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1. favourite artist/group? Joy Division.
2. favourite all-time song? Stand by Me/ God only knows.
3. favourite current song? They have current songs? Err.. That 'Go baby go' thing I hum along to.
4. best song of the decade (1992-2002)? Harvest Moon - Neil Young.
5. who was the best lyricist of all-time? Ian Curtis/Dylan/Roger Waters.
6. who was the best singer of all-time? Orbinson/Lennon/Sinatra.
7. who was the best guitarist of all-time? SRV
8. who was the best drummer of all-time? Rob Hirst
9. which artist/group from any period had the most influence on the music industry as a whole? Black rythm'n'blues guys from the twentys that everyone has forgotten.
10. which artist/group will be most remembered in 50 years? Let you know in 2052! ;)
11. if you had a choice between 70's music or 90's music, what would you choose? Seventies by the length of the proverbial.

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