Domestic violence

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That is incorrect.

Men and women, boys and girls, all gender DO know what is acceptable.

There are some that don't know or don't care, < these are the cause of the problem, not society itself.
That's not correct in my view.

It was correct maybe at the turn of the millennium, but we must not underestimate to insidious way that the world wide web is being used to manipulate people's ideas and the way they relate to others.

Web addiction/mobile phone addiction is real and can have a deleterious effect on cognitive ability.

I sight the social media conspiracy garbage that led to people questioning the efficacy of immunisation and vaccines. Many people do not vaccinate their children against whopping cough as an example, or the measles and other bacterial or viral infections. That is child abuse: violence! and no one will convince me otherwise and that is cognitive impairment brought on by a constant barrage of messaging which desensitises people to the catastrophic possibilities.

There are studies which show unequivocally, that exposure to repetitive information leads to cognitive impairment.

It is hard for level headed people living a "normal" life so to speak, to come to grips with the fact that that there is now a plague of boys and girls, men and women who are, at best, unsure of what is acceptable and what is not and this has a multiplier effect on their peers and social groupings: it really has got out of control. You factor in the psychosis that is brought on by drugs which are also available and consumed in plague proportions and we have a breakdown of society.
No. It's the radial leftists in government and"educational institutions' who act on their and every other fringe dwellers behalf. You see it everywhere. You know... The social justice warriors. Whether it be climate, Hamas, net zero, trans rights, the voice etc They are not personally involved, but they need to be in control. So they impose their will on everyone else. But none of it actually helps... In fact it has the opposite effect. Thank God the voice failed for example... Had it succeeded it would have further marginalized and divided indigenous people from the rest of society.
Anyway that's my view. You can have your opinion. I left Australia 35 years ago to live on am island... With Bitcoin. I am beholden to no government.
So the radical left is to blame for climate change, the poisoning of the soil, water and air .... things that must be clean for our species to remain alive. It the radical left's fault that the Chicago School/Friedmanite policies as followed by Reagan, Thatcher, Pinochet led to the wholesale destruction of societies and the enslavement and even execution of people.
That's not correct in my view.

It was correct maybe at the turn of the millennium, but we must not underestimate to insidious way that the world wide web is being used to manipulate people's ideas and the way they relate to others.

Web addiction/mobile phone addiction is real and can have a deleterious effect on cognitive ability.

I sight the social media conspiracy garbage that led to people questioning the efficacy of immunisation and vaccines. Many people do not vaccinate their children against whopping cough as an example, or the measles and other bacterial or viral infections. That is child abuse: violence! and no one will convince me otherwise and that is cognitive impairment brought on by a constant barrage of messaging which desensitises people to the catastrophic possibilities.

There are studies which show unequivocally, that exposure to repetitive information leads to cognitive impairment.

It is hard for level headed people living a "normal" life so to speak, to come to grips with the fact that that there is now a plague of boys and girls, men and women who are, at best, unsure of what is acceptable and what is not and this has a multiplier effect on their peers and social groupings: it really has got out of control. You factor in the psychosis that is brought on by drugs which are also available and consumed in plague proportions and we have a breakdown of society.
You're talking about a minority of people, even if that is a 'lot' of people, if this view was widespread and the societal norm, then society would look much much worse than what it does now.

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Of course it is.

Those who were born pre 1980 I reckon, and there's a lot of them around, what CM86 described is par for the course. It may seem strange to some, but this type of scenario was common and still exists.

It exists in certain ethnic cohorts and it exists in the yobbo cohort as well as those I referred to in the last paragraph.

Domestic violence against women has been happening in Australia since colonialism and that macho type of male domination over women has not ended. Look at the exclusive boys clubs.

Domestic violence isn't only men assaulting women (assault is not just physical, it is mental as well), domestic violence is also women assaulting men - it's violence, full stop and the blame should not be apportioned just to men.

It is a societal problem that has it's roots in the type of scenarios as brought up by CM86.

DM is a learned action. It is not bred into people, it is taught to people from their elders and re-enforced or initiated by the overwhelming reach of violent media, printed and electronic and unless we make a concerted effort to curtail this insidious intrusion as well as educate, then this will just keep happenning.

