Movie Star Wars - Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker - Spoilers and Rumors

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scene described of Kylo in his throne room, on the throne, he holds snoke's ring in his hand, the black gem, where the gem comes from Mustafa, and contains some kind of power in it, and so Kylo taps into it, in a similar fashion to how when Rey touched Luke's lightsaber it set off a force vision in TFA. Here, it sets of a force vision where Kylo sees a young snoke without injuries choking a black cloaked figure, snoke gathering and hording old sith artifacts that belonged to Palpatine inside a secret vault, and other things.

this kind of ties in with the Kylo/KoR quest sub-plot, where kylo seeks out this secret vault on a jungle world, to gain more dark side power/knowledge, watching old sith holocrons, reading plagueis manuscript on how to create life, etc.
further details about the anakin/kylo scene previously talked about...

kylo in a cave that resembles the first jedi temple on ahch-to, the Prime Jedi mosaic (that we see in TLJ), is seen in the distance, kylo lights his lightsaber to light up the dark entrance as he walks in, and a figure of anakin appears near the prime jedi mosaic, anakin is a mix old and young, as anakin approaches we see his wrinkles and graying blond hair, which is slicked/combed back, kylo deactivates his lightsaber, and anakin hands him a necklace that belonged to Padme, a conversation between grandfather and grandson is had, an audible conversation.

seems like force ghosting is amping up after what RJ did in TLJ.

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Regardless of everything tho, you have to appreciate how much weight JJ is carrying on his shoulders here with this movie. He'd be under a ton of stress. He not only has to wrap up the ST, but also fix all the continuity/consistency problems that TLJ created inside that trilogy. Not only that, he also has to wrap up the whole Skywalker Saga itself and make it a satisfying conclusion. But also has to tie in all three trilogies together, and also Rebels and new EU lore that's further to be expanded on in upcoming spin-off media. Whilst also trying to revive "star wars" itself after it has absorbed a lot of negativity, malaise, and disinterest since Disney took over.
in regards to twists that change views on the prequel trilogy....

a taste of this was seen in TLJ where Luke explained how the Jedi were flawed.

analyzing IX tho, where it's connected to the PT, it would be either/and about Palpatine, Obi-Wan, Anakin, a revelation about the Skywalker bloodline itself....this is where the twist would be focused on, changing the perception of something related to those things, on Jedi/Sith lore. With at least one big twist a la "i am your father" moment in terms of shock/reverberation.

Been thinking about this....I reckon it'd have to be something like the entire Skywalker bloodline was borne of the dark side, of the Sith, nefariously always been working against the light side, against the Jedi. Perhaps where Luke goes dark side, or was always dark side in the ST/TLJ, maybe trying to push Kylo over the edge into the dark so his nephew could overthrow Snoke and finally join his uncle as masters of the galaxy, or something along those lines. Where finally Luke and Kylo are defeated in IX, the tyranny of the Skywalkers on the galaxy ends as the skywalker saga ends. And then we see the future of the galaxy in Rian Johnson's new trilogy, a new epoch.
Another leaked scene rumored....

Luke as he looked like on Crait, on Tatooine, hut in the background, with two kids standing beside him. One of them resembles Anakin in TPM, small boy with short blond hair. The other an older girl with long black hair. And it cutting to a scene of all three of them watching the duel sunset of Tatooine, like a callback to ANH.
And....IX is said to be the darkest SW movie ever. Many deaths, many finalities to occur....kind of like how Rogue One HAD TO result in the deaths of all those characters because by the start of ANH there was no mention of any of all those characters, why there was no Blue Squadron, etc. So for continuity, it HAD TO mean everyone literally dies.

Similarly, as this movie ends the entire Skywalker Saga, the whole three trilogies, then it's expected everyone will pretty much die, the state of the galaxy will have to flip to a state of zero Sith and Jedi, the end of the Skywalker bloodline, but also the end of any other lineages like Solos, or any other theoretical lineages like Kenobi, Palpatine, a period of peace post-IX to happen.

Been described as a war to end all wars, a total war. The fate of the galaxy resting on plot details in IX, there being like a countdown and race to an inevitable showdown as mysteries, truths, and powers are revealed.
Probably something to do with the Aftermath trilogy too here....where Palpatine had a post-empire contingency plan in place, secrets vaulted on Jakku, the reach to the Unknown Regions, to find the source of the dark side, etc. So that is probably going to be expanded on in IX to give meaning to the Sequel Trilogy and Aftermath series, as they were both intended to relate and give background to the ST.
It’s gonna be a long 12 months based on the past couple of pages ;)
Mind you, all that I've posted (text-wise) is starting to make sense with what IX will eventually be as a movie. I don't see any wild ass theories that are unrealistic. A lot of solid stuff there that fit into what IX will end up trying to achieve.

