Magic Mushrooms

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I feel like there was a thread on this. Anyway here goes.

Shrooms are hard to describe but I'll have a go.
It all depends on dosage and setting.

To make this easier lets say little dose and big dose. Big dose being 2 grams plus for example.

So if you have a big dose with your friends you will all laugh uncontralaughly together giggle and have a great time. Things will be moving around and colours changing, peoples faces even change . You will also have introspective moments where you get a life lesson, your whole being will be questioned, you will feel at one with nature, your ego will get stripped back. You kind of realise we are just living things like plants etc and nothing really matters. Things can get a little bit scary but not like high dose acid where it lasts so long... for me anyway.

On a big dose I have no idea how anyone can go put in public. In fact being around people that are not on it could even be scary. Being in nature is amazing.

Small doses you don't get the visuals and colours but you also don't giggle like when with friends. You just get all that introprpesctive thinking part. The thinking part is deep and it kind of makes you realise things about yourself, and they can be harsh realities you don't like hearing.. maybe thinking about family, how you treat people, what's important and what isn't, what you are doing with your life, things you need to fix with others, maybe any bad things you are putting in your body blah blah and then you question these thoughts-are they the truth deep down?/ And most of the time I think they probably are.

Having your ego stripped back can be a good thing. So overall I think mushrooms really ground you and teach you things and possibly make you a better person.
I can't comment on their depression benefits. I know intensive studies are being undertaken now. I can 100 per cent see their value in fixing trauma and helping people move forward in life. I also think they would be highly beneficial for people with anger management, aggression issues or people that have committed violent acts or have a propensity for violence. I'm convinced mushrooms give you a reality check and calm you down, ground you fuerthermore humble you.... so they may be good for *******s in general.

Overall I can see how they are definitely beneficial. If you are doing fo the first time I would start low dose. You could seriously freak out as the trip gets intense in parts but as I said nothing like ahi dose acid. I would make sure I wasn't in public and with close friends.

Should they be illegal? Absolutely not-how can someone from the government say you are a criminal if you eat a mushroom found in the forest-get the * out of here.
Having said that the only problem with legality I see is the driving part and or using in a work or public setting. No one should be anywhere near a vechile or in any sought of public responsibility role on these things... that's why the legality part is grey.

So to sum up, yes I like them but you need to start off low dose or be with people you trust in right setting.
And I think they should be used medically for people with trauma, anger, abusive (physically and mentally) , have no empathy, socipoaths and engage in violent acts. Shrooms will make these people who dont have the capacity to reflect on their actions think a lot and calm them down and help them become better people IMO.

That is very general because everyone is different, but I hope it answers your question.
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I feel like there was a thread on this. Anyway here goes.

Shrooms are hard to describe but I'll have a go.
It all depends on dosage and setting.

To make this easier lets say little dose and big dose. Big dose being 2 grams plus for example.

So if you have a big dose with your friends you will all laugh uncontralaughly together giggle and have a great time. Things will be moving around and colours changing, peoples faces even change . You will also have introspective moments where you get a life lesson, your whole being will be questioned, you will feel at one with nature, your ego will get stripped back. You kind of realise we are just living things like plants etc and nothing really matters. Things can get a little bit scary but not like high dose acid where it lasts so long... for me anyway.

On a big dose I have no idea how anyone can go put in public. In fact being around people that are not on it could even be scary. Being in nature is amazing.

Small doses you don't get the visuals and colours but you also don't giggle like when with friends. You just get all that introprpesctive thinking part. The thinking part is deep and it kind of makes you realise things about yourself, and they can be harsh realities you don't like hearing.. maybe thinking about family, how you treat people, what's important and what isn't, what you are doing with your life, things you need to fix with others, maybe any bad things you are putting in your body blah blah and then you question these thoughts-are they the truth deep down?/ And most of the time I think they probably are.

Having your ego stripped back can be a good thing. So overall I think mushrooms really ground you and teach you things and possibly make you a better person.
I can't comment on their depression benefits. I know intensive studies are being undertaken now. I can 100 per cent see their value in fixing trauma and helping people move forward in life. I also think they would be highly beneficial for people with anger management, aggression issues or people that have committed violent acts or have a propensity for violence. I'm convinced mushrooms give you a reality check and calm you down, ground you fuerthermore humble you.... so they may be good for *******s in general.

Overall I can see how they are definitely beneficial. If you are doing fo the first time I would start low dose. You could seriously freak out as the trip gets intense in parts but as I said nothing like ahi dose acid. I would make sure I wasn't in public and with close friends.

Should they be illegal? Absolutely not-how can someone from the government say you are a criminal if you eat a mushroom found in the forest-get the * out of here.
Having said that the only problem with legality I see is the driving part and or using in a work or public setting. No one should be anywhere near a vechile or in any sought of public responsibility role on these things... that's why the legality part is grey.

So to sum up, yes I like them but you need to start off low dose or be with people you trust in right setting.
And I think they should be used medically for people with trauma, anger, abusive (physically and mentally) , have no empathy, socipoaths and engage in violent acts. Shrooms will make these people who dont have the capacity to reflect on their actions think a lot and calm them down and help them become better people IMO.

