Social Off Topic Thread - House of Dastardly Crax

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Where have you been the last month, Hell Kitty? You go AWOL and then emerge with an avalanche of likes and quotes from three weeks ago. LOL! I can usually follow this thread even when I'm hardly on all day, but when you come back for a cameo appearance the thread explodes with multiple pages in an hours. You're not just a crazy cat lady, you're just a crazy lady!* :p

*Said it the most affectionate way possible
I have barely posted for 3 weeks and feel like I'm drowning in 'likes' ;) it's a lovely feeling, though, cos it means Kitty is back!!!


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"Hoarding illness". Never thought of it in that sort of context. Illnesses are curable....maybe there is hope for me!
Then there's people that are the complete opposite that bloody refuse to keep anything, just throwing stuff that could be recycled or used later for something else.. I probably lean towards the 'hoarder' side slightly but it's not really a problem.

I've had such a time of it! The last of my belongings arrived from Sydney + the double garage is full of boxes! :eek: I've had the builder ripping up floors, putting new ones down, floors sanded. The debacle of the house settlement continued! I had weekend guests, which meant showing them the sights + I am just shattered! I've spent the last two weeks in bed trying to recover, plus a relapse of the illness I have, so I've not been able to do anything! The painter tried to rip me off :mad: The vendor of the house is such a piece of work! He's been in breach of three court judgments + lied to his solicitor about there being a lien on the house + he didn't have the money to pay the debt! Their bank was about to foreclose because they hadn't paid their mortgage! So I've been in limbo for five weeks!

The painter fiasco was very nasty! Told me one cost of painting the hall, took 16 days to do it, when it would take another painter a week :rolleyes: + then jacked up the price, two days after he told me the first amount to be paid! I told him I'd pay the higher price because it was preferable than having him bad mouth me all over town + he was highly offended, said he'd NEVER do that!!! I asked him for an invoice + to leave it under the front door, which he refused to do! He rang + rang + rang the front door bell, then knocked + knocked + knocked. Went to the back door + pounded. I didn't want to speak to him because of his behaviour! Then he rang me non-stop from 1:30 to 7:30 :mad: I put a note above the front door bell, which said 'please leave the invoice under the door, stop ringing the bell + banging on the doors, stop ringing me incessantly, because your behaviour is bordering on harassment!' He ignored that + the next day repeated the same thing! :mad: I answered the phone at 7:30pm + said to stop his nonsense, just to leave the invoice! :rolleyes:
But he decided to tell people that I'd sacked him with a 'letter stuck to the front door'! One of my friends told me it was all over town that I'd sacked him! :rolleyes: God only knows why he lied! :mad: Sent him a text to collect $$$ on a Friday + he rang demanding it that day, a Tuesday :mad: but I was going out + didn't have cash at home + so he twisted that by saying to me "Aren't you going to pay me?" :mad: :mad: :mad: Seriously, I've never experienced behaviour like it! He's changed the price of painting the hall five times! Because he bad mouthed me I paid him the original amount plus $200, which was with a letter telling him off lol Normally, I'd tell someone like that to eff off, but because it's such a small town, I need to be polite.

I'm just exhausted!

Bet you're sorry you asked me now :p :D

The thing is, I pay tradies as soon as they finish a job! Bang, cash or EFT the $$$ + never make them wait! But the painter was such a pelican + behaved so badly, I thought I'd make him wait from the Monday to the Friday lol + he completely lost it! When I told him I'd pay him on Friday + he did his twisted 'aren't you going to pay me?', he took $600 off the bill if I would pay him that day! :eek: The price kept going up then down the up then down again, it was nuts!

BTW I take your comment that: "You're not just a crazy cat lady, you're just a crazy lady!" as the most wonderful compliment! ;)
This is my brain, trying to read all of that....

the poor little marble is simply exhausted!!

