Mega Thread Coronavirus & the AFL - season postponed. Part 2 * CONTINUED ABUSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED *

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What's been happening? Aren't we meant to be at 50,000 cases now?

We're doing well!

But that is the kind of context that SamFFC was rejecting in his "LOOK AT THE GRAPH" "analysis of the situation

As much as social distancing and low population density, the big thing that is working was the compulsory 14 day self isolation for all international arrivals.

It all helps create a shared culture.
I'm not sure what your point is?
We're just waiting on our shipment from China, the country that started this pandemic ...

Don't criticise China though or @Monkey King or @theyellowsash will accuse you of being racist.

You mean the country where this pandemic started.

Millions of Chinese who've never eaten an exotic animal have been victims of this pandemic too.

I'll tell you the danger of your simplistically minded thinking; a friend of mine's mother, who lives in Indiana, was recently assaulted for simply being of Chinese ethnicity. She's a lovely woman, the type who'll deliver you some food if you're feeling sick. She didn't deserve that. So yeah, I'll gladly trash idiotic statements that stoke racial hatred.
I personally think that out of this crisis we will ultimately end up playing more games in a season. I think a 34 game season would be the ultimate.
Games were too long. I liked the shorter games. It means we can play more games.
34 games means more money for everyone.
It doesn’t have to mean 34 weeks. Play more midweek games.
It’s a much fairer season.
They own Marvel stadium which helps in this regard. I’m sure they could figure out the other grounds availability.
They are going to be looking for ways to increase their revenue. In my opinion it will come about. I’d be happy with it.

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Actually they do emperically measure standard of living.

It is called the Human Development Index and takes into account access to health care, average wage, levels of government corruption, life expectancy, sexual equality, etc, etc. As you can see from the link below Australia is top 5.

Also Melbourne and Sydney are regularly ranked in the top 5 cities in the world for liveability (even Adelaide cracks the top 10) as per link below.

How much more emperical evidence do you need?

I explicitly mentioned the standard of living ranking. And we didn’t finish first. So I guess by the empirical evidence he was referring to, we aren’t the best. For the record, I believe Australia is a great country to live in for a large majority of people (certainly not all), as is NZ, Canada, some of the European countries. Claims to being THE best are just nationalistic nonsense.

Well this came out of nowhere. The International Rules Series has been cancelled between Australia and Ireland.

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Lack of interest?
This is from someone I know who once played AFL football and IT shows the impact that this pandemic is having on people, or can have.

Stay strong people and If anyone needs a chat (about anything) my inbox is always open.

Why I’m battling so much during these times 😥
The Government just doesn’t understand mental health and the ramifications they are causing.
In 1996 I was told I had 10months to live because of a rare inoperable Cancer. What’s the first thing that come to my mind? Can I still play Footy? Why did I ask this. It’s because it was my out. It was my way of mentally getting through the massive battle I had ahead of me..... So during the first 4 weeks of daily radical radiation I continued to play AFL footy with the Western Bulldogs footy club.
When I could no longer play due to the complications of the radiation treatment I then turned to Surfing. Why? Because again it kept my mind off the disease I was battling. I would sit on my surfboard at the Bells Beach break for hours. Lucky to even catch one wave. But I was in peace. I could get away from it all and just feel human again.
Coming into weeks 5 & 6 of the treatment I was bed ridden in hospital unable to play footy and go surfing. With drips hanging out my arms, all I could do was lay in bed. Sometimes getting out and try to walk down the hallway before fainting, only to be carried back by the nurses. My only out at this time was the visits I had from my teammates and one of my best mates. I also shared the same hospital as Daniel Rose. Another mate who was in hospital from a footy injury. So we decided to get living and went in wheelchairs down the street to the cinemas. With tubes hanging out everywhere, still dressed in my hospital gowns I still got to feel normal and like a human. I found ways to get my mind off the battle I was going through. Fighting for my life. With what I was told I only had 10months to go. But that didn’t stop me from wanting to live. I even got gifted a set of golf clubs from the players and was able to get a round or 2 in.
After surviving cancer I went back to sports, surfing, travelling/camping and motocross racing. Unfortunately I broke a lot of bones and through footy a lot of knee surgeries. To the point I now have chronic arthritis in both knees. My only way of being pain free is to keep my muscles strong in my body. I’ve been a PT for 22years now and with my own private training facility. I love coaching and this alongside my own training keeps my mindset healthy and focused on life and helping others overcome there own battles in their personal life.

