My next pair of glasses: Heavy black frames or frameless?

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You decide!


(Ignore the desperately trendy clothing)

As it says on

Actress had on the black frame glassesGradeDifferent, unified actor who seems much more, counting up, it seems that only this square black-rimmed glasses, has been high in the actor’s preferences chart. Street beat either photographed or stage show, could not find a more appropriateAccessoriesWhen a tide flavor “Black Fang” will make modeling more flavor.

Food for thought.

Although these ones apparently get the hot Swedish TV chicks:

Leave the heavy black horn-rimmed jobbies to the hipsters. Looked great on Harry Palmer though


My NHS prescription goggles were constantly scorned back in the day, now . . . .

I like the round wire-rimmed


If you're an aspring secret agent, cannae go past the browline horn rimmer


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Mine are like indie negro in the middle....who is that? OR a little like Timbergeezies.

Glasses are something you HAVE to try on first though. Depends on your face.
Can't offer advice unless I see your face. You gotta go with what best suits your face shape and compliments your features.

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But seriously, the heavy black frames are going to date badly. Go frameless or a more modern-styled wire-rimmed.


I have friends who have been wearing a variation of them for 10 years. Look at Louis Theroux.

Get black rimmed glasses cheif and own that look!
I've got some that sit between wire-framed and thick-framed.


Suit me fine. Too extreme in either direction and I reckon you're approaching something that'll date.

As opposed to something that never looked good?

Sorry but you and caesar would have to be the most conservative posters on this site and maybe in Australia.

;) ;)
People wore leisure suits for more than 10 years in the 70s and 80s.

Yeah well the friends i'm referring to are at the cutting edge!

I'd take your advice over theirs if I wanted to join a country club - actually maybe not even because they'd have better ideas.
There's nothing more desperate than someone who wants to be cutting edge.

You have just vilified the entire suburb of Fitzroy (and the cheaper satellite suburbs).
Oh man, spare me someone in their 30s who still reckons they're on the cutting edge of fashion.
A guy like Louis Theroux doesn't even wear particularly heavy frames. Chief is posting some buddy holly shit up there. Not the greatest look for australia's (Bahama's for tax purposes) wealthiest online-sports-social-media mogul.

And there is no way you'd get into a country club. Caesar would see to that.

But seriously, the heavy black frames are going to date badly. Go frameless or a more modern-styled wire-rimmed.

I wear heavy black frames - I have tried frameless but I always end up breaking them. Went to a bar in Fitzroy recently and the number of hipster doofuses wearing them was very unsettling.

Can't do contacts because I had a few terrible experiences in my uni days after nights on the piss - the fused to the eyes crap is terrible

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