Non Lions Discussion 2024

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So it makes sense to have a very good turnover game as you get far more opportunities to score via that method.

We have been good with our turnover game over the last few years haven't we?
We were very good for about 2/3rds to 3/4ths of last season, but it sort of deserted us late in the season. (This is just going on Hoyne from Champion Data and his weekly stats segments in SEN last year)

Prior to that we were a far more dominant score-from-stoppage team which was why a fair few "experts" maintained their reservations about us even when we were up and about in 2019-2022.

Empirically we all saw it in 2022 as well. Remember how much trouble we'd have getting the ball back off the opposition whenever we lost it, and how exposed we looked defensively. Unfortunately this came back to haunt us in the Grand Final last year.

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I’m all for people being afforded a second chance and the ability to make amends for the things they’ve done.

However, TT is in a position that probably 0.1% of society is in. All the support and resources he could need were provided by North and he was given multiple chances. Playing AFL is a privilege that TT has forfeited.
My big issue with TT is that it's at least his third chance.

I'm fine with second chances. Make one mistake, you shouldn't necessarily have to have that define your life. Make the same mistake a second time, you've shown you haven't learned shit and now I'm not cutting you any slack any more - fool me once, etc. TT can undoubtedly make a career in country footy if he wants, but if he comes back into the AFL without at least a year or two off to contemplate his situation I have zero confidence he's learned shit.
I really like Mitch Hinge as a player and I know this may be controversial, but I reckon I’d take him above any of our non KPD on our list including Kiddy. He’s such a smooth mover and love his kick. I’m going to go there on Benny Keays too but everyone of our small forwards should take a leaf out of his book with his tackling and endeavour. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a Lion replicate his defensive forward work than Fly in his hey day.
Hard to argue with Hamish Brayshaws open letter to the AFL


Dear AFL,

I normally swear on here and act like an idiot, however there will be no profanity or hyperbole in this letter. These are my honest and bewildered thoughts as a current player and lifetime fan of the greatest game in the world.

The tribunal and match review panel are single-handedly destroying the game. You are making it impossible to play in good spirit, you’re making it impossible to adjudicate and you’re not far off making it impossible to support.

Over the past 12 months, this is my interpretation of the rules of the game based on what I am hearing and seeing coming directly from the AFL;

Protect the head at all costs, obviously unless a head knock is as a result of a football act, but then it depends on how hard you get hit in that football act and if the player had any other alternatives, but also the player needs to take into account the potential to cause harm, but of course it shouldn’t depend on the outcome of the opponent, unless of course it does result in a concussion, but even then it depends on the intent, but of course a player is entitled to attack the ball with good technique, but it doesn’t matter if the opposition runs in head first like how every kid playing the game growing up gets taught not to do, but then of course it depends on the state of the game and the time of the year, it depends on whether or not we need to make an example out of someone, but then don’t forget if they have had a clean record in the past and do charity work, but then obviously that can only matter once and never again because from now on that doesn’t count, and it depends on the player, and the team they’re on, but really it all boils down to protecting the head because we’re seeing more players retire from concussion than ever before, but we will still let a guy play next week after punching someone in the face in the goal square because it wasn’t hard enough to hurt them.

I have grown up all my life surrounded by football. Playing football, watching football, my family has been engrossed in the AFL system for decades and I have absolutely no idea what is going on anymore.

My brother is never going to play football again in his whole life because of a jumping smother that turned into a bump that collided with his head. As much as it killed me to watch that, I can put my feelings for Angus aside and say that down to the nuts and bolts of it, Maynard was trying to smother the ball in a qualifying final so technically it was a football act.

You certainly didn’t care all for the outcome there and Brayden went on to win a premiership. That is precedence. That was as big a defining moment for the tribunal as I can remember, and you went with protecting the sanctity of the game over the protection of the player. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with that, but it is breaking me that you are constantly backflipping on that stance.

Peter Wright and Toby Green, 4 weeks and 1 week respectively for football acts with not a whole lot of difference. Jeremy Finlayson got less than Peter Wright for a homophobic slur which once again highlights that nobody at the AFL really knows what’s happening at the tribunal, you just make it up as you see fit.

