What is the point of the National Party

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National party was started because nobody gives a shit about farmers and heavy machine operators and they wanted to be heard. The party has become so prominent that farmers and truck drivers have become the only people that matter thesedays. If public servants and doctors lose their jobs then there's no sympathy if anything satisfaction from conservatives for destroying these jobs/families.
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I didn't even know who the Nationals' leader was.

Now with this "announcement" he's just proven the truth of the old saying: "better to be silent and be thought a fool, and open your mouth and remove all doubt to the contrary".

Nervous Nationals MPs are not ruling out a move on their leader, Michael McCormack, before the next election unless he significantly hardens his calls for a taxpayer underwrite of a coal-fired power station.
Nervous Nationals MPs are not ruling out a move on their leader, Michael McCormack, before the next election unless he significantly hardens his calls for a taxpayer underwrite of a coal-fired power station.
Is that going to get anyone of them outside of central Qld a few votes?
Even someone as thick as Hanson gets it
In a debate with Bananaby over Electricity prices she said "Barnaby, you've had five and a half years and you have done nothing about it"

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Barnaby Joyce is unhinged. He's claiming that he is the elected deputy Prime Minister of Australia. Well actually, Barnaby, you weren't even eligible to stand at the last Federal Election.

I did like McCormack comparing the relationship between the libs and the nats to a marriage and then pointing out that he knows what it takes to make a marriage work. Quality work (for the first time ever, too little too late).
Is that going to get anyone of them outside of central Qld a few votes?

Nutters are fine with losing seats in conventional Australia. Strengthens their position if "moderates" simply aren't in the Coalition party room.
Barnaby Joyce is unhinged. He's claiming that he is the elected deputy Prime Minister of Australia. Well actually, Barnaby, you weren't even eligible to stand at the last Federal Election.

It's also not even remotely close to how our political system functions. There are no elections for deputy PMs, or indeed for PMs or any member of cabinet.
It's also not even remotely close to how our political system functions. There are no elections for deputy PMs, or indeed for PMs or any member of cabinet.

Well yeah, but what I posted is a better rhetorical device. Like I said though, unhinged.
One of the biggest threats to Mr Joyce returning to the leadership after the election is his supporters losing their seats.

In a party of 22, contested estimates suggest about 14 people, if not more, as being willing to back him against Mr McCormack.

But of those five are retiring from politics, with an extra three at risk of losing their seats.

Mr McCormack's supporters, meanwhile, appear set to comfortably retain their seats.

An additional problem for Mr Joyce after the election is rising star David Littleproud, the Queensland MP who went from backbench to cabinet within 18 months of being elected.

He's long been touted as a future leader of the party and, if he ran in the leadership ballot, would offer the party the chance to reset with fresh blood.

He's repeatedly ruled out running for the leadership before the election and it remains unclear if the 42-year-old Agriculture and Water Resources Minister would be willing to run against Mr Joyce in a one-on-one battle after the election.

Adding to the confusion is the chance that senators whose tenure ends come July, could cast a decisive vote on the future of the party just days or weeks out from their political careers ending.

The Nationals are supposed to represent rural and regional interests. National MPs are blokes in RM Williams trousers and big hats.

They lost their way 10, 15 years ago. A vote for the Nationals has always meant a vote for the coalition, but now it's just a vote for the Liberals. I'm not surprised their share of the vote has fallen away. In the 2016 election in WA they got only 3% of the vote, and the Australian Christians who are a genuine fringe party got 2.6. The Greens outpolled them 4:1. Didn't come close to winning any of the regional seats.

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