PC World of Warcraft - Including Classic

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Yeah right, never would have figured you for a wow player nostra mate. Your right about that epic feel the game used to have, i quit for ages at cata then tried wod recently. I cant really put my finger on what it is that has turned me off the game now, it all just feels to easy for me now in a way. I loved the days of hard crafting, hard leveling and hard gearing. I got from 85-100 and all epics in like 3 days going from cata-pandas-wod, the raids were ok but then what after that? sit in a garrison with sfa to do. That and my fury warrior plays like shit now and feels like blizz are trying to force 1h over 2h weps on fury wars, my BM hunter was also crap. Ill all ways have fond memories of wow but i think im done with it now.

Tbh once you've been able to raid it's always been sitting somewhere and doing sfa whilst not doing so. It just used to be harder (or more accurately take more time as skill was not involved) to get to that point. I don't think either method is/was perfect but it's certainly starkly different to the early days.
Tbh once you've been able to raid it's always been sitting somewhere and doing sfa whilst not doing so. It just used to be harder (or more accurately take more time as skill was not involved) to get to that point. I don't think either method is/was perfect but it's certainly starkly different to the early days.
don't get me wrong im not one of those elitists who are down on people who still play it and rant on about "in my day wow took more skill" blah blah blah. It just doesn't have the same feel as when i fell in love with the game so i don't feel the same playing it now i suppose. While i enjoyed my garrison alot to begin with it also made me think about the lack of social feel in the game now that i used to experience in org in vanilla, shatt in bc and dalaran in wrath. I really think peoples garrisons should have been attached to a city kinda like dalaran where you walk out of your personal area and into players everywhere. this is just my opinion on how i feel about wow and im not trying to convince anyone of anything :)

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don't get me wrong im not one of those elitists who are down on people who still play it and rant on about "in my day wow took more skill" blah blah blah. It just doesn't have the same feel as when i fell in love with the game so i don't feel the same playing it now i suppose. While i enjoyed my garrison alot to begin with it also made me think about the lack of social feel in the game now that i used to experience in org in vanilla, shatt in bc and dalaran in wrath. I really think peoples garrisons should have been attached to a city kinda like dalaran where you walk out of your personal area and into players everywhere. this is just my opinion on how i feel about wow and im not trying to convince anyone of anything :)

A few things changed wow socially. In the early days you knew the people on your server, the server forums were a good laugh, people calling people out etc. there was no LFR or cross sever, you had to group up with people from your server. Once the LFR stuff came out, cross server etc it started to kill a lot of the social stuff.
don't get me wrong im not one of those elitists who are down on people who still play it and rant on about "in my day wow took more skill" blah blah blah. It just doesn't have the same feel as when i fell in love with the game so i don't feel the same playing it now i suppose. While i enjoyed my garrison alot to begin with it also made me think about the lack of social feel in the game now that i used to experience in org in vanilla, shatt in bc and dalaran in wrath. I really think peoples garrisons should have been attached to a city kinda like dalaran where you walk out of your personal area and into players everywhere. this is just my opinion on how i feel about wow and im not trying to convince anyone of anything :)
I agree, was just making the point for the sake of doing so :)
A few things changed wow socially. In the early days you knew the people on your server, the server forums were a good laugh, people calling people out etc. there was no LFR or cross sever, you had to group up with people from your server. Once the LFR stuff came out, cross server etc it started to kill a lot of the social stuff.

It's funny because I feel like the larger online gaming gets the less of a community vibe there is..
A few things changed wow socially. In the early days you knew the people on your server, the server forums were a good laugh, people calling people out etc. there was no LFR or cross sever, you had to group up with people from your server. Once the LFR stuff came out, cross server etc it started to kill a lot of the social stuff.
true, with me i suppose you can just break it down to as simple as I just dont enjoy the game as much as i used to anymore for various reasons.
The Molten Core anniversary just proved to me how much better raiding is now than when the game started. Raiding is the only part of wow that has continued to improve at a consistent rate over the years
While i love how easy it is to organise or join a raid now the downside is you have so many rude campaigners these days compared to when you had to use trade or LFG channel if not on a guild run. Back then you made a bad name for yourself as an ******** and that was it forget raiding, now days there must be like 50 times more trolls than trolls that actually exist as chars in the game :D
While i love how easy it is to organise or join a raid now the downside is you have so many rude campaigners these days compared to when you had to use trade or LFG channel if not on a guild run. Back then you made a bad name for yourself as an ******** and that was it forget raiding, now days there must be like 50 times more trolls than trolls that actually exist as chars in the game :D

