Beauty & Style Pimples

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Sep 21, 2004
Adel - SA - Aust - Earth
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
Norwood & Liverpool.
Ive currently got a mighty beast of a pimple growing on my forehead - its a biggun.

You cant really see it, its reddish and almost about to expose its whitey but I can feel it and it is about to explode.


Should I pop the beast or let it live out its natural life??

Ive done both in the past and have found that leaving it makes me look less ugly but there is some sick satisfaction over exploding a part of me all over the joint ;)

Dude pop it. For the purposes of analysis. And it will dry quicker maning no infection and no redness.

Letting pimples 'live their life' is complete wank.

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If you pop it make sure you use tissues, and that you have steam or something near your face to soften the skin up.
Last time I had a massive pimple on my forehead (moreso in size and pain than appearance) I tried to pop it but it wasn't really working, so I stabbed it with a syringe to open it up a bit and really went for it.

It did pop and the pain reduced almost instantly.

Only problem was that it left me with a bruise there because I had squeezed so hard.
Mate gte some toothpaste on it, i kid you not. Before you go to sleep tonight cover it with toothpaste. By morning it would be all dried up ready to squeez. Trust me mate, works every time
Had acne as a teenager and learnt the hard way that squeezing pimples is the worst way to treat them, if I get a zit now I let it go and try not to touch it. Its hard for teenagers but as an adult I couldn't care less what others thing about my zit.

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Get them all the time. Had shitloads as a teenager so i will comfort myself that I still have a young man's hormones and will age slowly.

I find if I eat a lot of sugar ice-cream/junk I will get more but I tend to always get a lot. Not on my face anymore thou thank christ.

Mainly my back/shoulders

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