Kitty, that is such shit behaviour. Is he a registered painter? I wonder if you can complain about his behaviour to someone who might do something about it?
Been pretty good lately. A different role at work on better hours the last 3 weeks....feel almost human.:)
Actually have a funny story from today. My other half loves op shops. Since coming down from Broken Hill to live with me in January this year she has found Frankston to be her own little op shop utopia. But she has found an even greater love recently...hard rubbish fossicking! Every day, much to my mild annoyance, she brings home this and that. I roll my eyes and say "Do we really need this and that?" Her standard reply is "Well if we don't, I might know someone else that does." I don't continue because it gets me no where and if she enjoys it...well what the hell. So today I get home and over a coffee she says "Guess what I found today?" I look at her all world weary and say "Can't possibly imagine, put me out of my misery." So she takes some things out of her purse and puts them on the coffee table. Six gold sovereigns!! I look at them and yep...six gold sovereigns. "No more complaining about hard rubbish eh?" from her. In an inaudible whisper from me "No."
oh WOW!!!! Strike me pink!! That's one lucky lady!! :eek:
Did a job at this house once that was absolutely FULL of bric-a-brac.. It was really 'clean' but was cluttered so badly you would seriously struggle to find about anything over a square meter or 2 of free space anywhere. A lot of it was kinda cool stuff like I could easily pick out say 10 things that would be nice for a games room but the amount they had it was like they had some hoarding illness or something.
I think I have that. Anything that is remotely useful, stays. Hubby is the opposite and when he cracks the shits and cleans up an area, he throws out lots of useful stuff, so I sneak out to the bin and bring back in all the pencils, pens, rubber bands, good batteries (FFS! They cost me $1+ each! :mad:) and stash them all away where they belong. ;) I have to wait for him to go to bed so there I am, head stuck in the bin at midnight, rescuing stuff. :p
Then there's people that are the complete opposite that bloody refuse to keep anything, just throwing stuff that could be recycled or used later for something else.. I probably lean towards the 'hoarder' side slightly but it's not really a problem.
Around near us there are a lot of the first types. I can't believe some of the stuff that's been thrown and stereos that work, dvds and cds still in wrappers, good furniture. Been an eye opener this year.

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Around near us there are a lot of the first types. I can't believe some of the stuff that's been thrown and stereos that work, dvds and cds still in wrappers, good furniture. Been an eye opener this year.
We threw out a huge old TV many years ago- the kids had it in the back room and hooked up their P/S to it and had lots of fun but hubby just decided he'd ditch it. There was nothing wrong with it apart from it weighing a hundred tonnes. Would've been one of the first BIG screen TVs and the bigger plasmas were starting to come in at much cheaper prices so we replaced it. It was a weekend and I was trying to get hold of my friend, whose sons would've just loved to put it in their shed. Anyway, couldn't get hold of her but, about 2 hours later, some prick had come along and cut the cord off it- must've wanted the copper wire, perhaps. What a F-wit!! like I said, the TV was still useable!

When we lived in suburbia, probably a bit under 15 years ago, I saw that someone down the road had thrown out a couple of TVs and the person next to them also had chucked out one or two. I spoke to my son's teacher- my son was in about Year 6/7- and suggested that the kids at school might like to pull the old TVs apart, just for some fun. I supplied a few pairs of goggles, some screwdrivers, etc. and a group of boys had an absolute ball. We also picked up some old computers and took them in. The teacher was rapt, the kids all got to see what things looked like inside and we had a book which explained what the parts were and what they did, so I sent that along, too. :) So much wastage happening these days and not too many people take the opportunity to learn something along the way. :(
When is this week over!

Lose enough on Melbourne Cup Day (oh goodness I'm still recovering from that day, lets just say it is 4 figures grr)...thank goodness I make most of it back on the Emirites Stakes Day (so for all my punting I'm $200 down this Spring....remind me why I do it in the first place lol).

Then this week...2 of the staff that I work with are sick...and I have to goodness I'm exhausted!
When is this week over!

Lose enough on Melbourne Cup Day (oh goodness I'm still recovering from that day, lets just say it is 4 figures grr)...thank goodness I make most of it back on the Emirites Stakes Day (so for all my punting I'm $200 down this Spring....remind me why I do it in the first place lol).

Then this week...2 of the staff that I work with are sick...and I have to goodness I'm exhausted!
I went to the cup and was lucky enough to back Sea Lord at 35/1 but normally it's the worst day to have a punt.
Anyway, couldn't get hold of her but, about 2 hours later, some prick had come along and cut the cord off it- must've wanted the copper wire, perhaps. What a F-wit!! like I said, the TV was still useable!
There would seriously be lucky to have about 10c worth of copper in there..

I sometimes cut the flexible cord off broken appliances I throw away to keep as spares to repair other stuff or install hanging lights, or to use on transformers for downlights that plug into 413 sockets in the roof space.
I went to the cup and was lucky enough to back Sea Lord at 35/1 but normally it's the worst day to have a punt.

Love Oaks Day and Emirites Stakes Day, tend to win on those days, and I did this year, only had 1 bet on Oaks Day though (main race, and just backed the winner). Love Emirites Stakes Day though, always do.

The worst thing about Cup Day is I had that mug Sea Lord (wide leg) in the Quaddie...and I had 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th in the Cup in the Quaddie...and I had every other leg! To say I was cursing the TV is an understatement! Also annoyed with myself as I always just FIELD the Melb.Cup leg every year but this year I said...'well one of the top 6 would win'...lets just say it was an annoying day!
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