Autopsy Autopsy vs Richmond - thanks for everything Jack Z

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IF north wins a flag. I know everyone is sitting there patting each other on the back, laughing and thinking another flag is inevitable, but it’s not. Not unless they stop accepting these amateur mistakes and change a lot of things at the club.
Literally no-one is doing that. Again, a) chat in here does not represent what is happening at the club, b) all anyone has done is point out and welcome a few things that were not completely shit, and c) as fans, “acceptance“ - in that you don’t leave when you aren’t happy - is part of the deal.
Nah, we’ve got a right to expect somewhere near a win against an aging Richmond, particularly when we’re farewelling a club champ and have most of our players.

We were neck and neck with Richmond in the early 10’s. We matched them consistently then and in the early Shaw era which was not so long ago. They’ve got three flags from that period and have every right to be on the down-slide. What’s our excuse?

It’s this constant acceptance of losing that’s setting the club back and I can’t stand it. We should be expecting to win some of these games.

We can’t forever be saying “oh, we were playing xxxx team and we can’t expect to win against them”. When TF is it our turn to be that team? Why are we overawed? When did we become such an inconsequential bunch of nice guys who are just happy to be there? We’ve spent 20 odd years being made to feel like we have no right to be the best in the league and it’s actually pathetic.
Without our best midfield lineup and forward setup, it was going to be a bloody huge effort to win yesterday. Lmac and LDU going down made things more difficult.

For most of the first half we dominated Richmond with a much younger midfield with chemistry of about half a year with Clarko at the helm? Richmond had 15 years to get it right under Dimma.

It's an indictment on Richmond that we were still in the contest at 3QT. With our team basically surviving on life support, that's actually really encouraging.

Players that didn't play whom are best 22:
  • LDU
  • Logue
  • Bergs
  • Comben
  • Shiels
  • Sleevo
  • Wardlaw
  • Zurhaar
With so much instability as Clarkson said, it's going to be pretty difficult to get firing. Thanks Hawthorn 😡

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Goater is a good example of our fans being ridiculously presumptious in the Brady thread calling him a success/good selection. Still too early but the worry is he’s another poor kick in a team full of them.

Drury is another poor selection albeit a late one - already confident Harvey is much better than Hansen Jr, Spicer and Drury, noting that it’s not a compliment to say that - pretty much anyone is. We’ve picked abysmally when it comes to small forwards.

Goldy is cooked? He’s still better than Xerri. More confidence going into games with Goldy than Xerri next season knowing that neither of them are our future and will be on the list in 3 years time.

And yeah Howe is just crap.
I’d at least give RHJ a full AFL pre season before passing judgement but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by Cooper.
You’ve gone quiet in the Sheezel thread.
Dude, I’ve said he’s gun. All I said was that his kicking lacks penetration, fact, and he’s needs to cut out his turn overs, fact.

But hey, how you going to blame LMac for Dusty’s game yesterday? Come on, I’m sure you’ll find away. Just make up some shit like that fraud chadicko
Dude, I’ve said he’s gun. All I said was that his kicking lacks penetration, fact, and he’s needs to cut out his turn overs, fact.

But hey, how you going to blame LMac for Dusty’s game yesterday? Come on, I’m sure you’ll find away. Just make up some s**t like that fraud chadicko
?? How much have I said about McDonald?

His disposal and decision making is poor but we’re 17th on the ladder and have plenty of worse players.
Couldn't be upset at the general structure and effort yesterday. As per many recent weeks, had our chances but awful forward setup or passing cost us.
I'm struggling for positives tbh.

Richmond were ripe for the taking yesterday. They were surprisingly listless for a team sending off a couple of their champions.

Outside WC and us, any other team would have rolled them yesterday.

Like the Cats, they're cooked and Port are going to smash them next week unfortunately.

We couldn't put Essendon away. Look at them. Add them to the toasted list. Fell in against us and WC - who we couldn't beat - and got torn a new one by GWS - who are battling to make it into the top 8.

We need to turn the joint upside down over Summer.

Anything less, we're kidding ourselves.

