NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Don't let anyone know the source to check bias.

Rules for thee not for me.

The propped-up echo chamber really getting triggered.
It's a meme, not an in depth article. You seem very triggered by it - perhaps finally understanding a little truth, that you support fascism?

The irony of you telling people to "check the source" is simply hilarious 🤣
The propped-up echo chamber really getting triggered.

Unlike what Trump supporters think, simply repeating a catch-cry over, and over, and over, doesn't make it come tue.

your echo chamber's phrase of the week

Another echo chamber talking point?

the triggered echo chamber talking points

we know the echo chamber can't think for themselves.

the echo chamber that moved here

Dunning Kruger being the designated word of the week in the echo chamber

Back to your echo chamber

the echo chamber cult

echo chamber where the cult

deranged echo chamber
Re Bing:

Third party cookie inventory - Microsoft Support

Thats a list of third-party cookies that Bing/ Microsoft use to 'tailor' your search results and promote certain content to you.

It's no doubt linked to the Microsoft Network, and apps and websites created with Microsoft software, or on the Microsoft site (and likely also if you're simply using a Microsoft program, like Windows as your O/S).

You sign the user agreement when you sign up to use the program (which no-one ever reads) which lets them collect and use your data, and they collect that metadata on you, and use that metadata to promote or push information on you, tailored to who you are and what you're into.

Google do the same thing as well with your Google account, and the Search engine itself (plus on literally all data you enter on their Pixel phones).

Google alone, know more about a person than their own mothers do. pr0n history, viewing habits, sexual orientation and kinks, political views, engagement with other social media sites, how popular someone is (amount of friends and family), health status, engagement levels, how long they spend on an app or website, where they work, how long, what they do for work, spending habits (online generally and with Google pay), your emails on Gmail, how often you email, and to whom, GPS data (from tablets and smartphones) including when you wake up (when the GPS starts moving) and go to bed, how sedentary you are, or if you follow a routine in going to work, how often you travel etc etc etc.

Same with Microsoft, Apple, Meta, Samsung etc

Here is the data Meta collect:

Meta Privacy Policy - How Meta collects and uses user data

Note how the above includes information from cookies, programs and other apps on your Compter (Google, Microsoft etc), GPS data, your camera roll, time spent on websites, purchases, interactions on the site (and on other sites), what other programs you have open, what your mouse is clicking on, etc etc etc

They then run that data through an algorithm, figure out who you are and what you're into, and tailor your content to that information.

With newer AI's that are getting more and more sophisticated, and letting them tailor content even more precisely, that metadata is going to get used in even more nefarious and tailored ways.

People just don't understand the bubble they live in while in front of their computer. They honestly think 'they're doing their own research' when in reality, the algorithm is pushing them further and further down a rabbit hole.
The reCaptcha tech that you tick to say you are not a robot is google using your search history to check that it mimics human behaviour. Every time you tick that, you give google your browser history.

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The reCaptcha tech that you tick to say you are not a robot is google using your search history to check that it mimics human behaviour. Every time you tick that, you give google your browser history.
Doesn't it also track your cursor movement to see how "human" it is as you check the boxes?
It uses that info as part of 'evolutionary programming' models. Pinkler writes about it in an interesting way.
How are you so bad at this? :tearsofjoy:

...due to a massive surge in online content consumption primarily through social media, both business organizations and political parties have begun to share content that are ambiguous or fake to influence online users and their decisions for financial and political gains. Repetitive exposure to contents that coincides with their pre-existing beliefs, increases believability and shareability of content. This process known as the echo-chamber effect, is fueled by confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is the tendency of the person to support information that reinforces pre-existing beliefs and neglect opposing perspectives and viewpoints other than their own.

The disaster of misinformation: a review of research in social media

Sound like anyone we know?
Imagine the ads that google throws at him, if in fact he does do all his social media via google search.

BlueE have you tried using Bing instead?
LOL. You're so funny.

You should try the comedy routine out with a sock puppet a/c. Oh .... wait :oops:

I don't get ads on google search.

Get them on Big Footy though.
I don't get ads on google search.

Yes, you do. And if you dont somehow, your metadata is still used by Google, and paired with cookies on your computer, and through secondary apps, to sell you shit.

If you dont believe me, go download a 'free to play' Solitare app (the card game) on your phone. Notice how the ads they push on you are weirdly tailored to you (clothes you like, places you want to travel to, intrests you have). Guess where they get that information from to know what to push on you?

