Health Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP)

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People only earning a few hundred shouldnt be getting $1500 so good on that bloke. Money doesnt grow on trees, thats an absolute rort if people are getting 1500 now on 300 previous earnings. We will have to pay for it
Whats your thoughts on Qantas ?
I'm not sure I believe that they have to do that. I heard that you have to pay to get laundry done though.

Locked up with kids would be hard. But that is the rules. If they wanna blame someone, they should blame the international returnees weeks ago who broke home quarantine. The government isn't to blame here.

1/4 of the cases in the US too. :$
It may not be everywhere or in every state but at least one Journo in isolation has posted a photo of the no laundry service ruling in writing from isolation in the hotel and written about having to hand wash.
Not saying it's not warranted but it's a reality for some at least.

Not everyone in quarantine now could get home earlier but that's still where they should be.
And I know not all the hotels are 5 star but they are all livable.

The big thing I think is they can't go outside. Literally can't leave the room they are in, no space if you are a family. Tough but necessary.
Whats your thoughts on Qantas ?
In what regard? Asking for a loan? Not bothered but ive said any business who requires government help should give up a stake in the company back to the government...

Love how Im the bad guy for pointing out the sheer stupidity of someone earning $200 a week now getting $750 from the government. Why wasnt it just calculated on previous 12 months earnings to a maximum of $1500 a fn? No one misses out then and makes more sense but nothing makes sense atm. Just keeping throwing money around like its meaningless

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It may not be everywhere or in every state but at least one Journo in isolation has posted a photo of the no laundry service ruling in writing from isolation in the hotel and written about having to hand wash.
Not saying it's not warranted but it's a reality for some at least.

Not everyone in quarantine now could get home earlier but that's still where they should be.
And I know not all the hotels are 5 star but they are all livable.

The big thing I think is they can't go outside. Literally can't leave the room they are in, no space if you are a family. Tough but necessary.

100% agree with going outside. Getting fresh air would literally be a game changer. I'm not sure how the government could have incorporated this in though. 14 days in a small room with no fresh air would test even the best Buddhist teacher. I was trying to come up with ideas like maybe every second day take a busload of them to a guarded sports oval or something for an hour or two. But I believe the main issue is that each individual guest needs to be by themselves and there 1000s of people to deal with, so that idea is near impossible. What they are currently getting is probably all that can be done.

I do think though that you can make your quarantine easy by not focusing on the negatives and bitching about the situation. Hard to do but it would make life easier.
In what regard? Asking for a loan? Not bothered but ive said any business who requires government help should give up a stake in the company back to the government...

Love how Im the bad guy for pointing out the sheer stupidity of someone earning $200 a week now getting $750 from the government. Why wasnt it just calculated on previous 12 months earnings to a maximum of $1500 a fn? No one misses out then and makes more sense but nothing makes sense atm. Just keeping throwing money around like its meaningless
Theyre throwing money around because theres no other option
Starving people out is not the plan here
It may not be everywhere or in every state but at least one Journo in isolation has posted a photo of the no laundry service ruling in writing from isolation in the hotel and written about having to hand wash.
Not saying it's not warranted but it's a reality for some at least.

Not everyone in quarantine now could get home earlier but that's still where they should be.
And I know not all the hotels are 5 star but they are all livable.

The big thing I think is they can't go outside. Literally can't leave the room they are in, no space if you are a family. Tough but necessary.

there’s occupancy limits for safety. Often there are double bed rooms With adjoining doors to twin bed rooms
Sweden numbers were very similar to Australia until in one day 34 died.

Australia hope you are prepared for what is coming.
This is an example of baseless fear mongering that is so ****ing stupid.

On what basis are you assuming that what happened to Sweden will happen exactly the same way it will for us? In all honesty, it just may happen but Joe Blow off the streets claiming we are ****ed is so dumb.
100% agree with going outside. Getting fresh air would literally be a game changer. I'm not sure how the government could have incorporated this in though. 14 days in a small room with no fresh air would test even the best Buddhist teacher. I was trying to come up with ideas like maybe every second day take a busload of them to a guarded sports oval or something for an hour or two. But I believe the main issue is that each individual guest needs to be by themselves and there 1000s of people to deal with, so that idea is near impossible. What they are currently getting is probably all that can be done.

I do think though that you can make your quarantine easy by not focusing on the negatives and bitching about the situation. Hard to do but it would make life easier.
Positive attitude can help massively no doubt.
Hotels tend to not have balconies these days and they can't really let them out if they want to do it properly because it's via common areas.
Not everyone can maintain a positive attitude unfortunately and it's not always a sign of weakness like we often pretend it is.
The quarantine should come with access to counseling, I hope it does, not everyone will use it but I hope it does.

there’s occupancy limits for safety. Often there are double bed rooms With adjoining doors to twin bed rooms
Sure but we aren't taking normal circumstances and dual rooms still isn't out side and still doesn't give you the option for real personal space.
So listening to ABC radio, according to a scientist, by the age of 15, every human at some point has had a coronavirus, every animal carries the coronavirus (inc humans). The ommon cold is a coronavirus, Birdflu is a corona virus, MERS is a coronvirus and so far this new one is not on the scale of birdflu or MERS.

Sure, people need to know about it but the reaction so far is a fair way over the top. I couldnt give a shit about it tbh.

