ASADA case against Essendon hanging by a thread (The Age, 1 Nov 14)

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On what grounds did essendon ask to be there?
Who knows, they want ot know what may happen to their club, and give advice if then can I guess

However it was the right decision, its between the players. AFLPA wanted it confidential, so they are granted. Why should they bend the rules for EFC

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Actually no

Danks main job was with efc

Charter and Alavi understood he was purchasing for efc

There is therefore a reasonable chance that was where tb4 ended up, especially with Thymosin on the consent form

If dank sent the supps elsewhere, the players need to prove it

Mr Charter has previously said Mr Dank asked him to buy banned peptide Thymosin beta-4, but said he didn't know which of Mr Dank's clients were going to use it.

Mr Charter said he did not know what happened to the peptide after it went to Mr Alavi and could not say if it was injected into Essendon players.
I'm not saying it didn't end up at EFC, but not so sure your bolded part is true.
Charter and Alavi understood he was purchasing for efc

I don't agree with that one.

Charter make a comment on where it might have gone after Alavi the other day (not that I would trust Charter anyway)

Pretty sure ASAD still have to prove it went to Essendon.

Both Alavi and Charter have claim they did not know the Essendon program iirc/
I don't agree with that one.

Charter make a comment on where it might have gone after Alavi the other day (not that I would trust Charter anyway)

Pretty sure ASAD still have to prove it went to Essendon.

Both Alavi and Charter have claim they did not know the Essendon program iirc/

Problem efc has is two fold, one its the volume (in charters words enough for a football team), and secondly whatever these two idiots said in their unsworn statements.

Granted it's not water tight, but the players need to provide more validation that it ended up at MRC than just making a claim with zero support.

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I am selective, I am biased and I do want ASADA to win.It's not because I hate Essendon, it's not because I hate Hird and it's definitely not because I am a vindictive campaigner (I admit I can be a campaigner sometimes), it's because they are Guilty of doping their players and deserve everything that comes their way.

You are not the only person who speaks to experts
If they weren't guilty they've sure been acting like it for the last 2 years.
You're claiming they bought stuff from the Coca-Cola dealer, who only ever sells Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola products, who only ever buys from a distributor that has stated he has only ever supplied the dealer with Coca-Cola. And you're claiming it could be Pepsi.

That is a very good argument and Dank will get done by that. However, the Essendon players are a different beast and that argument will not cut it for a prosecution of the players.

That is not to say that ASADA do not have sufficient evidence; I understand they do. But in any case, ASADA have the main goal of doing Dank and perhaps one or two others. I think we can all unite around the fact that getting Dank out of the AFL would be good. Pretty sure all Essendon supporters and all afl supporters would agree with that.
Armchair Critic

I could argue jst as validly reason some may say ASADA's case is 'weak'

The issuing o 34 SCN to some lawyers was a hint at some weakness in their case. That there is something missing in their intel in getting tb4 from China, to Alavi to Dank to the player.

They would be more concerned if there were less players facing charges that they had nailed every step in the process. Maybe ASADA have nailed it down to each players. but IO think it is a valid thought.

If Essendon or the players thought they were screwed, why not take a cosy deal? 4 weeks and be gone/

Why continual delay handing over your breifs on why you believe they players are guilty.

Or, hat ASDA taking 3 days in their opening could be a hint at weakness. Fill up the first 3 days until the break, allow them more time until next year to keep investigation. Give time for players to sweat and hope they come running for a deal etc etc etc.

They could be all a lod of shit. BUt I think there are some fair assessments there, depending what you want to

I find that just as valid as why would ASADA issue the SCN if they weren't confident - I think that is a fair call, but there are retorts to it, as well as everything I posted.
Armchair Critic

I could argue jst as validly reason some may say ASADA's case is 'weak'

The issuing o 34 SCN to some lawyers was a hint at some weakness in their case. That there is something missing in their intel in getting tb4 from China, to Alavi to Dank to the player.

They would be more concerned if there were less players facing charges that they had nailed every step in the process. Maybe ASADA have nailed it down to each players. but IO think it is a valid thought.

If Essendon or the players thought they were screwed, why not take a cosy deal? 4 weeks and be gone/

Why continual delay handing over your breifs on why you believe they players are guilty.

Or, hat ASDA taking 3 days in their opening could be a hint at weakness. Fill up the first 3 days until the break, allow them more time until next year to keep investigation. Give time for players to sweat and hope they come running for a deal etc etc etc.

They could be all a lod of shit. BUt I think there are some fair assessments there, depending what you want to

I find that just as valid as why would ASADA issue the SCN if they weren't confident - I think that is a fair call, but there are retorts to it, as well as everything I posted.

Of course there are retorts, . ASADA have played it smart IMO and the fact that Hexarelin has been left off the charges given to players states to me they are confident that they have the case to get Tb4 up.

This is likely the evidence Essendon was talking about ASADA giving up to them that ASADA refused, Evidence to nail Dank, not the players.

I know the evidence is damning , I just don't know if ASADA have it.
There are several reasons why they would not;
1. Incompetence
2. Hiding something
3. Protecting IP.
Dank is meticulous in recording things. This is known from his prior work. If Essendon doesn't have records, Dank almost certainly does. Why does he not want to admit he has records? This is the big question.
By that logic, 1. is not an option. Also 3. isn't an option as one would think that with all the court actions and tribunal hearings, he would have admitted by now that he isn't releasing information because he protecting his IP.

So that leaves us with 2. He is hiding something and really it is the only logical thing that can explain all of his actions.

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