Posters Nicknames

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Norm Smith Medallist
May 22, 2007
AFL Club
Other Teams
The Bloods!
Ok its the off season not much footy talk, this is easy, what nicknames have you had throughout your life or still have?

I'll start, Ive had a few since I was a kid, my early ones were 'Knackers' and 'Doodles', 'apparently' I used to love dropping my pants as a very young kid and was intrigued with 'it' (I was in kindy), the next one was 'Strop' after the character in the Paul Hogan show, older posters would know, I got it in nippers wearing my surf cap, when I sooked (im told it was often but I dont agree) my lip would curl up and I was a dead ringer for Strop. I hated it... 'Snowy' was another one because of my hair, also 'Bull' by family after my Pop because we looked exactly the same but it didnt really suit coz I was skinny but 'Bez' has been the longest, alot of people dont even know my real name, just Bez.

What are/were yours and how did you get them?

(dunno if this should be in TLS move it if ya want)

It ryhmes with condom.

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White lightning (back in my cricket days, it was somewhat tongue in cheek!)

Also, I have a name which lends itself to being said in full in a sort of sing-song voice. It's not technically a nick-name but it serves the same purpose.
Leg weak
Strong arms

All related to my last name.

I thought your last name was Dover?

Some good ones so far, what about the ones you dont like or ones your partners have for you?

BSA5 thats alot of of nicknames 'White Lightning' haha, sounds like your a chance for a baggy cap...

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Ok its the off season not much footy talk, this is easy, what nicknames have you had throughout your life or still have?

I'll start, Ive had a few since I was a kid, my early ones were 'Knackers' and 'Doodles', 'apparently' I used to love dropping my pants as a very young kid and was intrigued with 'it' (I was in kindy), the next one was 'Strop' after the character in the Paul Hogan show, older posters would know, I got it in nippers wearing my surf cap, when I sooked (im told it was often but I dont agree) my lip would curl up and I was a dead ringer for Strop. I hated it... 'Snowy' was another one because of my hair, also 'Bull' by family after my Pop because we looked exactly the same but it didnt really suit coz I was skinny but 'Bez' has been the longest, alot of people dont even know my real name, just Bez.

What are/were yours and how did you get them?

(dunno if this should be in TLS move it if ya want)

Your a blonde BEZ? Thought more of you as being brunette, with a Joe Dirt like do. I certainly picked Bungee for being the boards resident Blonde, as the rest would have no doubt and the Goat looks to be a Red like Rohan, for the moment at least. MalfanFoyle borderline albino , brother Grime follicly challenged to all corners and creases. CAS short back and sides - smart, sensible and sophisticated. Wolfie developing dreads - colour indistinguishable. Plugg3r, curls the like of a Shirely Temple type. Stat, most likely a smother of sorts, that resembles road kill with highlights. Not that there is any shame in that. And Bedford, Fabio with a fringe.:thumbsu:

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