South Park - season 15 *spoiler*

Knew the wall street protests would be too tempting. 5 bucks says the college know-it-all hippies make a return.

"One fat fourth grader is singled out when the Presidential Physical Fitness scores are announced in an all-new episode of "South Park" titled, "1%," premiering Wednesday, November 2 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central.

The kids at South Park Elementary are being punished for Cartman's failings in the physical education department. What will Cartman do when they all gang up on him?"

Liking the episodes from the 2nd run of 2011 much more than the first half.

Broadway Bro Down and 1% my favourites of the lot for different reasons. BBD I thought was easily the funniest for me but 1% was a great episode for us South Park freaks who have watched the show religiously and know Cartman's character. Really enjoyed that one.
I loved this bit:

Mrs Cartman: Eric, sweetie, is everything okay?
Polly: Does everything look okay?
Peter Panda: Sit down you ****ing bitch.
The History Channel episode was alright, but not up to the standard of other recent ones.

I actually watched that doco called 'Ancient Aliens' once, so that bit was pretty funny to me.
Love when Cartman says 'Co' and 'Keeeenny'. Absolute classics

Thought the most recent ep was ok, had to laugh when the Doc from Phoenix said 'there is definitely no evidence that aliens were not present at the original thanksgiving!'
Had a few laughs at the Natalie Portman wormhole jokes but not much else.

Humancentipad and Bass to Mouth are easily the best two episodes of this season IMO. I thought Funnybot and crack baby athletics were average.

The quality of the show seems to be trending slightly down hill this season.
I really liked that episode. Loved the Penn State jokes and Cartmans songs as well as the ending. I also didn't mind the second half of the season as I think there were quite a few good episodes with Bass to Mouth being the standout I think.
The social commentary was stronger than the comedy this week. Interesting, but perhaps not the best way to end the season.
My ratings of season 15:

HumancentIpad: 8.5/10

Very good episode. Loved the Japanese guy, lost it completely when he made his choice between Cuttlefish and Asparagus or Vanilla paste.

Funnyboat: 5/10

Didn't really rate it at all. One of my least favourite episodes in a while.

Royal Pudding: 7/10.

Mr Mackey was awesome. The wedding story was pretty meh except for when Scott said: "Damn native Canadiens, think they rule the world".

TMI: 10/10

South park (and Randy) at its best. Too much awesome to mention. Favourite line was from Butters: "All you do is yell at me, and the government is just led by fascists".

Crack Baby Athletic Association: 8.5/10

Wunderslash. Brilliant. Liked how Kyle was siding with Cartman for once and trying to justify to himself what he was doing was morally OK.

City Sushi: 9.5/10

The Asian turf war was fantastic and Butters paranormal activity tape was the highlight.

You're Getting Old: 9.5/10

All three movie trailers were brilliant. Loved Steamy Ray Vaughn too. Was an interesting change to see South Park being serious for a minute. When they did the landslide montage at the end I couldn't stop thinking: "Show a lot things, happening at once remind everyone of what's going on"

"The president of the United States....IS A DUCK??!!!?!?!?!?"

Assburgers: 9.5/10

Brilliant follow up. The whole matrix/alcohol thing was very well done. I don't know why but see the dinosaur eating s**t is very very funny to me.
Loved Randy at the end: "We worked it out pal surprise!"

The Last of the Meheecans: 7/10

Was an OK episode but didn't really get into it, I just might not've been in the mood for it. Might need to watch it again.

Bass to Mouth: 7.5/10

Really liked the teachers/Cartmans coverup plans. Not really a lemmiwinks fan.

Broadway Bro-Down: 9/10

Anything with Randy in it is awesome. Love how he quickly changes his mind on Broadway when Shelley goes to see it. Vegan kid was pretty good too.

1%: 9/10

The "class-war" and the 83% was pretty sweet. Liked Cartman growing up too.

A History Channel Thanksgiving: 7/10:

Liked the parody of the history channel and the aliens/ghosts at thanksgiving. Wish it could've kept going in that manner because I didn't get the whole Thor thing in the 2nd half (probably because I haven't seen Thor).

The Poor Kid: 8/10

Liked the fundamentalist agnostic family. Cartman teasing himself about being poor was good too. Solid episode without being great.

Probably the weakest season since about season 4/5, but still pretty funny. It still hit the same highs as other seasons just not as consistently.
The Last of the Meheecans and TMI have been my favourites.

The thanksgiving history channel was clearly the poorest IMO.

Still enjoying the show.