Poor AFL Crowds *Worst in 20 years*

Why don't you attend matches

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I laughed at the moron on SEN this morning who complained about paying 180 dollars between him and two other family members for next weeks Tigers v Dogs game. Why? Because the tickets he got were front row on level two, and on top of that, he paid for an underground carpark spot.

Demetriou ... is that you? So basically what you are saying is that anyone who wants to get a half decent view of the action and park the car at the ground can drop a couple of hundred dollars or piss off?

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So Carey has signed a three year deal worth over a million a year. Do you realise that with the proposed shortening of quarters to 15 minutes, and assuming he'd play 25 games in a year that would mean he'd be earning $40,000 an hour? The rest of the Kangaroos squad must be on about $500 a year each just so the club can stay under the salary cap... Oh, no that's right, one rule for the Kangaroos and one rule for the rest of the teams, I forgot... stupid me. That's a shitload of money though isn't it? Still, it must cost him a fortune each week for all those steroids I guess, but I wonder if the ugly prick will use some of that dosh to get himself a decent haircut for once. Perhaps then he'd get on the next Who's Who A-list.

Now that's a strange concept isn't it, an A-list? What does the A stand for? Arseholes? I mean, wasn't it Groucho Marx who said "I'd never join a club that would have someone like me as a member"? I'll tell you this for free, if by some freak of the social order I happened to find myself lobbed up on an A-list with the likes of Sam
Newman or Tony Lockett then I'd be handing in my resignation pronto.

I mean Lockett??? The guy's a thug, fair dinkum. Remember when he hurled his crutch at a pre-pubescent Eddie McGuire all those years ago? ****in funny eh? But only cos it was McGuire. It truly was the act of an enraged animal. Now maybe he was a bit pissed about having a camera shoved up his arse as he headed into that Doctor's surgery,
but he seemed happy enough to have cameras following him around towards the end of last season as his retirement loomed ever closer
didn't he? He might come across as a bit of a thick bastard but he knows the smell of money when he sniffs it doesn't he? Yeah, yeah!

Just as well Live and Kicking has bit the dust otherwise, sure as eggs, he'd have been on it alongside those other semi-humans Dunstall and Hawkins. Thank you God for small blessings...

Anyway, apparently the editors at Who's Who wanted to include more people who are in the news on their A-list this year than the usual
array of Moet-sipping, goat's cheese nibbling inbreds they normally select. So where's Michael Knight then? That back-stabbing,
cancerous growth has barely been out of the news all year has he?

Pissing off American high school brass bands, flogging off premium tickets to all his rich mates and passing the buck on to all his
staff... the rotten prick. Hardly suprising when he's been working alongside Richo though is it? I mean, you'd hardly be expecting the
most transparent and accountable procedures when Richo's involved would you? I heard that when Bob Hawke was offered one of them
premium tickets he said he'd only accept it if it was behind Richo so that the cherry-faced assassin couldn't stab him in the back again. Not that Hawkey's the most honest of chaps either mind you, but there
you are...

Mark Philippoussis was included on the basis of his post Davis Cup party performance alone, however that porker Susie Moroney was left off because although she enjoys a smoke in the company of bearded old men she has a tendency to go on post-party drives in her pyjamas. Also the people at Who's Who thought that the stresses of being
included on an A-list might have been the final straw that tipped her over that suicidal edge... Well, put her on the list I say!

I suppose I'd better get back to the football before some anal-retentive self-proclaimed moderator decides to spout off at me with some clap-trap about off-topic postings though, so did anyone see the breakdown of the seating arrangements at the Docklands Stadium? There's so many of them that patrons are to be seated at a table and
given a menu before they choose which gate to enter. Surely the people in charge of such things are having a lend of themselves aren't
they? I mean the average footy fan has difficulty deciding whether or not to have sauce on his pie, so by giving them seven seating options you'll just scare them away. No wonder people are so upset about losing Waverly. There the only choice was whether to sit in the wind or the rain.

