Anthony Albanese - How long?

How long for Albo?

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A leaked email showing 250 million people were infected with covid across China in the first 20 days of December. The real fear here is that such a rapid spike in infections across a population with very low levels of up to date vaccinations could see the emergence of a new mutation of the omicron virus that other countries are not prepared for...

The widespread thinking across the globe that the pandemic is over while this is happening in the most populous country in the world is just idiotic in my uneducated view.

But the reality is that there is no public appetite for closing borders again, despite the potential risks. And the widespread support Morrison and state Premiers got for imposing border restrictions back in 2020 is highly unlikely to be replicated this time.

China fuc***g things up again. Go figure.

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A leaked email showing 250 million people were infected with covid across China in the first 20 days of December. The real fear here is that such a rapid spike in infections across a population with very low levels of up to date vaccinations could see the emergence of a new mutation of the omicron virus that other countries are not prepared for...

The widespread thinking across the globe that the pandemic is over while this is happening in the most populous country in the world is just idiotic in my uneducated view.

But the reality is that there is no public appetite for closing borders again, despite the potential risks. And the widespread support Morrison and state Premiers got for imposing border restrictions back in 2020 is highly unlikely to be replicated this time.
I find it interesting the posters that want to close borders but only to certain countries dealing with covid.

We've been doing our best to add mutations to the global pool as well.

Everywhere just went **** it, it's too expensive to do this properly so let's get back to letting people die for profits
I find it interesting the posters that want to close borders but only to certain countries dealing with covid.

We've been doing our best to add mutations to the global pool as well.

Everywhere just went * it, it's too expensive to do this properly so let's get back to letting people die for profits
Any other countries letting COVID running as rampant in a largely unvaccinated population at the moment and refusing to share information?

PS. we should be doing more ourselves eg. masks back on public transport and encouraging vaccine take up.

On SM-A125F using mobile app
I’m wondering what IT support roles are valued as.

Having worked in IT for over 30 years it’s universally regarded as a cost sink that can be either outsourced or offshored.

Even though most organisations can’t function without it.

Yes, I’m a tad bitter.
A different view:

I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

not sure i'd be relying so heavily on someone who, by his own admission, "mainly focusses on zoology" as my source. or a waiting to see as a prudent option.

perhaps someone who is a working doctor specialising in, say, infectious diseases, epidemiology, virology. particularly when covid cases have been escalating and we aren't sure by how much.

not sure i'd be relying so heavily on someone who, by his own admission, "mainly focusses on zoology" as my source. or a waiting to see as a prudent option.

perhaps someone who is a working doctor specialising in, say, infectious diseases, epidemiology, virology. particularly when covid cases have been escalating and we aren't sure by how much.

Yeah look I can’t stand them as a country and would happily close our borders to them if there was a real risk there, was just showing a different side to it that I found interesting.
not sure i'd be relying so heavily on someone who, by his own admission, "mainly focusses on zoology" as my source. or a waiting to see as a prudent option.

perhaps someone who is a working doctor specialising in, say, infectious diseases, epidemiology, virology. particularly when covid cases have been escalating and we aren't sure by how much.

The mixed messaging continues it seems!


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Even the WHO leadership understands the reason for border controls and is politely calling Xis less than open approach to sharing information. Yet Albo is prioritising political point scoring ahead of Australian lives.

On Thursday, the head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, also urged China to be more forthcoming on the pandemic. It was “understandable” that some countries had introduced restrictions in response to its Covid-19 surge, he said.

Hard to believe it could happen but Albo has shown Scummo was actually better than him in one area. Albo doesn't (and shouldnt) have to copy Scummo's blunt messaging but he should be announcing that consitent with nations around the world, we are reluctantly introducing mandatory testing prior to boarding flights from China and reintroducing masks in airports and flights from international airports.

On SM-A125F using mobile app
This kind of antipathy towards the public service was present in Queensland under Newman and it has never recovered from his mass cuts. Even today they are incredibly reluctant to hire more people in roles that aren't front-facing even if the current staff in a particular department are being overworked. I don't think that's a positive thing as there's little time or money to think about the expansion of services when they're flat-out just maintaining the existing level.
Newman's greatest achievement was ordering trains that didn't meet disability standards. Even the builder told them they weren't.
Even the WHO leadership understands the reason for border controls and is politely calling Xis less than open approach to sharing information. Yet Albo is prioritising political point scoring ahead of Australian lives.

On Thursday, the head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, also urged China to be more forthcoming on the pandemic. It was “understandable” that some countries had introduced restrictions in response to its Covid-19 surge, he said.

Hard to believe it could happen but Albo has shown Scummo was actually better than him in one area. Albo doesn't (and shouldnt) have to copy Scummo's blunt messaging but he should be announcing that consitent with nations around the world, we are reluctantly introducing mandatory testing prior to boarding flights from China and reintroducing masks in airports and flights from international airports.

On SM-A125F using mobile app

I find it really concerning but also not overly surprising if they are purposely withholding information.

It’s either that or cases are that out of control that they have no idea where they are at.

Very much against this. If the roles were reversed a Victorian as of today would need to get a doctor's referral to get a PCR test to visit China.

Very much against this. If the roles were reversed a Victorian as of today would need to get a doctor's referral to get a PCR test to visit China.

What’s the point in looking at and comparing the cases and deaths from 2020 and 2021? There were no vaccines and we had lockdowns. We were chasing covid zero.

We’ve now completely opened up.

Did you expect the numbers to remain stable in 2022?
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What’s the point in looking at and comparing the cases and deaths from 2020 and 2021? There were no vaccines and we had lockdowns. We were chasing covid zero.

We’ve now completely opened up.

Did you expect the numbers to remain stable in 2022?
I mean its kind of interesting that we appear to have let a transmissible virus become the leading cause of death in our country and the media and politicians are generally acting like that hasn't happened

but the minute they can also be racist about it, suddenly we're going to test people entering the country again, but only from China, Europe and America are fine even if they are also having massive transmission
I mean its kind of interesting that we appear to have let a transmissible virus become the leading cause of death in our country and the media and politicians are generally acting like that hasn't happened

but the minute they can also be racist about it, suddenly we're going to test people entering the country again, but only from China, Europe and America are fine even if they are also having massive transmission

Let’s be honest, we’ve just copied the UK and US. Our own CMO was comfortable only 3 days ago to go without additional testing requirements. What’s changed?

Seems a political point scoring move. Is what it is. If it prevents tourists going into our hospitals, which are already screwed, isn’t that beneficial?
Let’s be honest, we’ve just copied the UK and US. Our own CMO was comfortable only 3 days ago to go without additional testing requirements. What’s changed?

Seems a political point scoring move. Is what it is. If it prevents tourists going into our hospitals, which are already screwed, isn’t that beneficial?
What's so special about the Chinese that they deserve particular attention?
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