Drugs II

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Some friends have shown interest in progressing past weed. What would you recommend for 18 year olds?

A good book.

Albert Camus is a good place to start.
Got some Koota shrooms on the go!

Had a few lines of coke with a few blokes in the footy fraternity on Sunday night, some of the best shit I've had in years..... was lucky enough to obtain the number of some pretty handy people!

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For someone or a group of people trying any hallucinogens for the first time I recommend doing it this way.

Get the drugs you want to take, all go to someones house where you ahve thep lace to yourselves and drink some beers, relax and if the mood is good and everyones feeling happy then take the LSD/Shrooms etc. If you are ina and stay in a good mood while tripping you will ahve a good time but if you are in a bad mood or in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable environment then it could turn bad.
^^ What does 'it could turn bad' mean though? I've heard that a bad trip could **** you up for a long time, possibly forever. What does that mean though? What sort of things could happen to you?
^^ What does 'it could turn bad' mean though? I've heard that a bad trip could **** you up for a long time, possibly forever. What does that mean though? What sort of things could happen to you?

Happy messed up thoughts turn to deep dark confusion and paranoia, hallucinations become scary and evil, etc...... go through the trip reports on Erowid and check out some of the bad trips. While I'm sure there are people who have permanently damaged themselves I seriously doubt it was one bad trip that was the sole problem, it's more likely they had deep psychological issues to begin with and the bad trip just triggered something.
A few experiences are likely to have little/minimal effects, however I have seen freinds first hand become zombies after prolonged abuse.

The problem with a lot of the stuff out there is that you just dont know what it's being cut with.
The yayo round at the moment is as good as it has ever been in Australia, probably the best ever at "street" level in our history (well, since after it was made illegal).

Given the Sinaloa boys would be getting about a 1000 per cent mark up selling here to what they get in the US, at equivalent dollar rates, you can see why they are flooding it in.

But remember kids - every single line you take has the blood of innocents on it!


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That's true, the law is supposed to be representative of public opinion.

In fact it's supposed to be a 'cornerstone' of our legal system..

The latest census figures show that 35.4% of Australians have used cannabis at some time in their life and 7.7% of the population used cannabis in over a 12 month period in 2009 (1.68 million people).

Polls all over the place show majority support for the decriminalisation of cannabis.

The current scenario simply highlights that Australia is a flawed democratic constitutional structure and the current laws are not representative of the will of the people.


Because it is politically expedient and financially opportunistic to keep the drug war going.

A whole lot of bureaucrats are going to be out of jobs if prohibition is dismantled and politicians will be less able to resort to sensationalist doomsayer crap in order to get themselves elected. The Hobbsian social contract mentality of the High Courts further shackles Australian citizens in a colonial, victorian era man trap.

We need a revolution in this country and it isn't going to come from the corporate opportunists and self indulgent careerists that masquerade as our "leaders"
Drugs are illegal in Australia because a few people that made up the cabinet of the time decided by never revealed reasoning to make Australia a signatory of the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961.

Federal laws were then enacted followed by state laws. The states are now effectively constitutionally shackled in place by an international treaty decided by a hand full of men who were no doubt strongly persuaded by foreigners.

So much for democracy.
Drugs are illegal in Australia because a few people that made up the cabinet of the time decided by never revealed reasoning to make Australia a signatory of the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961.

Federal laws were then enacted followed by state laws. The states are now effectively constitutionally shackled in place by an international treaty decided by a hand full of men who were no doubt strongly persuaded by foreigners.

So much for democracy.

I'm for the decriminalization of weed, but that's where it stops. Cocaine, speed, heroin, ice/meth do nothing but destroy lives.

Weed has no worse of an effect than alcohol and prolonged abuse of alcohol destroys lives.

There will always be the extremes of substance abuse, but that isn't limited to weed.
I never agreed that the legal limit for P-Platers should be 0.00 but you know what, if I have one beer I don't drive. Pretty simple

Don't whinge that the cops arrest people that are knowingly breaking the law.
I never agreed that the legal limit for P-Platers should be 0.00 but you know what, if I have one beer I don't drive. Pretty simple

In a democracy the governmment are supposed to represent the will of the people not the other way around.

Alcohol and driving are absurd rationales for any prohibition related arguments. No one is advocating taking ketamine and flying a Boeing 767.

Don't whinge that the cops arrest people that are knowingly breaking the law.

The police are simply the enforcement arm of the state.

They do not have optimum control of public policy but they do have a vested professional interest in this topic and lobby accordingly.
Don't break the law.

Your exceptional insights add so much to this debate

I was merely suggesting that you don't whinge about the consequences if you ARE going to break the law. I'm pretty much the only one in my peer group that doesn't do drugs, I couldn't give a rats arse what people do in their own time but if they were to start bitching to me about getting persecuted by 'the state' then they can go and get ****ed.

Would disown anyone in my family if they started taking drugs seriously. My younger brother has been dabbling and he has been warned.
I'm also sick of addicts acting like victims all the time. (I realize most of you are not addicts and just take for leisure, this is a different point. I'm talking Cobain level addicts).

"It's a sickness and should be treated like any other"
Ahhh no. People don't inject cancer in their veins or snort small pox every weekend. Take some responsibility for your actions
I was merely suggesting that you don't whinge about the consequences if you ARE going to break the law. I'm pretty much the only one in my peer group that doesn't do drugs, I couldn't give a rats arse what people do in their own time but if they were to start bitching to me about getting persecuted by 'the state' then they can go and get ****ed.

Would disown anyone in my family if they started taking drugs seriously. My younger brother has been dabbling and he has been warned

Even if they'd been butt-****ed by your creepy uncle in their developing years?

You musta ducked out for a piss when they were handing out empathy
I'm also sick of addicts acting like victims all the time. (I realize most of you are not addicts and just take for leisure, this is a different point. I'm talking Cobain level addicts).

"It's a sickness and should be treated like any other"
Ahhh no. People don't inject cancer in their veins or snort small pox every weekend. Take some responsibility for your actions

You have no idea as to what you are talking about and present as a 12 year old child attempting to impress others with your infantile notions of "the world is a hard place" type crap.

Add something productive to this thread or get back in the sand pit, action man.
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