So here we are in a time where lifestyles are put on hold and we’re in lockdown. So for me when I’m facing a battle I turn to experiences in my life that have helped me through tough times. But unfortunately everything I go to do that has helped me in the past to live, to inspire, to have a reason to live, to laugh, smile and keep on living has now been taken away from me by the government.
So let’s look at what I keep trying to turn my focus on to keep living.
❌ Playing sport - Government stopped that
❌ Surfing - Government stopped that
❌ Catching up with mates - Government stopped that
❌ Go to movies - Government stopped that
❌ Travelling/Camping - Government stopped that
❌ Golf - Government stopped that
❌ Motocross - Government stopped that
❌ Helping others through battles in there own life through coaching - Government stopped that
❌ Training in my gym - Government stopped that
❌ We’ve lost all our incomes too due to the classification of non-essential

When my kids now ask me what can they do to get through this I don’t have an answer for them. For the first time in my life to help them through.
So my frustration with Scott Morrison and his government is that now you have taken everything from me that helped me get through what was the biggest battle of my life. A life threatening Cancer that was inoperable, only found in Asians, commonly only found in people over 40yrs of age and was classed as one of the rarest cancers in the world. It was called Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.
So at 18yrs of age, a very fit playing AFL player I was faced with an unlikely battle of survival.

But now Scomo, you have taken absolutely everything away from me that enabled me to overcome my own personal battle 24yrs ago. So my question to you, is how do I now overcome this mental battle???
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Good news, only 20 new cases in Victoria. Our Chief Medical Officer said for the first time he feels cautiously optimistic we can beat this.

Round 2, let alone a full season, is still a long way off and still probably more unlikely than likely, but don't put a line through the season yet!
Hello all, i hope you are all keeping safe and occupied :)

Long shot... but does anyone here know anyone who could help me with some immigration stuff?
My fiance is in the states, I'm in europe. But i think that if Aus closes it's borders I'll qualify to get married in absentia, which i think means we could tie the knot with an aussie celebrant over skype. We already have the celebrant from our postponed aussie wedding, and proof that it was scheduled before the pandemic. Receipts from the venue etc.
My hope is that having the marriage certificate would be enough to get her out of the US powder keg and into Aus (as soon as borders were re-opened to aussies).
If anyone knows an immigration lawyer or immigration official who could help us to see if this is actually possible, please PM me.
EDIT: she is not an Australian citizen, hence needing the marriage cert
Marriage certificate doesn’t mean shit in the grand scheme of things but it’s another piece of evidence that can help towards your application.

If you have enough money I’d get an agent to do it as they seem to be able to get them processed faster.

What ultimately matters is the length of your relationship (must be more than 12 months) and having enough evidence to back it up.
Been a rollercoaster in terms of news reporting. Yesterday there was an article saying in a few weeks it will spike and then flatten. New article today saying expect to be in isolation until summer and the spike/peak won’t be until October. Do these journos just guess?
This is from someone I know who once played AFL football and IT shows the impact that this pandemic is having on people, or can have.

Stay strong people and If anyone needs a chat (about anything) my inbox is always open.
No question mental health is going to skyrocket. No question domestic violence and substance abuse will increase. Unfortunately, the government is picking the lesser of two evils. I absolutely acknowledge there will be some mental scars at the end of this. I can also picture more divorces breaking down, people lacking social and communication skills, etc.

Exercise is a big key for me. I’m going to continue doing daily walks outside alone. Under stage three this is allowed and there is no specified time limit. I think you have more chance catching the covid 19 at the supermarket than walking.

It will be interesting if people are willing to keep up social distancing in three, six, twelve months time.
Been a rollercoaster in terms of news reporting. Yesterday there was an article saying in a few weeks it will spike and then flatten. New article today saying expect to be in isolation until summer and the spike/peak won’t be until October. Do these journos just guess?
It looks like it's already peaked
This is from someone I know who once played AFL football and IT shows the impact that this pandemic is having on people, or can have.

