Movie Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Agreed - initially, I thought it was just because he's Tex Walker strong, then I realized the worthiness factor.
If it was just strength then Tony would've gotten it with the glove on.

Remember Thor couldn't pick it up for half of the first movie.

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Anyone know where you can see the mid / after credits scene(s)?

Theres only one scene and its pretty meh.


Thanos picking up the Infinity Gauntlet and saying "Ill have to do it myself".
It wasn't as good as the first Avengers movie (though living up to that was always going to be a mighty challenge) and I dare say it wasn't as good as Guardians of the Galaxy either, but 8/10 from me. Some thoroughly entertaining moments and the film has teed up the next Phase quite nicely. I suspect CA: Civil War is going to be a very good film on the back of this.
I'm kind of glad I read some reviews that talked it down before seeing it, as I feel that my expectations were kept in check.

Saying that, I thought it was pretty darn good for a sequel. Not as good as the first one, but that doesn't really matter. Was a little disappointed we didn't get to see more of Vision's powers. Hopefully we'll see more in the next one.
I'm kind of glad I read some reviews that talked it down before seeing it, as I feel that my expectations were kept in check.

Saying that, I thought it was pretty darn good for a sequel. Not as good as the first one, but that doesn't really matter. Was a little disappointed we didn't get to see more of Vision's powers. Hopefully we'll see more in the next one.

I suspect he'll have a bigger role in Civil War...Thats going to be Avengers 2.5 the way its going.

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I believe Cap wielded the hammer in the comics at one point. As did Black Widow, somehow.

Other wielders[edit]
Individuals in the primary continuity
Sentient constructs (non-sentient machines apparently cannot)[26] in the primary continuity
The hammer has been lifted by Earth itself when animated by magical means.[30]

Characters from outside the primary continuity

How did Wonder Woman get her hands on Thors hammer? subtext fully intended.
No it's black widow wielding the hammer

Makes sense when she redused to lift up the hammer .... A nice Easter egg there by Josh

Ah ok was that a recent issue? How did they explain her lifiting it? Had she somehow become worthy.

I thought she didnt want to lift it in the movie because of all her issues about her dark past etc.
So Joss Whedon's been forced off Twitter after receiving death threats about something to do with this film. No idea what. I keep reading it has something to do with Black Widow but I can't imagine what.

lack of slow mo close ups?
i felt ultrons character wasnt explored deeply enough. its like he appeared, knew everything, went off, then changed his form. was there a bit of ultron in every robot?

No he took over every robot. He basically built them to inhabit them.

The problem with ultron was that he was nowhere near as menacing as the trailers showed he would be. I think he was definitely toned down for actual movie children in test audience too scared.
i felt ultrons character wasnt explored deeply enough. its like he appeared, knew everything, went off, then changed his form. was there a bit of ultron in every robot?

Yes. That's why that had to destroy all of them.
Apparently he's been getting shit for Black Widow being a "damsel in distress" in the last part of the film.

If that's actually true then I can't even

Lol somehow I cant imagine a person giving death threats over feminist issues being very intimidating

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