Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

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Remember Labour's plan to get rid of franking credits and return the billions saved back into health.
The greedy selfish amongst us poo pooed the idea and held onto their precious few dollars and voted for this shit mob in charge .
How does it feel now you vulnerable oldies with the prospect of a health system that won't cater for all of us.
Dutton stopped the wrong boats and ***ed us all
This mob raped centrelink and it's now a cluster**ck.
The NBN fibre to the node is just a memory and is also stuffed.
Bushfires destroyed half of the East coast because of being unprepared
All in the name of a mythical surplus that wasn't needed .
You reap what you sow
Remember Labour's plan to get rid of franking credits and return the billions saved back into health.
The greedy selfish amongst us poo pooed the idea and held onto their precious few dollars and voted for this shit mob in charge .
How does it feel now you vulnerable oldies with the prospect of a health system that won't cater for all of us.
Dutton stopped the wrong boats and ***ed us all
This mob raped centrelink and it's now a cluster**ck.
The NBN fibre to the node is just a memory and is also stuffed.
Bushfires destroyed half of the East coast because of being unprepared
All in the name of a mythical surplus that wasn't needed .
You reap what you sow

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Is this where I come to complain about the cap of 10 people at a funeral? WTF?

go to the crowded supermarket every day, send those kids who don’t know how to socially distance off to school each day... but stiff shit if there’s more than a couple of children in the family. So nan or pop passes away, 3 adult children each with a partner and 2 children - sorry that’s a total of 13, 3 of you have to start home (oh and too bad if their own siblings might like to be there).

will there be cops or security guards at every cemetary and funeral home? Seriously what a ****ing joke.
Feel sorry for USA. Trump clearly clueless and backtracking.
‘Can’t stay locked up forever’. Barely even been in lockdown for 2 weeks. What a stupid statement.
Prioritising economy over this. Watch America take the number 1 spot of infections, and will go well over China. Perfect melting pot for the virus- inadequate health system, decreased spending on pandemic planning, denial of science, blame game rather then proactive planning.
Funny thing is, Trump supporters are like being in a Cult. Back him up every way possible.
Shutting schools should be a last resort when 30% of healthcare workers would have to stay at home if they were.
Its all bullshit. My wife works with special needs kids who don't understand social distancing and they still have to deal with them. The government says it doesn't want kids out of schools and in the shops spreading viruses on one hand and on the other they are completely safe in schools spreading it to teachers (30% are over 60 yo) Teachers and education assistants are human shields
So who picks the kids up from school now if the parents are at work?
Grandparents surely not.
Very uncharacteristic post from you salim malik. What about single parents struggling to make ends meet who will have to either leave kids at home alone or give up work / shifts to watch and educate them. It's not just the pickup from school, and not everyone has grandparents on tap.
Remember Labour's plan to get rid of franking credits and return the billions saved back into health.

You mean billions stolen right? Because getting rid of franking credits would amount to double taxation of the same earnings, which is just plain stealing.
You mean billions stolen right? Because getting rid of franking credits would amount to double taxation of the same earnings, which is just plain stealing.
The planned rules would not have been double tax, you just didn't get a refund if you had no tax. Removing the loophole of dividends/earnings having no tax applied to it.
Very uncharacteristic post from you salim malik. What about single parents struggling to make ends meet who will have to either leave kids at home alone or give up work / shifts to watch and educate them. It's not just the pickup from school, and not everyone has grandparents on tap.

That's the point, if grandparents can't pick them up and parents are at work who does.
Kids get the virus , that's a fact.
Wait for the first cluster in a school. It will happen.

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Don't go out, that's the rule to defeat this virus but it's ok to pack the kids in a school then parents rock up to pick them up.
Get your hair cut, pop into the mall to buy a shirt or buy a washing machine from the Good guys and then rock up to Dan Murphy to buy your daily grog intake..WTF . The messages from this government is all over the place.Its crazy.
Just shut it all down apart from food outlets and pharmacy .
You mean billions stolen right? Because getting rid of franking credits would amount to double taxation of the same earnings, which is just plain stealing.

