Best and worst final episodes

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Sep 22, 2000
Calling Wambulances for the Geelong whiners
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With shows like The Practice,Sex in The City & Friends coming to an end,it got me thinking about some of the best & worst final ever episodes of a series

The best ever final episode I can think of is MASH.It had them all heading off home,but also had a suprise of Klinger staying on.

Another favourite was Phoenix. The unit was shut down and they were all transferred to other areas of the force.I liked Sgt Peter Faithful's last line - "the job is f#@ked"

Other good ones were Cheers and Seinfeld.

The worst I've ever seen had to be Roseanne.The last episode had Roseanne revealing the whole last season was a dream and that Dan actually died from the heart attack he suffered at Darlene's wedding.

Any nominations for best & worst ?
JUBJUB said:
The best ever final episode I can think of is MASH.It had them all heading off home,but also had a suprise of Klinger staying on.
When I saw the subject heading I thought 'MASH', but as worst final ever. Over-sentimental and tedium inducing hour. Another shocker was Seinfeld's last show. I hate flashback episodes, they're always dull as you already know all the routines.
Good = MASH, Cheers

Ordinary = Seinfeld

I don't watch S&TC and have taped Friends, so I can't comment on those.
Was very disappointed with Seinfeld but I don't hold a grudge against the show at all.

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gadj1976 said:
Ordinary = Seinfeld

Was very disappointed with Seinfeld but I don't hold a grudge against the show at all.

A tad harsh, I would have rated the Seinfeld finale about 7/10.

Probably not the best of ways to finish such a great show, but it was still okay in my opinion!

The "highlights" show was better (which I think screened just before the finale). :eek:
luke2177 said:
A tad harsh, I would have rated the Seinfeld finale about 7/10.

Probably not the best of ways to finish such a great show, but it was still okay in my opinion!

The "highlights" show was better (which I think screened just before the finale). :eek:

I think that I had very high expectations of it. I too would've rated it 7, but needed a 9 or 10.
I've always thought that the Seinfeld final was pretty good. I never really liked the show, but I did like the idea that they got sent to jail for being the annoying tools they all were.
The final Wonder Years was amazing to find out so many things as the narrator poured it all out in the last few minutes. Wayne taking over the furniture store, Mum/Mom becoming a business woman, Paul going to Harvard and the real shock of the dad dying soon after hit me like a sledgehammer and of course so important, Kevin not ending up with Winnie Cooper, heart breaking stuff.
Dogs 13 said:
The final Wonder Years was amazing to find out so many things as the narrator poured it all out in the last few minutes. Wayne taking over the furniture store, Mum/Mom becoming a business woman, Paul going to Harvard and the real shock of the dad dying soon after hit me like a sledgehammer and of course so important, Kevin not ending up with Winnie Cooper, heart breaking stuff.
Spot on.

I think there was a little bit of Kevin in all of us.

To that end, I fell a bit in love with Winnie, too - you couldn't help it! When they didn't end up together, eugh, I was fighting back the tears.

And I was all or eight?

Classic childhood memories :)
Angel's final episode was interesting. The way they go out was fitting for the different characters but it left you wanting to know what happened rather than just closing the book all together.

The Fresh Prince was a sad ending if I recall correctly.
Never seen the fresh prince final episode :( . that's why cable/digital/foxtel is krap :mad: .seen my fair shair of sitcoms over the years throu so-so cable tv. but rosanne is the most dissappointing of them all. cheers, married...with children, spin city (MJ Fox...never seen the one's with charlie sheen) the cosby show (old Days with malcom warner whats his name?!?) home improvement (i think it ended with taylor thomas having cancer or something lyk that) . but that's just my opinion, if their final episode made me laugh then it was good.

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JUBJUB said:
Another favourite was Phoenix. The unit was shut down and they were all transferred to other areas of the force.I liked Sgt Peter Faithful's last line - "the job is f#@ked"

Peter Faithful - droooooll!!!!!!!!!!! what a hunk :)
JUBJUB said:
I think they sold the house.They had characters from other shows looking at buying the house - the couple from The Jeffersons,Mr Drummond and Arnold from Different Strokes.

The family moved out and left Will by himself to turn the lights out. Was a pretty emotional finish for a comedy series, at least thats how it felt when I was only 12 or so.
Dogs 13 said:
The final Wonder Years was amazing to find out so many things as the narrator poured it all out in the last few minutes. Wayne taking over the furniture store, Mum/Mom becoming a business woman, Paul going to Harvard and the real shock of the dad dying soon after hit me like a sledgehammer and of course so important, Kevin not ending up with Winnie Cooper, heart breaking stuff.

Yes I never really watched the show, I remeber switching to it one sunday afternoon when they used to play it as reruns.
I remeber actually being sad it was all over and a little emotional even though I barely knew what it was all about.
it was always going to be hard to finish off seinfeld well, and the last episode was a bit of a let down

especially when you consider that the 2nd last episode (givne the final is a 2 parter) was "The Puerto Rican Day" - which is one of the true greats!
Dogs 13 said:
The final Wonder Years was amazing to find out so many things as the narrator poured it all out in the last few minutes. Wayne taking over the furniture store, Mum/Mom becoming a business woman, Paul going to Harvard and the real shock of the dad dying soon after hit me like a sledgehammer and of course so important, Kevin not ending up with Winnie Cooper, heart breaking stuff.

Here, here, that show was really good.

I recall sitting in a hotel room in Washington DC taping the final episode on VHS and bringing it back to Australia for people (who wanted to see it) to watch before it was on TV here.

I did the same for Cheers.
I must be one of the few who really liked the last Seinfeld episode - the return of characters like Jackie the lawyer and Babu I thought was really clever. Plus the show ending with them discussing the merits of the importance of the gaol call - great continuity in that they were still shallow as all buggery.

I also loved the MASH final episode - I thought it had to have a certain amount of sentimentality about it. Afterall they had all been through a war together.

The final Blackadder was pretty good by memory.

Roseanne definitely the worst.

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