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  1. W

    Bumped Worst Tiger Player Ever?

    Paul Hudson, Kent Kingsly.
  2. W

    40! F*** it's dawned on me. COME ON TIGES!!

    Been waiting since 80 to celebrate!.... 14 years old when we won our last flag, absolutely loved it!! though i could'nt really go out and get hammered and enjoy it?.... thought it would happen again in 82:(...guess what? still waiting:confused:
  3. W

    Bling traded

    I don't think Bling can dance:o.
  4. W

    Classic commentator lines.....

    Absolutely...then after the national athem on monday morning assembly our club song should be played over the loud speakers aswell.
  5. W

    Jumper Numbers 2011

    Nason in 27, has a cult following like a former blonde who wore it for us... a beautiful left footer Stewie Maxfield, how did we let him go to Sydney?
  6. W

    Classic commentator lines.....

    About 1min 25 secs into the video Bruce McAvaney goes nuts..... Dundas little gift to Bond...Here's a go...Bond to Maxfield, go and kick a goal stewie...straigthen up..bang it home... it's a beeautyyyy there in front the tiges:thumbsu::thumbsu: enjoy,
  7. W

    give em the flick tiger fans

    You say go find another team cause were no good? So that means when your hubby carn't get it up you go find another?
  8. W

    Changes for round eight

    Agree with ya Pat, Ma Goofy is worse the Mc Muffin.
  9. W

    Hang in there Tigers

    Wont it be just pick 4?.... and then a second round pick?
  10. W

    This may have an obvious answer, but Angus Graham...

    Gus trying to look like a Brazillian Model?.... Doing a lot of Beach weights getting fake tans and using way too much hair products!. START RUCKING YOU BIG POSER!
  11. W

    humble beginnings (cotchin and Martin) the age

    Just one!... would love too give him one, right in the nose:mad:
  12. W

    Ben Cousins In Avavtar

    Read somewhere that Sam Worthington is a Richmond supporter?... i'm sure someone here will correct me if i'm wrong.
  13. W

    Membership Watch Thread - 40,000 and climbing

    Re: Membership Counter Well said Goldy, Also why dont they write about Nth Melb and their 12 supporters or The Dawks claiming to have 50,000 members, though failing to attract that many at a game including opposition supporters turning up aswell:o. The H/Sun is losing creditabilty not the...
  14. W

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    A guy is driving around the back woods of Montana and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: 'Talking Dog For Sale ' He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a nice looking Labrador retriever...
  15. W

    Tickets for Round 1

    Buy a membership with reserved's our home game! all the money goes to RFC and you'll be right for the rest of the season.
  16. W

    Richo DVD

    Yep, good DVD though i think most posters here would agree that it was rushed out to be in stores for christmas!. Also you'd think someone would of had a can of "Aeroguard" handy whist he was being interviewed, Damm Flies :). Would of been better to have it ready for rd 1 2010.... they could...
  17. W

    My top 5 Richmond players

    Hey Fred, i know he's no star,though did some jobs on some star opposition players this year! he'd be in our best 10.... also ran 2nd in our B&F this year?
  18. W

    My top 5 Richmond players

    Here's my list...Still hurting from the Big Fella's retirement! 1. Lids 2. Cuz Daylight 3. Axlel 4. Tambo 5. Cotch not far behind are....JR ,Mitch, Jacko, Gus (if he would pull his finger out!) Andy Collins could be anything? signs are there!... lets wait and see?
  19. W

    Richo retires

    Wish you well in your new life in the media...or whatever you choose to do. Guttered!... would of love to have seen a farewell game at the "G", perhaps you might get a farewell lap before the game against Carlton in rd1?. On the bright of all this, is that we (Richmond supporters) were lucky...
  20. W

    Matthew Richardson set to annouce retirement

    Wish you well in your new life in the media...or whatever you choose to do. Guttered!... would of love to have seen a farewell game at the "G", perhaps you might get a farewell lap before the game against those Liberal Bastards in rd1?. On the bright of all this, is that we (Richmond...
  21. W

    Most hated person it football?

    You'll be there buy yourself stupid:o.....Rocket Science,yeah right.
  22. W

    Most hated person it football?

    Has to be Lyon and Brayshaw for using the Footy Show as their personal vehicle to advertise whatever they want for themselfs and/or their clubs or mates... Ed taught them well on that scale. Daimen Barrett for just writing crap without any sort of evidence or research.... and the H/scum for...
  23. W

    Toni Shaw=Most Hated Man on the RFC Board!

    GaRRRRy Lyon, rip the hair of his back!...just to see him cry again. Tony Jones= Total jerk...even worse now with his new teeth and loss of weight:o Damien Barrett.... just one punch!... thats all! Tony Shaw is just stupid, so i actually feel sorry for him:(.
  24. W

    "Sack the Coach, Get Sheedy, This player was shit that player was shit" thread

    Not sure were we go from here???, i know one thing, mid season will come around and if were still no good!!.... we'll be lokking for another coach. If this is the case.... which very well could be (i hope not)!!! leigh Mathews is worth a try?....or... Let Sheedy over see W Campbell the...
  25. W

    Rich v Carl IS sold out!!!

    Not exactly true crazy!.... When the deal was done between these two clubs collingwood were better placed and forced an 60/40 deal in their favour?... though when Richmond started finding their feet again and were matching the Big clubs again in attendences, we ask collingwood to even it up at...
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    Most Significant Number in the VFL/AFL

    Your right, i ****ed up:o
  27. W

    Most Significant Number in the VFL/AFL

    and Dick Clay, Dale Weightman.
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    Why do you love Richo?

    Because he's just like you!.... a footy supporter actually good enough to play the game at the highest level.
  29. W

    I just had a baby!!!

    Congrats:thumbsu:.... enjoy every minute, cause they grow up quickly.
  30. W

    With teammates like this, who needs enemies?

    Is'nt it great that those Liberal bastards are fighting amongst themselfs:D