What’s your weekly training schedule look like?

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Don't have a set schedule, I mostly operate around a 'how I feel' schedule. I aim for around 40km of running each week - usually split across a couple of low HR runs, an interval run and a longer one (12km+), and aim to hit the gym 3-4 time a week. Legs have to be done as one of those no matter what, the rest I'll decide what to do on the day.

I'm fully aware this isn't the most efficient system and I'm probably leaving some improvement on the table. But it's the way I most enjoy it, which I find to be the most important aspect.
Don't have a set schedule, I mostly operate around a 'how I feel' schedule. I aim for around 40km of running each week - usually split across a couple of low HR runs, an interval run and a longer one (12km+), and aim to hit the gym 3-4 time a week. Legs have to be done as one of those no matter what, the rest I'll decide what to do on the day.

I'm fully aware this isn't the most efficient system and I'm probably leaving some improvement on the table. But it's the way I most enjoy it, which I find to be the most important aspect.

100% agreed, whatever gets (and keeps) you exercising. I love boxing and the training as well, it's really the only exercise I've ever done other than playing sport, crossfit or spin classes would not work for me for example.

I made these on the weekend, they're really good but sticky as hell, annoying to make. It has brown sugar in it, I'd probably substitute with maple syrup next time, not sure how that will affect the consistency.
I'm in Perth - City to Surf here is in August. 12km is on a very hilly course.

The long and easy runs with the runna app are meant to be done well under tempo pace. Easy runs at zone 2. Building a baseline of aerobic endurance. Long runs most under tempo with maybe some at tempo. I did a 5.5km easy run last night at 7:15 pace and felt nice and fresh at the end. Its a real battle not letting the ego take over to try and keep up with the folk who run/walk past you. :drunk:

Didn't realise Perth had a C2S as well. Sydney's is in August too which is why I wrote the Sydney Harbour 5 - 10km events are a good lead-in, 2 to 3 weeks before the C2S here.

Yep, in training long runs were generally in my Zone 2 HR band, tempos zone 3, speed intervals in zone 4. Very simplistic way of looking at it, but it worked. It was an effective way to ensure the easier runs were easy, and I maintained threshold for my harder runs.

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