Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

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Just in case you missed Nazi Germany, it started out with singling out a people group + scapegoating
them for societys ills.

Both were on the left side of politics, both were big on propaganda, nationalism and redefinition of the
language, as well as use of the media.

Much like Biden in the US, bringing everyone together, as long as you comply.

Umm Hitler was never on the left side of politics. He was always Right. Nationalist are almost always on the right of politics.
Umm Hitler was never on the left side of politics. He was always Right. Nationalist are almost always on the right of politics.
I'm working on this discussion at the moment but there is a big history of the ideals of the left being used by authoritarians to sweep into power, using the good will of people seeking to have good things for others and then sweeping them off the table once the authoritarian has ridden the wave in.

As happened with the brown shirts
There are two points to public broadcasting
1) to allow news to be told independent of commercial influence
2) to provide a vehicle for stories not covered by mainstream media to be aired
The ABC does both well. We'd be a much worse off society without it.
Of course there are bullshit woke views on the ABC, it wouldn't be fulfilling purpose 2) without them. My advice is to ignore them and take the 95% good with the 5% crap.

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Umm Hitler was never on the left side of politics. He was always Right. Nationalist are almost always on the right of politics.
You say that as if it were a fact.

Both sides of politics use nationalism, and nationalism itself is not a bad thing.
Hitler rose to power through the German Workers Party, blamed the Jews for Germanys problems
from the beginning. Everybody agrees that he was a Fascist.
Gentile helped Mussolini shape Italy into a fascist state, Hitler adopted Fascism.

He consolidated Germany as a collectivist state.
Like all collectivists he had the state as the authority, just the same as Russia + the other Communist states
that followed.

The main difference between Communism + Fascism is with everything is state owned + with Fascism it
is state directed.

Both are totalitarian.
You can get bullshit woke views from the Guardian. You don't need to lean on the taxpayer to fund them.

Ideally there is a plurality of views on a public broadcaster, but with an emphasis on views that don't get covered well by mainstream media. I don't have a problem with sheep weather alerts nor queer theory, I ignore both but I'm glad they're both there for fringe interests that want to listen to them.
I don't have a problem with sheep weather alerts nor queer theory, I ignore both but I'm glad they're both there for fringe interests that want to listen to them.

If you want queer theory there's about a hundred blogs and magazines catering to that interest. In this day and age it's cheaper than ever to get into media thanks to the internet, and I don't think it's justfiable to ask the taxpayer to fund fringe views given how relatively easy it is for these to be provided privately.

If I recall the point of establishing the ABC in the 1930s was the difficulty in providing radio broadcasting and media access across this country, which isn't an issue we face today. The ABC will stick around because I don't think any Liberal government will ever have the balls to privatise it but in purely in terms of good policy I think there's a very strong argument to privatise it.
For those critical of the WA government have they bothered to have a look at what's happening in the rest of Australia with the let it rip policy. It's chaos .
Some don't give a flying fig as to what happens to others as long as their life style isn't interrupted.
You are such a hypocrite, you don't give a flying **** as to what happens as long as your insulated lifestyle isn't interrupted. Who cares that others haven't seen their family for almost 2 years right?

It's all well and good for the boomers of the world to want to shup up shop as you've already done a lot of the things you want to in life, you've already lived most of your life and you don't give a shit if others lose years out of their prime to this bullshit
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You are such a ****ing hypocrite, you don't give a flying **** as to what happens as long as your insulated lifestyle isn't interrupted. Who cares that others haven't seen their family for almost 2 years right?

It's all well and good for the boomers of the world to want to shup up shop as you've already done a lot of the things you want to in life, you've already lived most of your life and you don't give a sh*t if others lose years out of their prime to this bullshit
baby boomers give us a break

I haven’t wanted to shut up shop since day 1
Blind Freddy (not fast Freddy) could see we will have to live with it eventually, there’s no hiding.

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Fascism is a leftist ideology, Hitler was a Fascist ergo Hitler was left wing.
Hitler was not left wing.
I'm assuming your trolling at this point.
He may have over taken a party that had, at some point, some policies that aligned with some general socialist principles. But it is beyond ridiculous to say that Hitler was left wing.
Here's a good comparison to read.
Hitler was not left wing.
I'm assuming your trolling at this point.
He may have over taken a party that had, at some point, some policies that aligned with some general socialist principles. But it is beyond ridiculous to say that Hitler was left wing.
Here's a good comparison to read.
If you read this you might learn something

Hitler was not left wing.
I'm assuming your trolling at this point.
He may have over taken a party that had, at some point, some policies that aligned with some general socialist principles. But it is beyond ridiculous to say that Hitler was left wing.
Here's a good comparison to read.