Matt Crouch has been given a week for picking the ball up the way every single kid playing football is taught to do it. There is goal square footage of Jesse Hogan punching his defender in the face, and he has admitted to swinging with force to try and push his opponent. The AFL’s response “We are not clearly satisfied that was anything more than negligible.” He was swung a fist at a bloke's face and because it didn’t hurt you haven’t given him a week. Punish the action, not the outcome unless the outcome is they’re okay. Ask my little brother Andrew if an intentional swing to the face has the potential to cause harm. Incredible.

We’ve heard enough about Charlie Cameron being let off for being a nice guy but Tom Barrass can’t escape a week for the same thing. The get-out-of-jail-free card only appears once in the deck apparently.

This is my last point and I am going to swear so beep this out if you want. Tom Barrass is staying in Perth and missing one game for a dangerous tackle. I don’t think there was much more he could’ve done differently. Walters played the game out and isn’t concussed but sure, still give Barrass a week if that’s the stance, protect the head at all costs. I can’t physically watch the Melbourne Demons play football anymore because my brother’s brain is going to be f***ed for the rest of his life and you didn’t think that was enough for a week off.

AFL you are the greatest game in the world, but right now you’re a joke. Your systems for protecting the player and maintaining the integrity of the game are broken and desperately need to be fixed. Before they can be fixed you need to actually understand the criteria you want to govern the game by. It needs to be understandable for the public and it needs to be followed. You can’t pick and choose when to dismiss certain things and when to change your views on others. It has to change otherwise this game is going to turn into something unrecognisable and it’s going to happen very quickly.

Yours Sincerely,

Hamish Brayshaw
Not gunna win much with Dixon Marshall and Georgiadis as your tall forwards. How do Dixon and Marshall in particular constantly get a free pass. They suck.
Not gunna win much with Dixon Marshall and Georgiadis as your tall forwards. How do Dixon and Marshall in particular constantly get a free pass. They suck.
Well next week based on what we've seen in recent times, Adelaide have just had a great tune-up for having the exact same game plan thrown at them again next week, by another team that doesn't have much of an idea how to play when confronted with spare men behind the ball.

AND we don't have a contested marking target like Charlie Dixon.
It all just seems a bit labour intensive to me, and the more footy I see over the last 12 months, the more convinced I become that being dominant in a territory sense is not conducive to hitting the scoreboard. It means you've either got to be able to come out the front of stoppages, quickly, or you need to adopt a more patient build up, and be willing to change angles like Boak did to Burgoyne in the middle of the quarter. And even if you do that well, it's highly likely your shot will be from either long range or a tight angle.

It would be wrong to say it's a fraudulent method but I do think it is highly inefficient.

Certainly it seems the best way to generate high quality shots at goal is from being able to force turnovers in your back half and move the ball quickly.
You are really onto it here. Crowding the forward line just makes it so hard to score as its so hard to get room for a clear mark or disposal. Every shot is under too much pressure and becomes a low chance. Rebounding the ball from the back or out of the middle gives the space for the forwards to compete one on one or get an overlap

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Has there been a worse example of mismanaging an injury than Rozee?
Port medical team have such an interesting history in "managing" (or ignoring injuries). Not that long since the Allir concussion debacle. Serious questions on who is making those calls: coach or doctors
Ken Hinkley - Get out there you sook.

It's the allure of "ohhhhh he looks fit and got through all training sessions, am I going to play it safe - not select him, lose the match, look stupid... or am I going to pick him anyway - he gets injured, lose the match, look stupid".
It's the allure of "ohhhhh he looks fit and got through all training sessions, am I going to play it safe - not select him, lose the match, look stupid... or am I going to pick him anyway - he gets injured, lose the match, look stupid".
We have the same people complaining about coaches looking stupid but all you can rely on is the player being honest and the doctors evaluating the player correctly. If they tell you the player is fine or he's at no extra risk by playing, why would you overrule them? The moment you do that you've clearly lost faith in your medical staff.
Nauseating to watch Blues vs, Pies.

Commentators have run out of of players to suck up to before half time. They've done the full 44 already. Then the sub comes on for Collingwood and apparently he's awesome as well.

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