In the short term, we must take all complaints of violence seriously and not see some violence and bulling, as trivial because it only perpetuates the tragic scenarios that are played out everyday.
I see part of the ongoing dv crisis as a legacy of war. Until quite recently we had generations of men walking around with chronic undiagnosed ptsd and while not excusing violence it often came with the territory and it was my parent's generation that saw that and had it colour their upbringing so that legacy still exists. It's no excuse for the abusers these days but it can help explain where some of the behaviour was learned.
Of course it is.

Those who were born pre 1980 I reckon, and there's a lot of them around, what CM86 described is par for the course. It may seem strange to some, but this type of scenario was common and still exists.

It exists in certain ethnic cohorts and it exists in the yobbo cohort as well as those I referred to in the last paragraph.

Domestic violence against women has been happening in Australia since colonialism and that macho type of male domination over women has not ended. Look at the exclusive boys clubs.

Domestic violence isn't only men assaulting women (assault is not just physical, it is mental as well), domestic violence is also women assaulting men - it's violence, full stop and the blame should not be apportioned just to men.

It is a societal problem that has it's roots in the type of scenarios as brought up by CM86.

DM is a learned action. It is not bred into people, it is taught to people from their elders and re-enforced or initiated by the overwhelming reach of violent media, printed and electronic and unless we make a concerted effort to curtail this insidious intrusion as well as educate, then this will just keep happenning.

In the short term, we must take all complaints of violence seriously and not see some violence and bulling, as trivial because it only perpetuates the tragic scenarios that are played out everyday.

I tend to agree with most of what you've written tbh. I'm not sure of the link between people being critical of women's footy and domestic violence, it seems like a lot try to link the two. I know plenty of female footy fans who say disparaging things about the women's game too which is something you don't hear much about.

Also on the bolded I think bands like Judas Priest have been blamed for horrific crimes in the past and they've never been found to be liable. In short it's not violent entertainment (movies, music etc) that causes people to act out violence in real life.
I see part of the ongoing dv crisis as a legacy of war. Until quite recently we had generations of men walking around with chronic undiagnosed ptsd and while not excusing violence it often came with the territory and it was my parent's generation that saw that and had it colour their upbringing so that legacy still exists. It's no excuse for the abusers these days but it can help explain where some of the behaviour was learned.

This is key, people need to realise that finding reasons for things like DV is not seeking to excuse it but explain it and potentially prevent it in the future.
Domestic violence exists in every country and has been a scourge throughout history, even if it wasn't talked about until recent decades.

It definitely pre-dates the internet, and stopping teenage boys from watching pr0n isn't going to solve it. Trying to keep tech-savvy teenagers from certain parts of the internet is about as effective as having pissing and non-pissing sections of the same public pool.
Domestic violence exists in every country and has been a scourge throughout history, even if it wasn't talked about until recent decades.

It definitely pre-dates the internet, and stopping teenage boys from watching pr0n isn't going to solve it. Trying to keep tech-savvy teenagers from certain parts of the internet is about as effective as having pissing and non-pissing sections of the same public pool.
Probably not the thread for it, but that will not be solved unfortunately until the current generation - who have always had the internet - are majority in government.

Current politicians only have a limited understanding and can only have a limited understanding of everything you can do online. Even people who are younger who grew up with the internet can't really know what it's like for your first picture to be in Instagram or Facebook; for you to have images distributed on Whatsapp before you could talk; to have an Insta profile for you ran by your parents when you were tiny. You've always been online; your interactions with the real world are shaped by those in digital spaces.

For those above a certain age - myself included - we chose the degree to which we interact with the internet. For all who were born after it, they had no choice about their place online; they simply have always been there.
I don't think society could get much worse brother.

We live in one of the most liberated countries on the planet.

Yet, here you are, claiming we live in a dystopian society. Please explain how dystopian our society is.

I think you need to look around the world and realize how lucky we are to live in a society we have.

Granted there is DV, but to suggest we live in dystopia is ridiculous.

We live in one of the most liberated countries on the planet.

Yet, here you are, claiming we live in a dystopian society. Please explain how dystopian our society is.

I think you need to look around the world and realize how lucky we are to live in a society we have.

Granted there is DV, but to suggest we live in dystopia is ridiculous.
C'mon man. Do some volunteer work at the emergency department at any major hospital and you'll see first hand how f***ed our society has become. It used to be that Fridays Saturdays and Sundays were shockers, now it's every night of the week. Drugs, assaults ... you name it, we get.

We don't live in a dystopian Australia but we must not just brush over what is happening. We also have to stop mythologising about being the "lucky country" because it lets disgraceful public policies of the past years of the hook.