And apparently the Melbourne Storm will be plaing some games at the MCG this year. The cheeky bastards! Still, it serves the AFL right for trying to keep them out of the Docklands. Actually this off-season has been quite bizarre with the amount of debate about
stadia and who will play where and when hasn't it? But the most bizarre one was here in Adelaide yesterday where some councillors
decided to register a protest vote about the proposed permanent lights at Adelaide Oval. Apparently each of them thought that they'd try to create some righteous persona for themselves by taking a stand against the ruining of "the best vista in South Australia" as one of them put it. Each one thought that they would be the only ones to vote against the proposal, so imagine their suprise when the result was 5-4 against. Stupid ******s! Seriously, who votes these half-wits in?
Seriously! I've never met one person who has voted in a local council election. Counting must take stuff all time, as there would only be as many votes as there were candidates. Reckon I might stand for council at the next election you know, I mean if Justin Madden can get a guernsey then I'm a shoe-in.

Anyway, that's what I reckon...

- Fat Alberton

Reposted (without permission of course) from the rec.sports.football.australian newsgroup.

Its good if you are bringing a family and takes away a bit of the hassle. Observing footy was designed to cater to all wages low to high.
I laughed at the moron on SEN this morning who complained about paying 180 dollars between him and two other family members for next weeks Tigers v Dogs game. Why? Because the tickets he got were front row on level two, and on top of that, he paid for an underground carpark spot.
Could get about 10 hotdogs for that at subi (seating not included)
Demetriou ... is that you? So basically what you are saying is that anyone who wants to get a half decent view of the action and park the car at the ground can drop a couple of hundred dollars or piss off?
I went to the game yesterday with my non-reserved seat membership. It was free. I parked my car down in a large car park near the Dockland for 7 bucks. There is many trams that go close to it, and trains that travel from out of Melbourne to Southern Cross which is literally next to the ground. I could go on...
Demetriou ... is that you? So basically what you are saying is that anyone who wants to get a half decent view of the action and park the car at the ground can drop a couple of hundred dollars or piss off?

Wow that's a bit steep...
I went to the game yesterday with my non-reserved seat membership. It was free. I parked my car down in a large car park near the Dockland for 7 bucks. There is many trams that go close to it, and trains that travel from out of Melbourne to Southern Cross which is literally next to the ground. I could go on...

I'll go to my local game this weekend. I'll pay attendence, buy a couple of beers and see change from a $20.
It takes away a bit of the hassle and is great for familys. Observing footy was designed to cater to low to high income earners
Look. I'm 20 and I've been going to the footy regularly for as long as I can remember, probably since I was 5 or 6 years old. I don't come from the most wealthy family, so we've never forked out on reserved seat memberships, and guess what? We haven't had a problem finding a seat, and enjoying the game. All it takes is some very basic organisational skills that are akin to being able to read a train timetable and commute to work every day (like millions of residents in Melbourne) and if there will be a fairly big crowd, rock up an hour or so early.
I used to go to every game home and away and go to a fair few neutral games but I can't get motivated to go to that many games any longer.

I still watch neutral games on TV, if they are interesting but found I have turned off most of the neutral games. My club isn't doing a whole lot to get enthusiastic at the moment but how we are going isn't a big issue, watched through the early rebuild where we were getting our pants pulled down and hammered every other week.
It's crunch time for the AFL as complacency has set in, Demetriou is jumping ship and for the first time in my life i am fearful about it's future. We're approaching round 3 and there is no vibe, crowds are lousy, the Essendon V Hawthorn attendance was a huge disappointment. Something is not quite right, admission pricing, food pricing, scandals, fixturing, the tribunal, screwing around with the rules and now the absurdity of Auskick is all taking it's toll on the average football fan. The game is in strife.
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It's crunch time for the AFL as complacency has set in, Demetriou is jumping ship and for the first time in my life i am fearful about it's future. We're approaching round 3 and their is no vibe, crowds are lousy, the Essendon V Hawthorn attendance was a huge disappointment. Something is not quite right, admission pricing, food pricing, scandals, fixturing, the tribunal, screwing around with the rules and now the absurdity of Auskick is all taking it's toll on the average football fan. The game is in strife.

