2003 review-fave films, TV shows, albums etc

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Captain Sensible

Brownlow Medallist
10k Posts
Jan 8, 2001
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Maybe its a little early but post your favourites here. All the best new stuff you have seen this year.

For mine:

TV shows. For comedy I find it hard to go past The Office acting and direction was spot on and I watched most of it either squirming in my seat or laughing hysterically, a close second was spaced an underrated comedy about share housing that managed to jam more popular culture references than all of Quentin Tarantino's films put together.

For Drama I reckon it was Spooks. Tense, tight, well scripted and full of twists and turns, the end was stunning. It was about MI5 and if it is ever repeated just watch it.


Phone Booth was a cracker. Colin Farrels performance was impeccable. Given that he just stood in a phone booth for 2 hours keeping up the interest factor must have been incredibly hard but he pulled it of. A good old fashioned psychological thriller with a great twist at the end.

Pirates of the Carribean was a great romp and I really enjoyed it. The acting was hammy, but enjoyable and it was terrific to see Johhny Depp stepp outside of the serious/disturbed young man genre and lighten up a bit.

Anymore for anymore?
TV Shows : Comedy would have to be Kath and Kim. An absolute scream. What am I going to do on Thursday nights now? An honourable mention to CNNNN for comedy as well.

No TV drama worth a mention for me this year.

Movies: Matrix Reloaded was the best film I have seen this year. Awesome visuals and a great storyline, even better than the original. Looking forward to seeing Revolutions.

For a comedy film, the best one I've seen this year would have to be my most recent one, Intolerable Cruelty. Incredibly stupid, but very funny. Dumb and Dumber sort of humour.
TV Shows:
Comedy - Kath and Kim .... very funny
Drama - Australian Idol .... how much more drama could u get?! :rolleyes:

Pirates of the Carribean ... loved that film! Johnny Depp was hilarious, especially in the part about the rum!

Matrix Reloaded ... but hopefully, I will be able to say the Matrix Revolutions tomorrow.

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TV comedy: Kath and Kim/Everybody Love Raymond
TV Drama: House of Bulger (I can see a mountain of Logies for this show)

Movie: Gettin' Square (David Wenham's performance is gold!)

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