I'm pretty sure we spend more as a nation on franking credits than education?
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Don't go out, that's the rule to defeat this virus but it's ok to pack the kids in a school then parents rock up to pick them up.
Get your hair cut, pop into the mall to buy a shirt or buy a washing machine from the Good guys and then rock up to Dan Murphy to buy your daily grog intake..WTF . The messages from this government is all over the place.Its crazy.
Just shut it all down apart from food outlets and pharmacy .
I don’t understand why there aren’t limits on the days we can go to the shops? Why not line it up with our watering days, lift some of the buying limits slightly ... that way there are less people inside the supermarket, we’re all going out less and there might be some stuff There when we shop.

and I really don’t understand why school attendance isn’t restricted to children of ‘essential’ workers only, otherwise keep them home.
I don’t understand why there aren’t limits on the days we can go to the shops? Why not line it up with our watering days, lift some of the buying limits slightly ... that way there are less people inside the supermarket, we’re all going out less and there might be some stuff There when we shop.

and I really don’t understand why school attendance isn’t restricted to children of ‘essential’ workers only, otherwise keep them home.
Due to Australia being a relaxed state, the government can’t roll out electronic ID checks to make sure one person from a family has gone out.
Right now I see family with 4s going in just getting basic unnecessary shopping done, so the parent can relax at the playground. It’s not working.
ScoMo doesn’t want to be a hard decision guy, I get it. He’s freaking soft. Bushfires and now this.. literally reap what you sow, liberals. Surely now you see health, education mean jack it’s only the economy.
Don't go out, that's the rule to defeat this virus but it's ok to pack the kids in a school then parents rock up to pick them up.
Get your hair cut, pop into the mall to buy a shirt or buy a washing machine from the Good guys and then rock up to Dan Murphy to buy your daily grog intake..WTF . The messages from this government is all over the place.Its crazy.
Just shut it all down apart from food outlets and pharmacy .

Don't go out?...

You should see the bunch of bitches having a mother's meeting for an hour outside the school now that they can't do it inside the school.

They can't help but put their socialising first. This happens every day. I was going to have a nice calm word to them but I'd end up being told to ..... off!
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Its all bullshit. My wife works with special needs kids who don't understand social distancing and they still have to deal with them. The government says it doesn't want kids out of schools and in the shops spreading viruses on one hand and on the other they are completely safe in schools spreading it to teachers (30% are over 60 yo) Teachers and education assistants are human shields


I'm a human shield at the moment. In all honesty I have chosen to be. I don't know if I should stop teaching or risk it.
Don't go out?...

You should see the bunch of bitches having a mother's meeting for an hour outside the school now that they can't do it inside the school.

They can't help but put their socialising first. This happens every day. I was going to have a nice calm word to them but I'd end up being told to ..... off!
So you’re a teacher and when you approached parents they told you to **** off? I call bulls#ht.
So you’re a teacher and when you approached parents they told you to fu** off? I call bulls#ht.

Lol I didn't say that

I said if I had asked them not to stand around in a big group together when they are supposed to be social isolating they would tell me to.

I actually know all of them and they are the type of people to put social life infront of governent warnings.

Calm your ****
Govt doctor in an ABC news interview just mentioned the herd word twice this morning.
Is the reason for the partial lockdown, schools remaining open because Australia is adopting the herd immunity.

Edit because the better half is an RN and it's immunity not solution so I bow to her superior knowledge.
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You mean billions stolen right? Because getting rid of franking credits would amount to double taxation of the same earnings, which is just plain stealing.
Actually your statement is factually wrong.
The plan was to scrap the tax back component. Effectively locking away the 30% company tax rate. There was no concept of double taxation like they do in the US (which has no dividend imputation)
We are the only company in the world that has the cash back component of dividend imputation.
Govt doctor in an ABC news interview just mentioned the herd word twice this morning.
Is the reason for the partial lockdown, schools remaining open because Australia is adopting the herd immunity.

Edit because the better half is an RN and it's immunity not solution so I bow to her superior knowledge.
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