Just wait for the 5 years or so of Gold Coast and GWS dominance :thumbsu:
Look. I'm 20. All it takes is some very basic organisational skills that are akin to being able to read a train timetable and commute to work every day (like millions of residents in Melbourne) and if there will be a fairly big crowd, rock up an hour or so early.

Not exactly going to work with a couple of young kids in tow
Hey, if you actually want to, its very easy to go to the football for not much. Eat in the city or at home, tram or train in, sit in one of the tens of thousands of good GA seats. If that's all too much, watch the best coverage of AFL that's ever existed in the comfort of your loungeroom, for free. Oh yeah, but you'll have to pay for electricity and it's so expensive cos carbon tax and Labor and blah blah...
Whinging morons.
I laughed at the moron on SEN this morning who complained about paying 180 dollars between him and two other family members for next weeks Tigers v Dogs game. Why? Because the tickets he got were front row on level two, and on top of that, he paid for an underground carpark spot. Apparently it was "too expensive" and he won't be attending any more games this year...
Hey here's a thought, how about if you want cheap tickets... BUY THE CHEAP F***ING TICKETS!
Not to mention there were numerous other people complaining about ticket prices being too high.
It's not hard to get cheap tickets. If you want value for money, buy a membership, and sit in general admission, otherwise, if you want better seats, you have to be willing to pay for them.
People don't complain that they were too far away from the stage compared to the guy at the front at a concert, because they understand the concept of better spots, being more expensive.
So basically what I'm getting at, is that anyone using the "too expensive" as an excuse, can P1ss off.

I know people with young kids who are put off going if having to sit right up in the gods. Tbh I don't blame them...

Going all the way up and down is a pain in the arse with kids who can't sit still and need to get up / go to the toilet every 5 mins. The steps are very steep and with little kids it's a massive effort for them, they just end up whinging and crying and wanting to go anyway. Plus they can barely see the action.

You can of course but better seats, but a day out becomes a few hundred dollar day. More a few times a year thing now than every week.
Fat Andy's problem is that people are starting to wake up to the alternatives. I've gone to a few VFL matches in the past couple of years, and attended the VFL Pies game on Saturday. It's a good game of footy, you're close enough to feel part of the action, there is room to move around, beer and food is reasonably priced, and you aren't adding a wing to Demetriou's villa on Lake Como with this scaled pricing bullshit.

In short, when I go to the VFL I feel like a footy fan who is being catered for instead of a walking wallet. :thumbsu:

Another top option is your local team. It has all the benefits of going to a VFL match but is easy to get to and you can cheer on your suburb. Round one starts on the weekend.

People need to stop accepting the AFL's crap and not attend games until the message is received. Watch your AFL side on the TV and go to one of the alternatives for the live experience.

Could say exactly the same thing about the SANFL. Well said
I'll go to my local game this weekend. I'll pay attendence, buy a couple of beers and see change from a $20.

Well said brother

Local footy is the sports best kept secret. It's a fantastic day.

Go to a decent club and it's a bloody good standard and enough of a crowd to produce some atmosphere. First or second division of your local metro league.

Cheap food that actually tastes like food, cheap full strength beer in a can, relaxed atmosphere, lean on the fence, stroll out listen to the coach at the break, see big forwards kicking big bags, the odd all in brawl, it's everything footy is meant to be.

I can't believe there's people who call themselves football fans who don't get down to their local club when they have a free Saturday arvo.
"3rd highest round two attendance in AFL history"

We play 9 games a week now, I'd bloody expect the total crowd numbers to stack up pretty well. What kind of idiots do the AFL take us for?
Adelaide oval should have the second highest average attendance this season, MCG having the highest.

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