Travel Flight Attendants, please shut up!

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jack son 5

Jan 16, 2011
AFL Club
I do like to get my daily serve of news via Lately though, it seems every week there is a flight attendant having a whinge and exposing what goes on in the sky.

My answer is, how about you shut up and concentrate on the job you are paid to do. If you don't like it don't do it.

I paid my $2500 for a one way flight, so if you don't like me leaving my discarded empty drink bottle in the seat pocket as I disembark, go and get stuffed. But hey, drain down some more on social media about how your life is too hard because a passenger asked to borrow your pen.
You need to fly more on Thai Airways, best airline hostesses in the world, polite, helpful and stunningly beautiful.

Sure some of them might be ladyboys but that's a minor quibble.

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You need to fly more on Thai Airways, best airline hostesses in the world, polite, helpful and stunningly beautiful.

Sure some of them might be ladyboys but that's a minor quibble.
What's the in-flight music like?
I flew Croatia Airlines a few years ago. Apart from the fact I thought the aircraft was going to fall out of the sky, I was pleased with the girls attending to my needs. Very friendly.

Some of the female attendants serving with the big airline companies need a massive reality check. Yes you're trained in airline safety, good on you. But the other 99.99999% of time, the plane isn't going down and you're just a glorified waitress. Deal with it.
You need to fly more on Thai Airways, best airline hostesses in the world, polite, helpful and stunningly beautiful.

Sure some of them might be ladyboys but that's a minor quibble.
How about those seats though! One's pink, one is peach coloured, the next is purple, the one across from you is bright orange...

Has anyone ever rooted an air hostess?
I went out with a trolly dolly for a while.
Can see it now: "honey, can you please get me another beer"

Beer arrives 45 minutes later on the coffee table while you're fast asleep. Misses rings 13 friends and makes 24 posts on facebook complaining of getting you said beer.
Attrition rate must be fairly high. Be all exciting at first, flying around, visiting new cities, aiming to work up to international flights/business class. 5 years later you're on your 500th flight to Adelaide, serving campaignerish passengers, another kid crying in the background, pondering your shitty roster and hours that torpedo your social life, thinking "Why am I still doing this?".
Flew with Emirates from Melb > London over Christmas. The air hostesses were over-attentive and gave off the most stressful vibe.

I'm a huge fan of Qantas and the influx of MILF's that work in the cabin crew. The pink on their navy/red uniforms is so ugly, however. If it weren't for that, I'd actually believe Alan Joyce's bonus to be warranted.
Worst job ever, I've got a fear of flying. Only ever been on a flight once and won't do it again. I'm a land animal thanks.

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Qantas are making a conscious effort to be more 'accessible'...friendlier staff, less fussed about having a hair out of place, more down to earth etc. Virgin are trying to become a more premium carrier in contrast.
Attrition rate must be fairly high. Be all exciting at first, flying around, visiting new cities, aiming to work up to international flights/business class. 5 years later you're on your 500th flight to Adelaide, serving campaignerish passengers, another kid crying in the background, pondering your shitty roster and hours that torpedo your social life, thinking "Why am I still doing this?".

I don't think many people last long, its bit like FIFO but hours much more harsh.

Also add in the fact Airlines are age discriminatory, no one wants to see a oldie serving them.
Holden are shit. I've just personally noticed a great improvement in QANTAS in the past few years; as a consumer flying with them on a regular basis, and as an avid reader of all things business.
Qantas are making a conscious effort to be more 'accessible'...friendlier staff, less fussed about having a hair out of place, more down to earth etc. Virgin are trying to become a more premium carrier in contrast.
Since buying out Tiger they've probably laid an emphasis on quality service.

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