Society & Culture Things that Shit me part X- The Tenth edition!

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Someone has borrowed my Reservoir Dogs DVD and not returned it and I really wanted to watch it today and I have no idea how to download movies and I'm so maaaaadddddd
Got to Video Ezy

Oh wait...

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Salmon >> tuna.
Altho it is significantly more expensive than tinned tuna, which shits me. Am always on the look out when it goes on special. Which is not often.

Shits me also our neighbour looks like she is going to get away with stealing a phone. Will post in bad neighbours thread.

Correct. And you can get a big tin of the pink salmon for 2.30 at the moment, not quite as good as the red but still not bad if you're a tightarse.
Yep. Something about him sucks me right in. Dunno if it's his furrowed brow or his manner of speaking but in everything I've seen him he has a very commanding presence.
His tone of voice with the soft pauses before he finishes his sentences. Gold.
Man I need to watch RD again.
Michael Masden is as alluring an actor as you could possibly hope to cast. Has the same aura in the Hateful Eight about him.

I went and saw The Hateful Eight last week and I knew I'd seen him somewhere before, it wasn't until I got home and looked him up on the internet that I realised he was in Reservoir Dogs.

He looks a fair bit different now to what he looked like back then though, which isn't surprising as it's over 20 years ago.

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I did it once when I got cash back at a supermarket self serve.

Happened to me at Big W once. Didn't realise until an hour later when I looked in my wallet. Went back to the store and the girl at the self-serve said there was no way to check. In hindsight she probably had no ****ing idea and I should've got a manager.
I found 300 quid once sitting at an atm in London.

I couldn't hand it into the bank as it was a Sunday and it was closed and I couldn't see anyone around that had left it there so I just pocketed it.

I figured if I didn't take it some other chancer would have.

Did you buy MDMA with it?

Who the f*** eats that shit and enjoys it? It smells like cat food.

Tuna bake is even worse, it smells like heated up cat food.

It stinks up every goddamn place that it is eaten in by selfish disgusting tuna eating f***wits.

Anyone that eats tuna, tuna bake or any other tuna related shit should be deported to Nauru or Manus Island indefinitely.


Looks like the bottom of the bait bucket when i'm finished fishing.
Not being able to eat any poultry or fish. Love chicken and tuna, etc but can't eat the shit. :(

Why is that? Are you allergic to them?

I could live without eating fish but I'd hate to go without eating chicken.
Ugh I know it's been posted before but the flat out thievery of Australian ticket and festival sales companies.

Ticketmaster... They charged the 6.95 handling fee despite the fact that you just print them out anyway.

That's bad enough, but at this years Adelaide Festival, there's a night called Unsound which I go to yearly. Because I'm a Trev member I can get the tickets cheaper (35 dollars per night compared to 112 for both). So of course I buy them individually. BUT you don't have a cart, you need to add them and pay for them separately.

So not only do you get knocked a bullshit 6.95 handling fee, but there's no way to avoid paying it twice for what is, for all intents and purposes, a single transaction.

Just flat out thievery.
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