Geez, that's a bad definition.

"Socialism can co-exist with capitalism, unlike communism, and does in most modern democracies (known as democratic socialism)." That teased out would just confuse the economic ideology of socialism with the government doing anything ever. Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek and Ayn Rand under this definition would all be committed socialists because they all perceive the government playing some role in society and markets.

Also there's no neat line between socialism and communism. The Soviet Union, which the article seems to place in the communist bucket, self-described as socialist and claimed to be working towarsd communism. For what it's worth I don't think any country self-identified as being communist. And that's not to mention the number of people on the far left who utilise the two terms interchangeably anyway.
Fascism is a leftist ideology, Hitler was a Fascist ergo Hitler was left wing.

This is completely incorrect except for "Hitler was a fascist" which indeed he was. Hitler rose to power partly by exploiting people's fears of the left following the great depression, he was far to the right and used nationalism to rise to power. Hitler hated and feared Marxism and Communism so to call Hitler left wing is rubbish - he is literally the textbook example of far right ultranationalism.
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Interesting discussion here.
think Square peg summed up the abc well enough. It’s not perfect, and definitely leans left, but that’s ok when the major private media competitors lean right.
Nationalism to me is a broadly negative thing. It has caused more wars than religion and in places like Yugoslavia it has literally destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives. In some ways the recent interstate squabbling in Australia has reminded me of the negative side of nationalism.
There are going to be very confused and upset fascist militia in the good old USA if they read that they are really red belly communists.
Fascism is a leftist ideology, Hitler was a Fascist ergo Hitler was left wing.

Fascism was seen by the conservative political icons of Australia and England as a counter force to Communism. Menzies in Australia had lots of praise for Hitler, and Churchill also initially a admirer of Hilter, Franco and especially Mussolini called Fascism "the antidote to Communism". Below are a couple of examples from Menzies from newspaper clippings as late as 1938. The Churchill stuff is easy to research.

DsA_mxgU0AEqrkW.jpg DtX0qJsUwAALe-6.jpg
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Fascism was seen by the conservative political icons of Australia and England as a counter force to Communism. Menzies in Australia had lots of praise for Hitler, and Churchill also initially a admirer of Hilter, Franco and especially Mussolini called Fascism "the antidote to Communism". Below are a couple of examples from Menzies from newspaper clippings as late as 1938. The Churchill stuff is easy to research.

View attachment 1304913View attachment 1304915
The Ideologies go further back than that.
Margaret Sanger started off what would become Planned Parenthood in the US in the 1910s to
cull the number of blacks in the US.
This type of thinking along with weeding society (killing off the mentally impaired etc.) was popular
with the intellectual left.
Geez, that's a bad definition.

"Socialism can co-exist with capitalism, unlike communism, and does in most modern democracies (known as democratic socialism)." That teased out would just confuse the economic ideology of socialism with the government doing anything ever. Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek and Ayn Rand under this definition would all be committed socialists because they all perceive the government playing some role in society and markets.

Also there's no neat line between socialism and communism. The Soviet Union, which the article seems to place in the communist bucket, self-described as socialist and claimed to be working towarsd communism. For what it's worth I don't think any country self-identified as being communist. And that's not to mention the number of people on the far left who utilise the two terms interchangeably anyway.
Feel free to post a better one.👍
"..women being admitted to give birth and people suffering from bowel obstructions, broken bones, and mental health issues while also testing positive to Covid-19 were inflating the daily hospitalisation number."

Federal health minister Greg Hunt says there has been a reduction of Covid-19 positive patients on ventilators in the past few weeks, despite rising case numbers.

“There are 51 Australians, as of last night, who are currently on ventilation for Covid-19,” he said.

“This is actually down from 54 patients nationwide on December 15 so, almost three weeks later, there's actually been a reduction in patients on ventilation.

“All of these things are coming together to help protect Australians.”

Mr Hunt said the latest advice from chief medical officer Paul Kelly confirmed Omicron was more transmissible but less severe than Delta.

“What that means is that the risk is not of hospital beds or places being overwhelmed, particularly ICU particularly more so ventilation, but always in terms of balancing the workforce,” he said.

“National cabinet, this week, will continue to focus on the workforce measures and as we look around the world, we’re seeing similar discussions and similar changes.”

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