Revealed: Deals proposed to/by AFL, ASC et al.

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The information had to come from someone, research alone wouldn't have turned up all this info without a source. So while the reporters are reporting the question of who leaked it and with what motives remains.

Agree. Guess we'll do what we've done for 11 months and wait loudly.

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One thing thou is who leaked the latest round? Who would have the most to gain and lose? My best guess someone close to Essendon or the Hird camp. Comes out as taking one for the team, the inducements mean he had to be persuaded as there wasn't much evidence and it sinks the boots into AD and the AFL.

Can't read what it means for ASADA. Maybe it means Essendon are cleared and a pi&** off someone now feels free to put their side out. Or worse they are about to be hit so are taking to the AFL as a warning shot (all they have left now there is no court action) not to kill them off as they will start a real war.
James Hird is a hero.

An accidental hero.

Not by design or altruistic motivation, but by shear incompetence and arrogance he's managed to shine a light on the murky world of sports doping and sporting corruption. Forcing the masses to look at something they either didn't know occurs or didn't want to acknowledge occurs.

For that of him I am grateful.
Equivocation would make them look piss weak. We will never know the AFL's real opinion. If there is one single AFL opinion.

Given AD and Gillon were supposedly cut out of the "grand bargain" ...
On issue with that, this is clearly a concerted campaign by News Corp. Articles in at least three newspapers by a least three people, all with much the same info. Let alone the fact that each article by itself is just juicy, but add them togeather and it is something else.

So the Australian tells us part of the deal was meant to be no player sanctions and says Wylie is chairman of the Aust Sports Commission, it is the Telegraph which mentions that the Aust Sports Commission oversees ASADA, without mentioning the no player sanctions deal.

So no, News Corp has known this for a while, have released it as part of a clear premediated campaign. Now the agenda may be to make a big splash and sell newspapers, ie but there is still an agenda.

My personal belief it is that and payback.

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On issue with that, this is clearly a concerted campaign by News Corp. Articles in at least three newspapers by a least three people, all with much the same info. Let alone the fact that each article by itself is just juicy, but add them togeather and it is something else.

So the Australian tells us part of the deal was meant to be no player sanctions and says Wylie is chairman of the Aust Sports Commission, it is the Telegraph which mentions that the Aust Sports Commission oversees ASADA, without mentioning the no player sanctions deal.

So no, News Corp has known this for a while, have released it as part of a clear premediated campaign. Now the agenda may be to make a big splash and sell newspapers, ie but there is still an agenda.

My personal belief it is that and payback.

I'm still of the opinion there are people not happy with the way Le Grand was treated...
This is great. Little refusing to comment on suggestion put to him that Hird is still being paid by Essendon.

AD reminding everyone that Essendon promised not to.

That AGM should be fun. Ask the questions, Dons fans. Your club has let you down and you deserve answers.
Given AD and Gillon were supposedly cut out of the "grand bargain" ...

Nothing more insulting than having somebody go over your head
The thing that escapes robbo is that scapegoats are rarely innocent, it's usually the guy with the least leverage getting thrown under the bus by their co conspirators.
The thing that escape Robbo is that he is a fat drunk insignificant arse clown; who is suppose to report on AFL related news. Not give out poorly implied opinion pieces.
The thing that escape Robbo is that he is a fat drunk insignificant arse clown; who is suppose to report on AFL related news. Not give out poorly implied opinion pieces.

I'm not sure where your issue lies.

These two articles provide much more detail on the negotiation proceedings then known beforehand.
I'd have to say that I'm not fond of either of those two, but one is pm and the other has risen to the upper echelons of international business, whilst the vast bulk of us are shit kickers posting on a forum. I'll leave it to you to work out who are the cunning.

As for Wylie offering a deal that cannot be delivered I wouldn't be so sure. I know the authority that wada and asada have but that doesn't mean that they use it. He heads a body that governs asada so his influence there is clear, as for wada its worth looking at the broader landscape.

Business and politics are bedfellows, sport is the bed. How many political and business deals are done at sporting functions? How much lobbying of politicians by business are done at sporting functions? Sporting bodies court them for the sponsorship and taxpayer dollars and at that junction relationships are formed between the three. If you look at an organisation like wada they exist at that junction, their funding comes from government and the ioc, which in turn is funded by business.

Look at who lands plum jobs at organisations like wada, not people like you and I, but they're drawn from the political and business fraternity. To land those jobs, lobbying is done, favours are done and called in, and debts are incurred.

So it comes down to who does Wylie know that can influence key people at wada, his political and business network is vast.
Now that wylie is in the spot light is be willing to risk his image ?
I'm not sure where your issue lies.

These two articles provide much more detail on the negotiation proceedings then known beforehand.
My issue here, is one article promotes and discusses and important issue relating to the AFL. Whilst the second uses an important AFL issue for the "Author" to promote his bias opinion of an individual. Try to guess which one is which.
People actually cheering a fat, corrupt dictator who would **** their club in an instant if required - lol.

You won't find too many Adelaide fans cheering.

Vlad deserves to have a ball of asbestos rammed down his throat.

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