Religion Folau

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Folau probably would’ve gotten away with it if he was a Muslim. Their homophobia is exempt from lefty criticism.

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God response, but control over adult marraige should not even be a government power.

There are two historical reasons why marriage is up to the government.

1) Henry II and Beckett - essentially the argument between them was should all people should be judged by state law or has was the case in those days, members of the clergy were only answerable to church law (canon law).

2) Henry VIII cracking it with the church over their refusal to let him divorce Catherine of Aragon.

From there marriage has become an act of state law known as common law.
What's stopping you changing your name to West Coast Big Fella?

For someone so terrified of evil woke corporate overlords, you seem to be desperate for people to be able to access them for fundraising.

He's got far more legal options open to him than the thousands of people left to lean on Legal Aid or the Aboriginal Legal Service around Australia each day.
Getting bizarre now. People having a crack at netballer Maria Folau for supporting her husband.

That is over reach from Liz Ellis and she should pull her head in because Maria isn't responsible for her husbands actions.
For someone so terrified of evil woke corporate overlords, you seem to be desperate for people to be able to access them for fundraising.

I respect you for calling them what they are.

I mean, who needs politics anymore? Let's just place corporations in their respective political camps and play them off against each other.

GoFundMe decides that Folau doesn't have the right to lobby for funding for a legal defence, but on the flip side, GlaxoSmithKline just denied you Lasmictal, so it looks as though your epilepsy is going to be causing you some issues.
Indeed, calling all gay people evil sinners who will go to hell and endure eternal torture isn't hateful at all
Reproduce his Instagram post. He listed a whole heaps of sins and said repent now so you won’t go to Hell. It was a post from a religious person trying to save people.
Now, my personal belief is that a loving God wouldn’t send people to Hell. Hell is only for the devil and his demons.
A fair percentage of people don’t even believe in Hell. Automatically that should stop most of the people who are being outraged from even giving a flying ****.
GoFundMe should be forced to ensure all donations are given to Folau. They’ve had three days of inaction so it’s obvious that even they don’t think he was discriminating against anyone.

Forget about that, GoFundMe should be deregistered and completely shut down.

The entire corporate selective moralising model needs to be scrutinised.

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GoFundMe decides that Folau doesn't have the right to lobby for funding for a legal defence, but on the flip side, GlaxoSmithKline just denied you Lasmictal, so it looks as though your epilepsy is going to be causing you some issues.

That you can't see any difference between these two situations is a testament to the unhinging effects of the culture wars.

There's countless options available to Folau for fundraising; he can sell his properties, he can rattle tins on the street, he can go door to door. I'm sure Sky News would happily offer him some discount ad rates given how outraged the After Dark crowd seem to be this evening.

No one, however, is obliged to give him money or a platform.
That you can't see any difference between these two situations is a testament to the unhinging effects of the culture wars.

There's countless options available to Folau for fundraising; he can sell his properties, he can rattle tins on the street, he can go door to door. I'm sure Sky News would happily offer him some discount ad rates given how outraged the After Dark crowd seem to be this evening.

No one, however, is obliged to give him money or a platform.
Neither Coles nor Woolworths are obliged to sell him groceries.
Would have thought the entire Old Testament applied to the Israelites or simply the adherents of Judaism. Always funny when people forget that the main man of Christianity was a Jew.
Ergo Leviticus still applies.
I’ve read the whole thing nearly three times, a chapter a day front to back, I’m unlikely to forget who the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah is.
Is it Leviticus that still applies or just Leviticus 19:28 so the internet can attack the man and not the ball?
The only time I've ever seen someone kicked out of a Coles or Woolies (shoplifters aside) is a bloke who was paralytically drunk and smearing his blood on the windows.

Is that the sort of level you feel Folau is operating at?
No. I don't expect some store manager would make the call on Israel, it would come from corporate headquarters.
Which means the terms and conditions can be applied arbitrarily.

But you don't care about the consequences of all of this, because in this case, somebody with opinions you hate has been stooged.

I for one hope this gets to the High Court. Let's get a better idea of which direction this country is heading in.
As an employer I agree, very interested in the outcomes of this case.
Who should enforce that they continue providing him with a service?
I didn’t say that they should be forced to keep providing him with a service.
You’re not reading what I posted. My view is that GoFundMe obviously provided him with a service as they didn’t give a shit that he was fundraising for three days. Only when the eternally outraged complained did they decide to not provide him with a service. Therefore, the money raised should be given to Folau.

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