Have you seen the number of homeless people in our country right now? We had 60% of the electorate tell us that they are either dumb or racist or both just a few months back. We see in the polls that a migrant nation is saying that migration is a "danger"!

The more we delude ourselves into thinking that we re still a hunky dory country, the worse it gets.

I am not suggesting that we are in the USA's league as a society but we are sitting back either winging or comfortable and when things get out of hand, we look to blame others.
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Domestic violence exists in every country and has been a scourge throughout history, even if it wasn't talked about until recent decades.

It definitely pre-dates the internet, and stopping teenage boys from watching pr0n isn't going to solve it. Trying to keep tech-savvy teenagers from certain parts of the internet is about as effective as having pissing and non-pissing sections of the same public pool.
You do raise an important issue. How do we therefore educate tech-savvy teenagers that violence is a bad thing, not "cool" and an accepted part of life?
You do raise an important issue. How do we therefore educate tech-savvy teenagers that violence is a bad thing, not "cool" and an accepted part of life?

This scenario does happen in real life, half a century ago it was an accepted norm.

And that is the 'casual ' attitude that is a factor in this problem that you point out.

Now? If anyone found out that you we're treating your kid and wife this way, your mates would probably give you a severe beating and would no longer be your mates.

Interesting that in Carringbush's response, a violent action is referenced as a likely and acceptable consequence. I don't think it's just teenagers we need to educate about violence being an accepted part of life.

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C'mon man. Do some volunteer work at the emergency department at any major hospital and you'll see first hand how f***ed our society has become. It used to be that Fridays Saturdays and Sundays were shockers, now it's every night of the week. Drugs, assaults ... you name it, we get.

We don't live in a dystopian Australia but we must not just brush over what is happening. We also have to stop mythologising about being the "lucky country" because it lets disgraceful public policies of the past years of the hook.

Have you seen the number of homeless people in our country right now? We had 60% of the electorate tell us that they are either dumb or racist or both just a few months back. We see in the polls that a migrant nation is saying that migration is a "danger"!

The more we delude ourselves into thinking that we re still a hunky dory country, the worse it gets.

I am not suggesting that we are in the USA's league as a society but we are sitting back either winging or comfortable and when things get out of hand, we look to blame others.
Well all I can gather from that is that you're a pessimist.

I'm not disputing the problems you've outlined here, none the less, you've highlighted them in a rather widespread this is how society is nature.

There's always, ALWAYS horrible personal stories REGARDLESS.

You portray it like a widespread dystopia, and that it is certainly not.

If anyone believed you they'd believe that every man and his son is willing to harm women, when that is very VERY far from reality.
Interesting that in Carringbush's response, a violent action is referenced as a likely and acceptable consequence. I don't think it's just teenagers we need to educate about violence being an accepted part of life.
Could you please explain your accusation that I've labelled violence as an 'accepted part of life'.

If you don't come up with a reasonable explanation I'll report you.

I'll give you reasonable time.

We live in one of the most liberated countries on the planet.

Yet, here you are, claiming we live in a dystopian society. Please explain how dystopian our society is.

I think you need to look around the world and realize how lucky we are to live in a society we have.

Granted there is DV, but to suggest we live in dystopia is ridiculous.
I don't think it's fair to claim we live in a utopia when there is such high levels of homelessness, violence and homicide.
Please explain how our society is a utopia.
I think it makes a mockery of all the victims of domestic violence to suggest we live in a utopia.

Sure there are a wealth of positives in Australia, but to suggest it's utopic is wrong.
Of course it is.

Those who were born pre 1980 I reckon, and there's a lot of them around, what CM86 described is par for the course. It may seem strange to some, but this type of scenario was common and still exists.

It exists in certain ethnic cohorts and it exists in the yobbo cohort as well as those I referred to in the last paragraph.

Domestic violence against women has been happening in Australia since colonialism and that macho type of male domination over women has not ended. Look at the exclusive boys clubs.

Domestic violence isn't only men assaulting women (assault is not just physical, it is mental as well), domestic violence is also women assaulting men - it's violence, full stop and the blame should not be apportioned just to men.

It is a societal problem that has it's roots in the type of scenarios as brought up by CM86.

DM is a learned action. It is not bred into people, it is taught to people from their elders and re-enforced or initiated by the overwhelming reach of violent media, printed and electronic and unless we make a concerted effort to curtail this insidious intrusion as well as educate, then this will just keep happenning.