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anyway, i'll likely ease up on the rumors/speculation stuff this far out, because I can see it aligning, know pretty much where this story is going now, what plot points it wants to hit.

until meatier stuff emerges...leaked set photos, toys, posters, costumes and ships, teaser trailers, title news, and that sort of thing....i'll keep the other stuff toned down.
What is IX's rough plot points?

Seems to be essentially this....

A year after the events of The Last Jedi. Kylo has settled into his role as Supreme Leader of the galaxy, as Anakin pre-Darth Vader always wanted to be. Bringing order and peace. Kylo is seen as a benevolent ruler. Not a Palpatine, tyrant. Across the galaxy. But there are certain flashpoints where Kylo dolls out vicious treatment in ORDER to keep the galaxy in general order. Certain troublemakers/freedom movements have to be crushed, dealt with. Clans and pirates. Just like you see in general society. For the vast population it's all peace, jobs, homes, content lives, entertainment. But there's a percentage of the population who are criminals/etc, who live in a more dangerous realm in that same society, they have police and other criminals constantly at war with them, violence, killings going on. That's the nightly News.

Rey is probably training and growing in the Force. Poe, Finn, Rose, etc are all still wanting to take the fight to the First Order, see it as corrupt, they know Kylo personally and how bad he can or has been. Because in their minds they think they're all good and fighting evil. Hypocrites! Anyway, Leia is still out there trying to drum up support for a Resistance, which HAS grown since TLJ. She/Poe/etc are still recruiting more clans and worlds to join their cause.

Hux meanwhile has his designs on being the boss, and has always hated Kylo anyway. This time, there's no super-power Snoke. Just the still human Kylo who can be usurped, if he can get the First Order itself to side with him. Find something about Kylo to betray him with. He's feeding intel to Leia/Poe etc in the interim.

Kylo continues to explore the lore of Sith/Jedi, and wants to obviously grow more powerful. He recuits his KoR, all force users too, fellow students at Luke's academy back in the day, to come with him on a quest for knowledge/power. Pretty medieval tone abundant. Kylo early in the movie taps into Snoke's ring and sees visions of secrets out there. So there's a middle act where he's off with the KoR exploring worlds, killing clans/people getting in his way, guarding the secrets, a kind of Raiders of the Lost Ark type of thing going on. He finds all those ancient Sith/Jedi relics and holocrons, many call-backs and flashbacks to Palpatine, young Snoke, Plagueis, and prequel trilogy lore in this medieval quest sequence.

Whilst Kylo/KoR are off doing all this, the Resistance has increased their attacks on First Order bases and strongholds, due to Hux intel, and treachery, as he tries to create a situation where the First Order loses faith in Kylo as leader. Rose, Lando, Maz, Poe, Finn, etc all engaged against the FO in some big battle whilst Kylo is away on his quest.

Rey meanwhile has also started her own adventure for more power or to reach Kylo himself and appeal to him, because she also learns some startling things herself in her visions, training, and encounters with Force Ghosts and relics/artifacts. They are enemies but also the two strongest force wielders around, and naturally drawn to each other. Probably some more Force Skyping going on. Maybe even a scene where they are both together alone, intimate/sympathetic, caring touches etc, whilst all the others are going at it in battle on other worlds.

Eventually tho, they resume their hostilities due to disagreement about Sith/Jedi lore, not joining forces, etc. Rey goes back to help Finn/Poe/etc who are in grave danger. Kylo goes back to take charge of the FO and resolve the Hux situation, as he now realizes his treachery.

The movie thus concludes in the final act, with a huge space/ground war, where everyone dies. Chewy, R2, C3, Leia, Lando, Poe, Finn, Rose, even Kylo and Rey.....but it ends with a child of Rey/Kylo alive. Just in case Disney may want to backtrack in the coming years and re-continue the "skywalker saga" in movie form, or push that skywalker saga continuation off into purely books and comic editions.
anyway, i'll likely ease up on the rumors/speculation stuff this far out, because I can see it aligning, know pretty much where this story is going now, what plot points it wants to hit.

until meatier stuff emerges...leaked set photos, toys, posters, costumes and ships, teaser trailers, title news, and that sort of thing....i'll keep the other stuff toned down.
I reckon if you delve deeply into the spoilers, then you’ll be completely surprised when the film comes out completely different.
What is IX's rough plot points?

Seems to be essentially this....