Google also tailor searches to you personally as well:

Information such as your location, past Search history and Search settings all help us to ensure that your results are what is most useful and relevant for you in that moment.
We use your country and location to deliver content relevant for your area. For instance, if you’re in Chicago and you search 'football', Google will most likely show you results about American football and the Chicago Bears first. Whereas if you search 'football' in London, Google will show results about football and the Premier League. Search settings are also an important indicator of which results you’re likely to find useful, such as if you set a preferred language or opted in to SafeSearch (a tool that helps filter out explicit results).

Search also includes some features that personalise results based on the activity in your Google Account. For example, if you search for 'events near me' Google may tailor some recommendations to event categories that we think you may be interested in.

Ranking results – How Google Search works.

So when you Google a topic, you get different results (tailored to you) to what I get when I Google a topic (tailored to me).

Meanwhile Google collect all your metadata, and then pair that metadata with cookies on your computer, which is information sold to advertisers.

Google are 'free' to use right? Where do you think they get their 150 US billion dollars a year from?
It's a meme, not an in depth article. You seem very triggered by it - perhaps finally understanding a little truth, that you support fascism?

The irony of you telling people to "check the source" is simply hilarious 🤣

Not an in-depth article!

"Trump has repeatedly called the press 'disgusting and corrupt' for reporting negative stories about him."

They were reporting lies, for years.

That is disgusting and corrupt.

Now that the same press is blindly supporting Israel propaganda, some people are waking up.

But hey, for you that means you can sprout fake Hitler and Fascism equivalence. 1700026233468.png

Not an in-depth article!

"Trump has repeatedly called the press 'disgusting and corrupt' for reporting negative stories about him."

They were reporting lies, for years.

That is disgusting and corrupt.

Now that the same press is blindly supporting Israel propaganda, some people are waking up.

But hey, for you that means you can sprout fake Hitler and Fascism equivalence.View attachment 1853123

You're still simping for Trump then?

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But hey, for you that means you can sprout fake Hitler and Fascism equivalence.
Just lol :drunk:


I dunno mate, seems pretty "equivalent" to me. Like... its uncanny.

Almost like one of his staffers or writers has a dog-eared, much-loved copy of Hitler's speeches :oops:

Ps. are we supposed to know who either of those people in your meme are?

Not an in-depth article!

"Trump has repeatedly called the press 'disgusting and corrupt' for reporting negative stories about him."

They were reporting lies, for years.

That is disgusting and corrupt.

Now that the same press is blindly supporting Israel propaganda, some people are waking up.

But hey, for you that means you can sprout fake Hitler and Fascism equivalence.

View attachment 1853123
You're lashing out with irrelevances and not making any sense anymore. Trump just hates being held to account for things he says and does, so yes he does lash out and try and discredit the press. Fortunately, he has gullible cult followers who just lap up anything he says or does.

Then you're posting from the Federalist, a nutjob pseudoscience / false information site while you complain about sources. I think you need to go for a walk and calm down.

Not an in-depth article!

"Trump has repeatedly called the press 'disgusting and corrupt' for reporting negative stories about him."

They were reporting lies, for years.

That is disgusting and corrupt.

Now that the same press is blindly supporting Israel propaganda, some people are waking up.

But hey, for you that means you can sprout fake Hitler and Fascism equivalence.View attachment 1853123

Brilliant post BlueE.
As there's been a bit of interest in the previous 'woke cult' article it's pretty important i would have thought to also post the companion piece to the James Lindsay article.

Trigger warning: I haven't consulted wikipedia to see if they have fact checked it for neo-nazi white supremacy antisemitic white replacement theory cultural marxism subliminal messages.

Last edited:

Not an in-depth article!

"Trump has repeatedly called the press 'disgusting and corrupt' for reporting negative stories about him."

They were reporting lies, for years.

That is disgusting and corrupt.

Now that the same press is blindly supporting Israel propaganda, some people are waking up.

But hey, for you that means you can sprout fake Hitler and Fascism equivalence.View attachment 1853123

Can I ask you a question or two (Yes or No will suffice).

1. Did several prominent members of Trumps team have numerous secret meetings with numerous Russian operatives in the lead up to his election win with this being reported to the US by numerous allied intelligence services (including ours)?

2. Were several of Trumps associates literally convicted of covering up contacts with the Russians (lying in affidavits etc) and with at least one then pardoned by Trump?

3. Did the Russians attempt to influence the same election by promoting misinformation using an army of bots and relying on social media algorithms to harm Clinton and help Trump?

A Yes or No to each question will suffice.
Just lol :drunk:


I dunno mate, seems pretty "equivalent" to me. Like... its uncanny.

