Society & Culture Supermarket/shopping centre stories

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Aug 16, 2011
AFL Club
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I was at Aldi the other day paying for our shopping, and there was a middle aged Arabic woman with her mother behind us who only had a few items.

Anyway, one second she was behind me, then I went to pay with my card and she was already standing on the other side of me waiting to collect her goods.

I was thinking in my head, ffs, just calm down and wait. Then on their way out they queried the price of something they paid for while stopping right in the middle blocking the laneway to walk through to get out.

What unusual behaviour have you witnessed at supermarkets/shopping centres?
I would probably be that Arabic woman, Aldi cashiers always stress me out with their efficiency.

Unless I’m crouched like a baseball catcher ready to bag every item as it comes across the scanner, I know I’m going to be juggling a pile of groceries, a bag and my wallet as I fumble for my card whilst the entire store watches me impatiently, silently judging me for wasting all the effort the bloke at the desk has gone to in order to make the line move more quickly, not to mention my inability to competently perform a basic life task.

I don’t go out much these days.

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Lmfao- her caption "sometimes its good walking around ALDI with gloves like this"



Customer - Can you help me with my Apple Pay, it's not working. Me - Sorry, I have no idea, I have an android phone. She then complains to my boss that I was unhelpful. WTF??? Since when did everything NOT Aldi related become part of my job description
. Morons

People you will not starve if we're in stage 4 lockdown!! Actually a lot of us (me included) could do with a bit of starvation to rid the lockdown bulge Supermarkets will not be closed for weeks on end!!! There will be food!!!!! Go the **** home and stop ruining my day panic buying


^ ref to Specials day at ALDI
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I would probably be that Arabic woman, Aldi cashiers always stress me out with their efficiency.

Unless I’m crouched like a baseball catcher ready to bag every item as it comes across the scanner, I know I’m going to be juggling a pile of groceries, a bag and my wallet as I fumble for my card whilst the entire store watches me impatiently, silently judging me for wasting all the effort the bloke at the desk has gone to in order to make the line move more quickly, not to mention my inability to competently perform a basic life task.

I don’t go out much these days.

Yeah they put you under the pump that's for sure, going to Aldi for a big shop is a two person task I reckon.
I would probably be that Arabic woman, Aldi cashiers always stress me out with their efficiency.

Unless I’m crouched like a baseball catcher ready to bag every item as it comes across the scanner, I know I’m going to be juggling a pile of groceries, a bag and my wallet as I fumble for my card whilst the entire store watches me impatiently, silently judging me for wasting all the effort the bloke at the desk has gone to in order to make the line move more quickly, not to mention my inability to competently perform a basic life task.

I don’t go out much these days.
Nah, she was just impatient. She had two basket like things and a bag of oranges. She had no trolley or bags and her daughter was with her.

Yeah they put you under the pump that's for sure, going to Aldi for a big shop is a two person task I reckon.
100% lol
I've been told Aldi tracks the cashier's stats, like how many items they scan through an hour. There's a benchmark and they track your average. It's high-performance stuff.

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I would probably be that Arabic woman, Aldi cashiers always stress me out with their efficiency.

I found it very stressful in Europe, after a few weeks I bit the bullet and bought an extra large bag so I wasn't stuffing around putting stuff in my bag while trying to get cash out at the same time.

1. Use a trolley (even if its just more than one bagful).
2. Dump your shit on the conveyor belt.
3. Grab the stuff as it comes through and dump it back in the trolley.
4. Go back to the car, unload into bags for the trip home.
5. Profit!
I've never shopped at Aldi here but I shopped at Aldi when I was living in Belgium and I don't recall it being a stressful experience, it was a fairly small town though so it wasn't as busy as a big city store and I never bought much stuff there.
Turned into an aisle in woolworths only to be blocked by what looked like two families gathered around to watch a kid balancing a box of pasta on his head. Box kid was the only one aware that their little circus was holding anyone up.
I would have said "Excuse me!" in the most rude way possible and then said something obnoxious while passing through.

The audacity on some people is wild.

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