Unpopular Media Opinions

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Walking Dead jumped the shark 3 years ago

Game of Thrones is dull for 9 out of ten episodes each year

True Detective was not the messiah

Season 8 of the X-Files wasn't that bad

Wayward Pines got worse with each new episode

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I enjoy the John Oliver show, I'm not sure why a satirical show would get a bad rap for not being 100% serious. He talks about topics which are interesting (most of the time), backs it up with credible facts and sources and throws a few jokes in there too.
Admittedly some of his jokes can get a bit tiresome but its still pretty entertaining. Just because someone watches this doesn't mean they can't also watch the 'news'. It's another source of news, but mainly comedy and entertainment. Not really sure what a libtard is either.
I don't know if this thread extends to comedians but Jim Jeffries is gigantic hack
Lol I don't have to prove shit.

Most people who've watched Jim Jeffries would disagree with your amusingly ironic assessment.

Yeah, your opinion isn't so contentious I'm going to go to great lengths to disprove it, sorry.

If you see it that way. Good for you. I'll just have to disagree.
Ricky Gervais is not funny in the slightest.
I saw a special with Ricky, Jerry Seinfeld, Louis CK and Chris Rock just shooting the shit and he is so embarrassing. It's Ricky, starved for attention, and the 3 big boys.

The Office (US) is my favourite comedy serious and is definitely better than the UK version.

Ricky Gervais is not funny in the slightest.
I hear what you're saying but they're totally different beasts. UK is more dry with 'Did he just sat that?' moments. The US version is quotable funny with several hilarious scene stealing characters.

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I really love the classic 1970s British sitcom Fawlty Towers, but one of the 12 episodes made is one of the worst things I have ever seen on television. It is not just a matter of the episode not quite meeting the high standards of the others, I find it downright terrible to the point I never watch this episode.

The episode in question is the Waldorf Salad episode, where Basil has to deal with a demanding American guest. Basil had to deal with a number of difficult guests in the show, such as the fussy salesman Mr. Hutchinson in The Hotel Inspectors, the deaf battle-axe Mrs. Richards in Communication Problems and the woman with the spoiled lap-dog in The Kipper and the Corpse, but these obnoxious characters added much humor to their respective episodes. Not so with the American guest, Mr. Hamilton, who just came across as flat, humorless and a bad stereotype. And Basil and Mr. Hamilton are both so completely wrong - Basil with his bad customer service, Mr. Hamilton rudely demanding to be served dinner after hours consisting of food not even on the menu - that the premise of the episode does not make sense. Whose side is the viewer supposed to be on, and who wins in the end? Certainly not Basil, and certainly not the American guest. It just meanders to an unsatisfying ending.

Throw in the boring premise - almost entirely set in the dining room with very little action; Basil's bizarre behavior normally being funny but nonsensical and illogical here; Sybil being showed up as incompetent through laziness earlier in the episode then competent and all action later on; with Polly, Manuel, Terry, the Major and the two elderly ladies being under-used badly and I am amazed that nobody could see the problems when the episode was scripted. And given that Connie Booth is herself American, and John Cleese's Monty Python colleague Terry Gillam is also American, it is all very strange.

Rumors have persisted in the 40 years since Fawlty Towers was made that a 13th episode was produced but has never been screened. If it exists, I wish Episode 13 had made it into the wonderful series and that "Waldorf Salad" had been consigned to a film archive, never to see the light of day.
I'd never heard of him before I watched Legit. Legit was seriously funny (IMO), have no idea of anything else he has done

Legit borrows most of it's plot points and jokes from his stand up routines so you should definitely check that out if you liked the show mate.

I love Jim as a comedian but he can't act for shit.

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