In the short term, we must take all complaints of violence seriously and not see some violence and bulling, as trivial because it only perpetuates the tragic scenarios that are played out everyday.
Well said, and thank you.

I think for some people, such a benign sounding scenario being some part of the problem, hits a bit too close to home... So they take it as a personal attack and respond defensively.

The people who often contribute to that kind of scenario often insist that there is no inequality and refuse to think they could have anything to improve on.

It's unfortunate that ignorance and apathy have become 'noble' traits. Whereas education and passion are viewed as 'woke' and are to be ridiculed.

We live in one of the most liberated countries on the planet.

Yet, here you are, claiming we live in a dystopian society. Please explain how dystopian our society is.

And yet whenever anyone says that there is a gender imbalance in wealth, income, rights, opportunity you get a bunch of people griping "tell me how this is true of a homeless man compared to a rich woman living in Toorak".

Even in those poor countries you invariably find a rich elite.

With the income gap widening between the top and the bottom, we will end up like one of those not-so-liberated countries.
Could you please explain your accusation that I've labelled violence as an 'accepted part of life'.

If you don't come up with a reasonable explanation I'll report you.

I'll give you reasonable time.

Did you not think about your post? You said that if "mates" discovered you were treating your wife and child in a particular way, they would subject you to a beating. How else should that be interpreted, aside from you expressing a belief that such a beating is an societally accepted consequence for this behaviour?

If you don't like this, why did you include a beating as a consequence? Why not just say "mates won't speak to you anymore"?
And yet whenever anyone says that there is a gender imbalance in wealth, income, rights, opportunity you get a bunch of people griping "tell me how this is true of a homeless man compared to a rich woman living in Toorak".

Even in those poor countries you invariably find a rich elite.

With the income gap widening between the top and the bottom, we will end up like one of those not-so-liberated countries.
A bunch of people? Like this is some sort of normal and widespread response? Nah wouldn't have thought so, but if you wanna link evidence of your claim, go right ahead.

Even in those poor countries you invariably find a rich elite. What is your point here?

With the income gap widening between the top and the bottom, we will end up like one of those not-so-liberated countries.

There's always, always been income gaps, this is not new, I highly doubt we'll fall into 'not so liberated'
I don't think it's fair to claim we live in a utopia when there is such high levels of homelessness, violence and homicide.
Please explain how our society is a utopia.
I think it makes a mockery of all the victims of domestic violence to suggest we live in a utopia.

Sure there are a wealth of positives in Australia, but to suggest it's utopic is wrong.
Never claimed we live in utopia, that is an impossible.

I'm not sure how you come to such a dramatic conclusion, but play on.
Did you not think about your post? You said that if "mates" discovered you were treating your wife and child in a particular way, they would subject you to a beating. How else should that be interpreted, aside from you expressing a belief that such a beating is an societally accepted consequence for this behaviour?

If you don't like this, why did you include a beating as a consequence? Why not just say "mates won't speak to you anymore"?
That does not equate to 'accepted', I clearly alluded that would be expected.

There is a clear distinct difference between the two, but I'm not surprised you can't see that.

This is not a reasonable explanation of your accusation.
A bunch of people? Like this is some sort of normal and widespread response? Nah wouldn't have thought so, but if you wanna link evidence of your claim, go right ahead.

Even in those poor countries you invariably find a rich elite. What is your point here?

With the income gap widening between the top and the bottom, we will end up like one of those not-so-liberated countries.

There's always, always been income gaps, this is not new, I highly doubt we'll fall into 'not so liberated'

Maybe your point is too opaque to be deciphered.

I tried.
A bunch of people? Like this is some sort of normal and widespread response? Nah wouldn't have thought so, but if you wanna link evidence of your claim, go right ahead.

Even in those poor countries you invariably find a rich elite. What is your point here?

With the income gap widening between the top and the bottom, we will end up like one of those not-so-liberated countries.

There's always, always been income gaps, this is not new, I highly doubt we'll fall into 'not so liberated'

Growing income inequality is a major issue, you can easily end up with a society like South Africa if it grows too far and too wide.

The US is grappling with issues due to income inequality as well, covid saw that divide grow enormously.
Smashing the all **** out of your partner every week for 30 years is one thing, but I'm surprised smaller incidences don't happen more. they probably do but just aren't reported.

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