However, my kids school just released a statement saying anyone who has been to some province in chine over the holidays needs to keep their kids away from school for 2 weeks (im guessing this is a statewide/nationwide request as i cant see too many kids going to china over the holidays from a small semi country primary school)

You have some pies early on in this thread old mate
Positive attitude can help massively no doubt.
Hotels tend to not have balconies these days and they can't really let them out if they want to do it properly because it's via common areas.
Not everyone can maintain a positive attitude unfortunately and it's not always a sign of weakness like we often pretend it is.
The quarantine should come with access to counseling, I hope it does, not everyone will use it but I hope it does.

Sure but we aren't taking normal circumstances and dual rooms still isn't out side and still doesn't give you the option for real personal space.
Why not find the hotels that do and put them in those?
A coworker has covid-19. Likely contracted from his wife who is a frontline nurse and has also tested positive. He was only at work one day where he could have been infected, apparently his wife was getting tested every two days as a precaution. At my workplace they have had specialist cleaners come in and have traced all his movements through surveillance cameras. As a result two other workers have been tested, both negative. I work in the pharma industry and even our usually high controls of cleanliness have been increased.

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100% agree with going outside. Getting fresh air would literally be a game changer. I'm not sure how the government could have incorporated this in though. 14 days in a small room with no fresh air would test even the best Buddhist teacher. I was trying to come up with ideas like maybe every second day take a busload of them to a guarded sports oval or something for an hour or two. But I believe the main issue is that each individual guest needs to be by themselves and there 1000s of people to deal with, so that idea is near impossible. What they are currently getting is probably all that can be done.

I do think though that you can make your quarantine easy by not focusing on the negatives and bitching about the situation. Hard to do but it would make life easier.
It's 14 days. They're not going to die from lack of fresh air/mediocre food/washing clothes in the sink in that time. I know we're not used to feeling like we're being punished for something that's not our fault in this country, but there are people dying and people losing their jobs through no fault of their own as well. Same sort of rich people complaining who would hold a party with 100 people as soon as they got home because the rules of the commoners don't apply to them.
In what regard? Asking for a loan? Not bothered but ive said any business who requires government help should give up a stake in the company back to the government...

Love how Im the bad guy for pointing out the sheer stupidity of someone earning $200 a week now getting $750 from the government. Why wasnt it just calculated on previous 12 months earnings to a maximum of $1500 a fn? No one misses out then and makes more sense but nothing makes sense atm. Just keeping throwing money around like its meaningless

Agree 100%.

Business owners must be so frustrated right now with part timers ringing in demanding $750/wk.

Just because they CAN be paid that doesnt mean they deserve or NEED to be paid that.

Ditto unemployed now getting $1500/fortnight.

It should be kept at the same amount, but up to a maximum of $1500/fortnight who've lost their job in the past month (and can prove their pay rates).

Theyre bizzare payouts to make by the gov in uncertain times.. almost as bad Rudds $1000 payout to everyone a decade ago.

But I guess all of that takes a huge amount of assessment on a case by case basis which I very much doubt anyone has the time or patience for.

Still seems like a pointless waste of funds to pay employees more than what they were getting previously.
Companies are generally suppose to have three months worth of working capital. Banks are also providing credit with the government guarantees and most businesses would have a Current loan or overdraft of some description to draw on.

Sure, some won’t and others might be worried to pay anything till it’s law. Hopefully it’s more of the second option and more businesses roll it out once it’s in stone.

The $1500 no matter the employee/hours is strange from the government. Work places are delicate structures of fairness and being consistent across the board. Scomo has stuffed that for no real reason so it’s a bit baffling. Why not just pay 100% of any averaged wage below $1500 a fortnight = fair. No extra cash required.

Atleast presumably if you want that $1500 your employee can expect and demand a certain number of hours from you.

If you do 10hrs in a fortnight you dont have a leg to stand on expecting $1500 unless you've discovered the vacceine for Corona.
You have some pies early on in this thread old mate
Think you'll find a lot of what I'm saying is true so far for our country.

Alot of other people's post at the same time re death rates for our country are out of whack compared to mine.

And Im still not afraid of getting it.

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Well this is my last day of work for the time being. My boss has given us what they call the ERTE here in Spain. It is an emergency suspension of contracts and we go onto the Paro (the dole) but it doesn't count towards our overall Paro that we can collect if we lose our job outright. And our boss doesn't have to pay us out, which pleases her as it would be a lot of money for the permanent staff of which I am one. I guess I have a two week holiday (at least, depending on the government extending the lockdown) now so I think some gaming is in order. Might finally finish Red Dead Redemption 2...
When this is all over i dont think people will holiday for a while, not because of virus fears etc but because noone will have any leave yet. Annual leave. Lsl etc will all be run down by most people or have been paid out.

I'm hoping this is the case and international flights become nice and cheap.

Hutchy predicts that people will fear international travel more and start to do more travelling around Australia instead.
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Sweden numbers were very similar to Australia until in one day 34 died.

Australia hope you are prepared for what is coming.

Sweden has chosen an alternative strategy to almost every country which has involved a much slower implementation of distancing measures and lockdowns. I suspect they will regret this.

Our situations are completely different.

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That Cronulla NRL match before the lockdown that ScMo was keen to attend could have been our version of this Champions League game...

We're going well when compared to other countries but gee we've been lucky too. Seems like we shut mass participation events down just in time.

Keep obeying the lockdown everyone!!!
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