At least ninjaing items seems to be mostly a thing of the past. Shit got real with that agi trinket from ToC (forgot its name) in Wrath.
At least ninjaing items seems to be mostly a thing of the past. Shit got real with that agi trinket from ToC (forgot its name) in Wrath.
After I merged my guild with another guild for better raiding to down the LK on heroic during wrath I remember this time when we had him on the last phase and were calling stuff flat out just before he death grips you and its over when this fkin 10 year old kid that some idiot recruited who had that very trinket ninjad jumped into vent balling his eyes out screaming into vent about it and we wiped, ahhh fond memories :D
The Molten Core anniversary just proved to me how much better raiding is now than when the game started. Raiding is the only part of wow that has continued to improve at a consistent rate over the years
How did it prove that? Do you mean content wise or raiding in general? Content wise of course it's better now, they've had over a decade to improve.

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After I merged my guild with another guild for better raiding to down the LK on heroic during wrath I remember this time when we had him on the last phase and were calling stuff flat out just before he death grips you and its over when this fkin 10 year old kid that some idiot recruited who had that very trinket ninjad jumped into vent balling his eyes out screaming into vent about it and we wiped, ahhh fond memories :D

At least you were utilising vent communication to some extent? :p

Always shits me right up the wall when someone dies and you have a billion bres' available but the RL/heal leader doesn't call for it so people are left dead for 2 minutes. So then I sit there thinking maybe I should go back to being a healer before realising I'm an egotisical bastard that loves padding DPS.
At least ninjaing items seems to be mostly a thing of the past. Shit got real with that agi trinket from ToC (forgot its name) in Wrath.
I used to find that hilarious tbh. The Thunderfury binding getting ninjaed was a highlight. Or people the guild got geared only for their account to end up on ebay. Good times.
I used to find that hilarious tbh. The Thunderfury binding getting ninjaed was a highlight. Or people the guild got geared only for their account to end up on ebay. Good times.
I dont think I would have liked to have raided with you on vent nostra mate, would have either ended up in tears laughing or tears crying cause your a mean campaigner :D
I dont think I would have liked to have raided with you on vent nostra mate, would have either ended up in tears laughing or tears crying cause your a mean campaigner :D
We did the first MC without vent or addons. We started using it in BWL. Who was the second boss, that ****ing Dragon you had to kill fast? I remember you had 30 or 60 mins to kill him or you couldnt go any further until reset the following week. The guild killer o_O
We did the first MC without vent or addons. We started using it in BWL. Who was the second boss, that ******* Dragon you had to kill fast? I remember you had 30 or 60 mins to kill him or you couldnt go any further until reset the following week. The guild killer o_O
was that the one with the room full of eggs and those controls at each end? So long ago and so many beers and bongs since those days :D
How did it prove that? Do you mean content wise or raiding in general? Content wise of course it's better now, they've had over a decade to improve.

Raiding in general, the 40 man novelty wore off quickly when it became apparent how difficult it is to coordinate that many people even the most simple mechanics, the mechanics themselves were incredibly lacking and the fights just lasted far too long and were very repetitious. I never raided in vanilla but I've raided in every expac since. Everyone always harped on about vanilla raids and how great they were but Molten Core was an absolute snoozefest that I did once for the novelty during the anniversary then never went near again.
Raiding in general, the 40 man novelty wore off quickly when it became apparent how difficult it is to coordinate that many people even the most simple mechanics, the mechanics themselves were incredibly lacking and the fights just lasted far too long and were very repetitious. I never raided in vanilla but I've raided in every expac since. Everyone always harped on about vanilla raids and how great they were but Molten Core was an absolute snoozefest that I did once for the novelty during the anniversary then never went near again.

MC became a snoozfest, but doing it very early days, the first few months of 2005 it was epic stuff. I agree with the 40 man being a pain in the arse. My favourite raid ever in Wow was the original Naxxramas. It was almost a perfect raid.
We did the first MC without vent or addons. We started using it in BWL. Who was the second boss, that ******* Dragon you had to kill fast? I remember you had 30 or 60 mins to kill him or you couldnt go any further until reset the following week. The guild killer o_O

Vaelastrasz. Ragequit/gquit central.

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