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Been 'slightly' critical of Larkey at times, lack of one grabbers and too often giving up front spot to shark out the back like a flanker while recognizing his smarts as he continually hits the score board.
But this for mine was one of his best games, took some great one grabbers, lead strong and out in front. Played like a key position player and looked fantastic.
Great game from TT, couldve been huge with a couple of straighter kicks.
Thanks Jack! Gave everything you had, congrats on a great career. That game was winnable even if it was frustrating at times.
th some very good passages of play undone by fumbles and/or poor decisions.
We've definitely improved, we're in more games than last year and there's been improvement in individual players.
The losing sucks but its given Clarko/Viney and List Mgmt & Recruiting team a clear picture of where we are at if they didn't already know.
The state of the list means it will take at least two drafts to turn the list over and give new players opportunities.
It won't always be a linear trajectory in terms development and wins but I can see it turning quickly if we nail the recruiting/drafting.
We've had a lack of stability, alignment and continuity in the footy program. Hopefully it's smoother waters next year off-field.
The group needs that one game where they just put together 4 quarters and dominate another team. Then they will get a taste for it.
Skills, decision making and fitness need a lot of work but new players can bring a different energy and competitiveness and I'm sure that will be high on the character of the players targeted by Viney and Clarko. We're not as bad as we appear even given ladder position, teams are more close than before imo.
Been 'slightly' critical of Larkey at times, lack of one grabbers and too often giving up front spot to shark out the back like a flanker while recognizing his smarts as he continually hits the score board.
But this for mine was one of his best games, took some great one grabbers, lead strong and out in front. Played like a key position player and looked fantastic.
Great game from TT, couldve been huge with a couple of straighter kicks.
Agree 100%

I've whinged about Nick off and on this season but after yesterday no more. First game I've attended for a minute and to see this man run tirelessly while a cavalcade of shanks and dribbles head in his general direction, often contesting 2v1, and to still walk away with six is outstanding.

The other highlight for me is that the improvement in Thomas seems to be real - relieved but I hope it says that way - and for the umpteenth time there were little shoots all over the place where you can see cleaner skills and better running one day in future. It could be my eyes but I really liked the way Phillips and Thomas worked together to get out of a jam ~late in the second, and players like Curtis & Ford have a future in a top 8 team if they keep developing. Even Drury I think shows a bit of promise, stats be damned. He has a bit of aggro and is worth a bit more time imo. Disappointed that Dusty had such a good day because it looked like Taylor was trying his guts out at various stages. Not sure what to make of our no.5 right now.

Back 6 - I just want to cry. It is a diaper without the backside part. How do you fix this in a single off season? You can't. **** and bugger, 2024 will be more pain, with or without McKay.

Also worried about our ruck division. Goldy was ragdolled and looked every minute of his age, and Xerri is a long way off being a solid replacement. It boggles the mind to think we have to worry about the freaking ruck given we were drowning in height a few years back.

But hey, we've got Reid. Maybe we don't need defenders or a good ruck anymore.
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Agree 100%

I've whinged about Nick off and on this season, after yesterday no more. First game I've attended for a minute and to see this man run tirelessly watching a cavalcade of shanks and dribbles head in his general direction, when often 2v1, and still walk away with six is outstanding.

The other highlight for me are that the improvement in Thomas seem to be real - relieved but I hope it says that way - and for the umpteenth time there were little shoots all over the place where you can see cleaner skills and better running one day in future. It could be my eyes but I really liked the way Phillips and Thomas worked together to get out of a jam ~late in the second, and players like Curtis & Ford have a future in a top 8 team if they keep developing. Even Drury I think shows a bit of promise, stats be damned. He has a bit of aggro and is worth a bit more time imo. Disappointed that Dusty had such a good day because it looked like Taylor was trying his guts out at various stages. Not sure what to make of our no.5 right now.

Back 6 - I just want to cry. It is a diaper without the backside part. How do you fix this in a single off season? You can't. * and bugger, 24 will be more pain, with or without McKay.

Also worried about our ruck division. Goldy was ragdolled and looked every minute of his age, and Xerri is a long way off being a solid replacement. It boggles the mind to think we have to worry about the freaking ruck given we were drowning in height a few years back.

But hey, we've got Reid. Maybe we don't need defenders or a good ruck anymore.

Larkey has always worked hard, but had a real impact up the ground as well. Playing the way he did brings the smalls and mediums into the game more. Heading out the back might get a few goals here and there but is much easier rebounded.
The defense will have a new look if we get Curtin for McKay, although that will be a huge ask until Logue is back.
Goater and Bergman should only get better next season and id be looking for Reid to play JZ role to start with. From replays Reid's penetrating kicks from defense looked Agrade and would open play for us. That'll be far more skill and creativeness than we've had at least.
Our mids should also be far better with another preseason into Wardlaw, Phillips and Powell. LDU has been injury plagued second half of the season after shaping up as one of the premier onballers early in the year. Wardlaw should see a huge output difference and i expect much the same from Phillips.
Plus we'll have Comben back who adds another dimension to our forward half, along with George. Lots of goal kicking practice Charlie!
As for rucks, im not against trading our future first for long term solution. Perhaps Grundy is an option for a couple of years until we can make that play.

The onus of stability at the club.

Its been rough.
2019 Sack Brad
2020 Hub Disaster
2021 Noble despite his inability to coach has some glimmers of hope
2022 Hope is gone so is Noble
2023 Clarko gone and back, we have makeshift stability.

It would be pretty significant to go 18-24 months where there was stability off field. Where our coach was our coach and there wasn't speculation surrounding everything.

It will be as if not more important than any of the talent we bring in.

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