That is very general because everyone is different, but I hope it answers your question.

yeah thanks and yeah you're right we touched on it in depression thread.

Very interesting.

I am trying to wrap my head around the benefits too. I need more experience.

Thanks for response. They are becoming so popular now.

Always cool to get samples of people's thinking.

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Good fun. Never done a heroic dose of mushies, but always find them and acid to be a good reset to the system. My only rule is that I never do either of them when I'm under any sort of mental stress.
I do them once a year, maybe twice a year at most. Only because I can't get them when I want. I have no reliable source and never been hunting for them. I would definitely do them more if I did. Maybe once a month. Not sure.

I have never done them alone. Only with exactly the same small group of close friends.

Agree with what is written above .

I will add this:

-I feel like they are good for you unlike other drugs like coke and meth which are so addictive/destructive.
-There is no come down like depression after other drugs only a nice peaceful afterglow and nice sleep.
-They also act like an anti inflammatory for me, my aches and pains go away my body feels light.

When I'm on them I do have moments where I'm thinking this is a bit much and its not that enjoyable but then it goes it waves and I start smiling again. And after I always feel like yeah I definitely want to do that again but in the moment in can be a little much. So I'm not sure they would be good for some people.
Also when on on them I'm not sure if I am hot or cold hungry or thirsty etc. Just something I notice.

Also as written above would love to hear of anyone who has done them out in a crowd. For me it would be terrifying.
I attribute a large dose magic mushrooms to kicking my depression ~13 years ago.
These days LSD is my jam as it goes well solo and mixes well with K which is ideal for festivals.
For me Shrooms tends to be more internal mind stuff with less external visuals.
And LSD tends to be more external with less internal mind stuff, though a high dose of LSD ticks both boxes.
Both for me are a chance to 'defrag' my mind and do a bit of a check in with myself and re-set the system.

Wouldn't advocate for doing shrooms when out interacting with the general public, it requires a controlled environment for best results and to prevent bad trips where paranoia sets in.

For psychedelics in general my guide to a good trip is as follows:
*Do it at home, or a mate's place where you're unlikely to be interrupted
*Clear your schedule for the day
*Start early, I find an 11am-3pm start is optimal
*Have plenty of blankets/oodie/warm socks or whatever your comfort warmth is
*Stock up on snacks and things you'll likely want mid trip. It can be healthy stuff (blueberries and strawberries are a winner) and juice, or unhealthy stuff like chocolate or alcohol. Everything will taste more enhanced when tripping
*For your first couple of times do it with someone who has experience and can trip set. This is important
*Tee up some music in advance
*Try and be healthy the couple of days before. Intermittent fasting, minimal alcohol and fast food tends to give the best results
*Know how long it will take to kick in, and what the duration and peaks will be. It depends on the specifics for each type of shroom or each tab, though overarching they're much of a muchness from one trip to the next
*If you're not sure on the dosage, or you're inexperienced, always err on the side of doing less rather than more
*Don't play around at the heavy end of the space unless you're well prepared to do so
Never tried mushies but have experienced LSD (somewhat similar). Will differ for different people. Set and setting are important.

The biggest effect for me was post-trip; ego death. Brutal. Healthy but brutal.

If you are considering consuming psychedelics be conscientious about it. Probably not a good idea if you're not in a good head state or if pregnant.

Erowid is a fabulous resource for reading about the experiences of other people: Index (Front Page) : Erowid Experience Vaults
For psychedelics in general my guide to a good trip is as follows:
*Do it at home, or a mate's place where you're unlikely to be interrupted
*Clear your schedule for the day
*Start early, I find an 11am-3pm start is optimal
*Have plenty of blankets/oodie/warm socks or whatever your comfort warmth is
*Stock up on snacks and things you'll likely want mid trip. It can be healthy stuff (blueberries and strawberries are a winner) and juice, or unhealthy stuff like chocolate or alcohol. Everything will taste more enhanced when tripping
*For your first couple of times do it with someone who has experience and can trip set. This is important
*Tee up some music in advance
*Try and be healthy the couple of days before. Intermittent fasting, minimal alcohol and fast food tends to give the best results
*Know how long it will take to kick in, and what the duration and peaks will be. It depends on the specifics for each type of shroom or each tab, though overarching they're much of a muchness from one trip to the next
*If you're not sure on the dosage, or you're inexperienced, always err on the side of doing less rather than more
*Don't play around at the heavy end of the space unless you're well prepared to do so

Great advice.
I'm shocking with recreationals, if I have them I take them.

Yet I've had some psilocyb caps here for months and tried them - they just didn't do much for me, which is why they're still here. And it's been over a decade since I had the real thing.

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I'm shocking with recreationals, if I have them I take them.

Yet I've had some psilocyb caps here for months and tried them - they just didn't do much for me, which is why they're still here. And it's been over a decade since I had the real thing.

Dose isn't big enough.

Or did you mean you didn't enjoy it.

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