Computers & Internet Tinder

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I don't get it - why aren't you still together?
Ahh, a question I ask myself sometimes :p.

In all seriousness though, having been with someone since you're 18 years old, you become very reliant on one another for your own happiness/your own life. We never really had the chance to find our own way or our own independence. It was getting stale, the routine all too familiar. Same life, same friends, same hobbies. We decided the best way is to do our own thing and live our own life for a while and if it is meant to be, it will be. Since, we've both travelled alone, I found a new career, new friends and I'm happy with where I'm at as a person.

I guess the chance of us getting back together is a real possibility that I'd be open to. I think it's been very important to have the chance to be alone, live how I want to live and find out how I can make myself happy. To be reliant upon another person is a dangerous thing.

We're still both young (I'm 24, she's 23), so there's no rush.

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Convo i just had;

Me: Jesus Christ look at that bio (she had about a paragraph of crap)
her: Huh?
Me: Excuse me, I was talking to Jesus Christ not you.
her: Harsh!
Me: I'm sorry, you can be Jesus Christ.
Her: As if i need your permission! :p
me: Yes you do, you're a woman.

Then she unmatched me... Bitches, man.
I generally just use Tinder to troll. One night I got drunk and messaged every single Tinder match I have just one word.


I actually got a few decent replies when I woke up in the morning and realised what I had done.
Just watching the red wedding doesn't mean anything unless you've watched the previous episodes.
agreed. sorry, i thought i'd implied that - obviously not

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What kind of **** leaves the stickers on the TV after buying it?
Its fashionable!

Fair few dipsticks on this app, apparently. One of the girls in my office mentioned she spent 5 years working in hospitality, and the guy asked if she still owned a nurse's outfit.

Seriously what does she want? If she's after long term stuff them hit the sites designated for it. Tinder while in a small percentage might cater for some looking for love, it really is "are there hot chicks or guys within a few km's"
Asking a cheeky question like that really isn't that bad in terms of the nature of this app.

So what the ****, does she have the nurse outfit or not?
Seriously what does she want? If she's after long term stuff them hit the sites designated for it. Tinder while in a small percentage might cater for some looking for love, it really is "are there hot chicks or guys within a few km's"
Asking a cheeky question like that really isn't that bad in terms of the nature of this app.

So what the ****, does she have the nurse outfit or not?
Yep, you won't find too many brain surgeons on Tinder. Some of the girls on there are simply on it for sex (and yes, I found out from personal experience).

You add A to B and you get Tinder. Simple.
Seriously what does she want? If she's after long term stuff them hit the sites designated for it. Tinder while in a small percentage might cater for some looking for love, it really is "are there hot chicks or guys within a few km's"
Asking a cheeky question like that really isn't that bad in terms of the nature of this app.

So what the ****, does she have the nurse outfit or not?
Asking if she 'still' has a nurse's outfit, when she worked in HOSPITALITY is probably the problem here.

PS. Would italicise rather than capitalise if I knew how to on the mobile app.
Asking if she 'still' has a nurse's outfit, when she worked in HOSPITALITY is probably the problem here.
It's more about her expectations of the app. You won't find LTR material on Tinder. Most of the guys on there are idiots after sex. Of course, many of them are also good looking so the women will still flock to it like flies on shit (almost literally).
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