A year after the events of The Last Jedi. Kylo has settled into his role as Supreme Leader of the galaxy, as Anakin pre-Darth Vader always wanted to be. Bringing order and peace. Kylo is seen as a benevolent ruler. Not a Palpatine, tyrant. Across the galaxy. But there are certain flashpoints where Kylo dolls out vicious treatment in ORDER to keep the galaxy in general order. Certain troublemakers/freedom movements have to be crushed, dealt with. Clans and pirates. Just like you see in general society. For the vast population it's all peace, jobs, homes, content lives, entertainment. But there's a percentage of the population who are criminals/etc, who live in a more dangerous realm in that same society, they have police and other criminals constantly at war with them, violence, killings going on. That's the nightly News.

Rey is probably training and growing in the Force. Poe, Finn, Rose, etc are all still wanting to take the fight to the First Order, see it as corrupt, they know Kylo personally and how bad he can or has been. Because in their minds they think they're all good and fighting evil. Hypocrites! Anyway, Leia is still out there trying to drum up support for a Resistance, which HAS grown since TLJ. She/Poe/etc are still recruiting more clans and worlds to join their cause.

Hux meanwhile has his designs on being the boss, and has always hated Kylo anyway. This time, there's no super-power Snoke. Just the still human Kylo who can be usurped, if he can get the First Order itself to side with him. Find something about Kylo to betray him with. He's feeding intel to Leia/Poe etc in the interim.

Kylo continues to explore the lore of Sith/Jedi, and wants to obviously grow more powerful. He recuits his KoR, all force users too, fellow students at Luke's academy back in the day, to come with him on a quest for knowledge/power. Pretty medieval tone abundant. Kylo early in the movie taps into Snoke's ring and sees visions of secrets out there. So there's a middle act where he's off with the KoR exploring worlds, killing clans/people getting in his way, guarding the secrets, a kind of Raiders of the Lost Ark type of thing going on. He finds all those ancient Sith/Jedi relics and holocrons, many call-backs and flashbacks to Palpatine, young Snoke, Plagueis, and prequel trilogy lore in this medieval quest sequence.

Whilst Kylo/KoR are off doing all this, the Resistance has increased their attacks on First Order bases and strongholds, due to Hux intel, and treachery, as he tries to create a situation where the First Order loses faith in Kylo as leader. Rose, Lando, Maz, Poe, Finn, etc all engaged against the FO in some big battle whilst Kylo is away on his quest.

Rey meanwhile has also started her own adventure for more power or to reach Kylo himself and appeal to him, because she also learns some startling things herself in her visions, training, and encounters with Force Ghosts and relics/artifacts. They are enemies but also the two strongest force wielders around, and naturally drawn to each other. Probably some more Force Skyping going on. Maybe even a scene where they are both together alone, intimate/sympathetic, caring touches etc, whilst all the others are going at it in battle on other worlds.

Eventually tho, they resume their hostilities due to disagreement about Sith/Jedi lore, not joining forces, etc. Rey goes back to help Finn/Poe/etc who are in grave danger. Kylo goes back to take charge of the FO and resolve the Hux situation, as he now realizes his treachery.

The movie thus concludes in the final act, with a huge space/ground war, where everyone dies. Chewy, R2, C3, Leia, Lando, Poe, Finn, Rose, even Kylo and Rey.....but it ends with a child of Rey/Kylo alive. Just in case Disney may want to backtrack in the coming years and re-continue the "skywalker saga" in movie form, or push that skywalker saga continuation off into purely books and comic editions.

Sounds absolutely garbage - the sort of shit someone who thought TLJ was bad would dream up. No director is going to use multiple flashback/callback scenes in a movie - especially to things that the general public won’t give a shit about. Two people on a treasure hunt for Jedi relics? How exciting. Everyone dies at the end? So Disney is going to green light all their property that they’ve developed over three films going up in smoke?

It sounds like the sort of plot I’d expect ****ing Kevin J Anderson to dream up.
Been reading about all the different specific callbacks and references JJ is doing in IX, and it's essentially showing again his propensity to just copy-paste stuff from the OT. As he did in TFA with ANH.

Disney really ought to hire Dave Filoni AND Gareth Edwards to control all future SW stories....they are the only two of the new era who truly understand what SW is all about and make unique creative choices. JJ and RJ and KK have all shown a fundamental disconnect with it. Just copying/pasting callbacks and scenes.
Been reading about all the different specific callbacks and references JJ is doing in IX, and it's essentially showing again his propensity to just copy-paste stuff from the OT. As he did in TFA with ANH.

Disney really ought to hire Dave Filoni AND Gareth Edwards to control all future SW stories....they are the only two of the new era who truly understand what SW is all about and make unique creative choices. JJ and RJ and KK have all shown a fundamental disconnect with it. Just copying/pasting callbacks and scenes.

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