The average supporter is of below average intelligence

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Re: Eade is coaching like an amatuer

Thanks Arkangel - good contribution. I see that the Flynn effect is also more pronounced in the lower half of the population so it further strengthens the point that if the distribution is skewed in any direction it is skewed above 100.

However IQ scoring gets periodically re-standardised for the express purpose of making sure half the population is above and half below 100. (BJ, take note!)

However this is using 100 as the median - it is not necessarily a mean. Arkangel, have you any information as to what the mean IQ is in the general population? Is it 100 also? I'm assuming it would be very close but would almost certainly not be exactly 100.

For double points what is the mean of the BF population?

And for a bonus point, where does Rodney Eade sit on the Wechsler scale? (We need to get this back on topic somehow!)

The need to re-standardise the scoring kind of proves my point.
This is not a true statistic and is simply contrived to give a desired result, although that is not highly unusual in the world of statistics.

Recall the words of Benjamin Disraeli
There are lies, there are damned lies and there are statistics"

I stand by my original contention in that the majority are below the average.

Please provide any genuine randomly taken (ie not selectively obtained) measure that even shows that the majority is not below average.. and you can choose any field of endeavour.
Re: Eade is coaching like an amatuer

The need to re-standardise the scoring kind of proves my point.
This is not a true statistic and is simply contrived to give a desired result, although that is not highly unusual in the world of statistics.

Recall the words of Benjamin Disraeli
There are lies, there are damned lies and there are statistics"

I stand by my original contention in that the majority are below the average.

Please provide any genuine randomly taken (ie not selectively obtained) measure that even shows that the majority is not below average.. and you can choose any field of endeavour.

What about mass production of products generally? The majority of products will pass quality control and be saleable. Those that don't pass QC will drop the average below 100% but the majority will be above the average by virtue of being saleable(perishables could be touch and go). Or is your contention limited to human endeavour?
What about mass production of products generally? The majority of products will pass quality control and be saleable. Those that don't pass QC will drop the average below 100% but the majority will be above the average by virtue of being saleable(perishables could be touch and go). Or is your contention limited to human endeavour?
Took me ages for my brain to stop hurting trying to understand this debate 2 years ago and you bring it up again! o_O

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Took me ages for my brain to stop hurting trying to understand this debate 2 years ago and you bring it up again! o_O
I was looking for a distraction from the mountain of bookwork I have in front of me and I stumbled upon this. I wasn't around at the time this thread was raging. Sorry if it reignites memories long suppressed;)
edited for emoticon
I was looking for a distraction from the mountain of bookwork I have in front of me and I stumbled upon this. I wasn't around at the time this thread was raging. Sorry if it reignites memories long suppressed;)
edited for emoticon
No worries, a bit of mental exercise is good I guess :D
What about mass production of products generally? The majority of products will pass quality control and be saleable. Those that don't pass QC will drop the average below 100% but the majority will be above the average by virtue of being saleable(perishables could be touch and go). Or is your contention limited to human endeavour?
I haven't been on here in ages and I see this resurface.

On your point interloper, I would expect that mass produced product would be uniform and it would be difficult to make any above standard.

If you are referring to fresh produce you would find natural variation in quality and would then again have the majority of product below average, but the saleable standard would be a different measure.
Re: Eade is coaching like an amatuer

The half way point is called the mean and equalises the numbers above and below. It takes no account of the amount by which an individual is above or below.

The average is different and best explained by perhaps looking at batting averages.

If a batsman bats ten times and records scores of 0, 0, 10, 12, 20, 20,30, 40, 40 and 200 he has scored a total of 372.
His average is 37.2 but has only 3 scores above the average.
The mean is 20 - 5 scores 20 or below and 5 scores 20 or above.

So ends today's class on statistics.

Your use of Average is incorrect.
The Median is a measure of average, as is the Mode and as is the Mean.
They are all "Averages" Just different ways of saying it. Given that Intellegence is such a hard thing to quantify, your likening it to batting averages does more to confuse then enlighten. As wise as you may be, you shouldn't suggest everyone is a 20 to your 100.
The last time few times I've been at a game, I've seen alot of men with headphones plugged into a radio..can only assume its because of some of the things the other supporters say :eek:
The last time few times I've been at a game, I've seen alot of men with headphones plugged into a radio..can only assume its because of some of the things the other supporters say :eek:
you joking?????
So do I next to the cheer squad. I meant about people using radio while watching. I find it makes it easier to follow the game. My eyesight is not that great and find it hard to identify players plus its interesting to hear what commentators are saying. People where I sit don't bitch too much :)
Your use of Average is incorrect.
The Median is a measure of average, as is the Mode and as is the Mean.
They are all "Averages" Just different ways of saying it. Given that Intellegence is such a hard thing to quantify, your likening it to batting averages does more to confuse then enlighten. As wise as you may be, you shouldn't suggest everyone is a 20 to your 100.
Not at all suggesting that anyone is a 20 to my 100. I even concede that I am well below average in many endeavours.

The median is the centre point of a set of data arranged in order. This is different to the average or mean. The average is the sum of all the scores divided by the total number of scores.

Mathew Boyd led the AFL in disposals in 2012 playing 22 games for 721 disposals. If he had got to 726 his average per game would have been exactly 33.

Without going back and checking I expect that on my premise (of the majority being below average) that he should have had less than 33 disposals on at least 12 occasions (That is more often than he bettered his average.)

He actually had 14 games above average including 8 of the last 10. This shows what a remarkable season he had and he was actually still improving as the season progressed.

Does not alter my view on the basic premise, but I will concede there will be anomalies as there is in many statistical groups.

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So do I next to the cheer squad. I meant about people using radio while watching. I find it makes it easier to follow the game. My eyesight is not that great and find it hard to identify players plus its interesting to hear what commentators are saying. People where I sit don't bitch too much :)

You are lucky, where I sit; I can barely hear afterwards, I wish I had the radio..but can indentify most players, usually by their hair

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The average supporter is of below average intelligence

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