late 80's. And now ********s are trying to sell Christmas things and I keep having to hear "Jingle Bells'.

Seriously FML!

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I'll admit if I was completely on my game, heaven forbid, rather than having a laugh and some fun, I would have patronised the guy "Bad luck mate! Good play, you just got really unlucky there. 99% of the time you would win that. I got lucky, but you had me."

Well he did get unlucky in that 99% of the time when someone calls him (which won't be very often), he will have at least 9 outs and more likely 15. Even if if he played it badly, he was still coolered, and you still shouldn't rub it in. A good player could have easily bet and reraised all-in on the flop with that hand.
I'll admit if I was completely on my game, heaven forbid, rather than having a laugh and some fun, I would have patronised the guy "Bad luck mate! Good play, you just got really unlucky there. 99% of the time you would win that. I got lucky, but you had me."

Why are slowrolling or patronising your two options?

Each to their own I guess, but to me either seems completely unnecessary. A simple "ship it" would have done. :)
Misleading someone into thinking they have a winning hand before turning over a winner is a slowroll. And mate, that was a slowroll...

And slowrolls really arent cool... No need to deliberatly miscall your hand...

There is absolutely no reason to be complete patronising. If someone asks me about how they played a hand, I will give some very simple feedback, but Im not going to coach the table about how despite high fold equity, he is usually behind etc...

A quick bad luck and move on... IMO...
Hows this for FML that has nothing to do with poker.

I got to the train station 3 minutes early and noticed the train arriving early (seriously WTF?) So I start running for it and the stupid temp walkway is uneven so I trip and fall and ruin my pants. Then 30 minutes later as I am walking up to the ticket inspectors I notice I don't have my wallet anymore and obviously left it on the train inlcluding the $120 that was in it. Another 30 minutes goes by and I get to work and every God damn system is down meaning I have to work like it is the late 80's. And now ********s are trying to sell Christmas things and I keep having to hear "Jingle Bells'.

Seriously FML!
Life tilt ftw.
no doubt, I wouldn't have gone the whole hog if I patronised him. I agree, a simple "Sorry, bad luck mate!" would have been patronising enough yet possibly positively reinforcing at the same time.

ashley12, just a friendly warning.

I will be closely scrutinising every post you make from hereon just to see if you ever do anything remotely douchey.
The thing is saying bad luck is as patronising as anything. It was a stupid play and he would hate hearing "bad luck mate".

The saying wrong cards would have been uncool if the 9h didn't come up but it did so I LOL'd.
no doubt, I wouldn't have gone the whole hog if I patronised him. I agree, a simple "Sorry, bad luck mate!" would have been patronising enough yet possibly positively reinforcing at the same time.

ashley12, just a friendly warning.

I will be closely scrutinising every post you make from hereon just to see if you ever do anything remotely douchey.

R+B, you already scrutinise every post on this board, its not that different for you...:p

In general, its your money and your place at the table, your more then welcome to do what you like. But in home games I have hosted, and been hosted at in the past, I have seen the host boot people for tapping the tank, one way or the other...:thumbsu:

In general, I try and talk as little non-poker talk with people Im not friends with at the table. Footy, politics, weather, whatever, I try an engage in conversation and be friendly... But thats just me... Unless asked, Im never going to comment to someone about their play, but I will chat away from the table with friends (ZOMG, what a fish LOLZA)...
Had a crappy day at Crown today. Was on what is possibly the easiest table i've ever played, but I get ****ing stacked because of some seriously bad calls from others, and some seriously bad rivers. Allow me:

After playing solid and easily working the table for around an hour, I was up to $420. Then, in the space of just under an hour these three hands happened:

Hand 1:

Me preflop: K:spade:9:spade:
It is raised to $11 before I act, I call, and there are 6 runners.
Flop = 6:spade:, J:spade:, 3:heart:
Checked to me, I put in $30, I get one caller.
Turn = K
Guy checks, I bet $75, he calls.
River = Q
I look at the guy and he has this huge grin on his face. He bets $55. I know i've just lost the hand, but I really want to see what he smooth called me with on the flop and turn. I call. ******** turns over 9-10 off and has this huge smile on his face.

Lost on this hand = $116, Left = $314

Hand 2:

Me preflop: K-10 off. It's limped to me, I'm in position. I raise to $15 and get two callers.
Flop: 10:heart:, 7:heart:, 10:spade:
Checked to me, I bet $35, one caller.
Turn: A:club:
He checks, I bet $75, he tank-calls.
River: 2:heart:
He checks, I know the ******** has got his flush so I check as well. He turns over 63hh for the flush. I'm visibly pissed cause this happend two hands after the first one.

Lost on this hand = $125, Left: $189

Hand 3:

About 30 minutes after the first two hands I have around $160 left. I get KQoff, and I'm in position. It's limped to me, I make it $20. 4 callers.
Flop = 10:heart:, J:spade:, 5:club:
Guy bets $40, I put him on a J, so with my up and down, as well as the two overcards I push. Guy thinks for a while and calls with K:heart:J:heart:
Turn = A:heart: I got my straight.
River = Q:heart: He has the Royal Flush.

That's right runner runner Royal Flush. Honestly, when you lose to a runner runner Royal Flush it's time to get up and go home, which is basically what I did.
Hows this for FML that has nothing to do with poker.

I got to the train station 3 minutes early and noticed the train arriving early (seriously WTF?) So I start running for it and the stupid temp walkway is uneven so I trip and fall and ruin my pants. Then 30 minutes later as I am walking up to the ticket inspectors I notice I don't have my wallet anymore and obviously left it on the train inlcluding the $120 that was in it. Another 30 minutes goes by and I get to work and every God damn system is down meaning I have to work like it is the late 80's. And now ********s are trying to sell Christmas things and I keep having to hear "Jingle Bells'.

Seriously FML!

Running bad in life FTL
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