Almost like one of his staffers or writers has a dog-eared, much-loved copy of Hitler's speeches :oops:

Ps. are we supposed to know who either of those people in your meme are?
Top pic,GOAT surfer Kelly Slater,still charging in his 50s.
As there's been a bit of interest in the previous 'woke cult' article it's pretty important i would have thought to also post the companion piece to the James Lindsay article.

Trigger warning: I haven't consulted wikipedia to see if they have fact checked it for neo-nazi white supremacy antisemitic white replacement theory cultural marxism subliminal messages.

Sensational posting as per usual, ET. Your relentless endeavour to educate those who are lesser informed is admirable to say the least.

Tucker appearing on Theo Von's podcast is a further positive sign that the Rogansphere and the Elonsphere are positioning themselves behind a Trump / Carlson ticket. The war machine was immediately dialled back up to 11 post the great man leaving the office. Who better than an army of comedians and UFC fighters led by Trump to hit the reverse button on this nonsense?
Sensational posting as per usual, ET. Your relentless endeavour to educate those who are lesser informed is admirable to say the least.

Tucker appearing on Theo Von's podcast is a further positive sign that the Rogansphere and the Elonsphere are positioning themselves behind a Trump / Carlson ticket. The war machine was immediately dialled back up to 11 post the great man leaving the office. Who better than an army of comedians and UFC fighters led by Trump to hit the reverse button on this nonsense?

Look, I appreciate the sentiment and thank you for the kind words.

With what limited time I have available I am more than happy to educate the kids, encourage them to think for themselves, and keep them away from cults.

I will have a look see at the theo podcast and agree Carlson would make a tremendous VP IMHO.

You are correct in your assertion the warmongering democrats dialled up the madness post the great man. The whack jobs in here have been cheering on the NAZI! battalions of the Ukraine and have gone all antisemitic ever since the Hamas thing kicked off.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Never mind.
Re Bing:

Third party cookie inventory - Microsoft Support

Thats a list of third-party cookies that Bing/ Microsoft use to 'tailor' your search results and promote certain content to you.

It's no doubt linked to the Microsoft Network, and apps and websites created with Microsoft software, or on the Microsoft site (and likely also if you're simply using a Microsoft program, like Windows as your O/S).

You sign the user agreement when you sign up to use the program (which no-one ever reads) which lets them collect and use your data, and they collect that metadata on you, and use that metadata to promote or push information on you, tailored to who you are and what you're into.

Google do the same thing as well with your Google account, and the Search engine itself (plus on literally all data you enter on their Pixel phones).

Google alone, know more about a person than their own mothers do. pr0n history, viewing habits, sexual orientation and kinks, political views, engagement with other social media sites, how popular someone is (amount of friends and family), health status, engagement levels, how long they spend on an app or website, where they work, how long, what they do for work, spending habits (online generally and with Google pay), your emails on Gmail, how often you email, and to whom, GPS data (from tablets and smartphones) including when you wake up (when the GPS starts moving) and go to bed, how sedentary you are, or if you follow a routine in going to work, how often you travel etc etc etc.

Same with Microsoft, Apple, Meta, Samsung etc

Here is the data Meta collect:

Meta Privacy Policy - How Meta collects and uses user data

Note how the above includes information from cookies, programs and other apps on your Computer (Google, Microsoft etc), GPS data, your camera roll, time spent on websites, purchases, interactions on the site (and on other sites), what other programs you have open, what your mouse is clicking on, etc etc etc

They then run that data through an algorithm, figure out who you are and what you're into, and tailor your content to that information.

With newer AI's that are getting more and more sophisticated, and letting them tailor content even more precisely, that metadata is going to get used in even more nefarious and tailored ways.

People just don't understand the bubble they live in while in front of their computer. They honestly think 'they're doing their own research' when in reality, the algorithm is pushing them further and further down a rabbit hole.
It's actually a bit depressing that there is this wealth of knowledge being clearly explained in an accessible way by you and others, that should be shared with all Australians...
And it's instead falling of deaf ears, in a tiny pocket on the internet.

This compassion and desire to help someone who refuses to be helped is uplifting. But overall depressing.
Look, I appreciate the sentiment and thank you for the kind words.

With what limited time I have available I am more than happy to educate the kids, encourage them to think for themselves, and keep them away from cults.

I will have a look see at the theo podcast and agree Carlson would make a tremendous VP IMHO.

You are correct in your assertion the warmongering democrats dialled up the madness post the great man. The whack jobs in here have been cheering on the NAZI! battalions of the Ukraine and have gone all antisemitic ever since the Hamas thing kicked off.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Never mind.

Not sure if pantomime or ChatGPT.

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