Stay strong people and If anyone needs a chat (about anything) my inbox is always open.
Everyone’s got their crosses to bear and it’s not easy for a lot of people. But accusing the government of ‘taking’ things from you when they are trying to save lives is selfish. Acting like Morrison is personally responsible for these restrictions when it’s a nationwide battle is churlish. He’s struggling to think of alternatives to what used to keep him balanced? Think harder.
This is from someone I know who once played AFL football and IT shows the impact that this pandemic is having on people, or can have.

Stay strong people and If anyone needs a chat (about anything) my inbox is always open.
The actions the government are taking - stopping all the social interaction - is helping keep people like this person when he was younger alive. If he were going through this now he would be in a high risk category, and if the hospital he were in was filled with Covid19 patients, he would be an even greater danger of spread within the hospital.

He can go for walks or runs with his kids. Play with them at home. Do exercises with them. He can stay in touch with people through tech, speak to people and coach people remotely.

It will be hard for some but these measures are for the best for many Australians.

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It looks like it's already peaked
The number of people with the virus is still increasing, but the daily number of new cases is slowing. We won't have reached the 'peak' until the actual number of people in the community with the virus starts to decrease. It's still going up at the moment -just at a slower rate of increase.
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The actions the government are taking - stopping all the social interaction - is helping keep people like this person when he was younger alive. If he were going through this now he would be in a high risk category, and if the hospital he were in was filled with Covid19 patients, he would be an even greater danger of spread within the hospital.

He can go for walks or runs with his kids. Play with them at home. Do exercises with them. He can stay in touch with people through tech, speak to people and coach people remotely.

It will be hard for some but these measures are for the best for many Australians.
I know this but mainly posted it to outline the effect it's having on mental health more than anything. I want people to stay strong ... there's an eventual end to this and normality of life will eventually be restored.

To anyone struggling don't give up.
This is from someone I know who once played AFL football and IT shows the impact that this pandemic is having on people, or can have.

Stay strong people and If anyone needs a chat (about anything) my inbox is always open.
This is genuinely heart wrenching stuff and this bloke has clearly gone through a hell of a lot. It I can imagine he would have a lot of anger at the government as he is feeling abandoned at a time of need.

I t government is trying to protect the lives of thousands of Australians by putting these measures in place. Initially, they tried to warn people and advise them to self isolate but unfortunately too high a percentage of the population need to be forced into isolation because they are not willing or able to understand that their actions could undermine the efforts and sacrifices that the majority of people had voluntarily started making.
Everyone’s got their crosses to bear and it’s not easy for a lot of people. But accusing the government of ‘taking’ things from you when they are trying to save lives is selfish. Acting like Morrison is personally responsible for these restrictions when it’s a nationwide battle is churlish. He’s struggling to think of alternatives to what used to keep him balanced? Think harder.
I agree with this 100%. The government gave people a choice initially but unfortunately the packed beaches and 16000 morons who still chose to travel abroad forced their hand. In the case of this virus the small monitory really could **** it up for the majority willing to make some sacrifices. Sometimes a nanny state is the only way to protect people from themselves.

I’m grateful that I’ve never had to go to war. If staying at home for six months is my civic duty to this great country then I reckon that’s pretty easy compared to how billions of others have had it over the course of history.

Even though the bloke in the story has clearly had a gut wrenchingly awful run it’s wrong to blame the government for ‘taking things away from me’. The virus is the enemy, not the government. I applaud the government for their handling of this. If the US had the same kind of leadership they wouldn’t have had 35000 new cases pop up overnight.

Wuhan facility has job vacancy in Nov 2019 for researchers to work on corona viruses with bats.

When it comes to responding to crisis like this and the bush-fires I honestly think Australia is top notch.

It may be a factor that given we have a relatively low population density we place a high emphasis on the health and well being of our citizens.

As apposed to the CCP which treat their citizens as an expendable resource to be used and exploited.

I used to work in Food Safety / Quality and I know that in regards to this field at least Australia is considered world class due to our rigid safety standards and transparency.

Honestly where else in the world (apart from maybe New Zealand) would you currently rather be to ride this crisis out?
Alright alright, time to play it
This is from someone I know who once played AFL football and IT shows the impact that this pandemic is having on people, or can have.

Stay strong people and If anyone needs a chat (about anything) my inbox is always open.

Shows how self centered he is, he could not give one iota about anyone else just wants to keep living his lifestyle and screw everyone else.

On SM-A205YN using mobile app
The number of people with the virus is still increasing, but the daily number of new cases is slowing. We won't have reached the 'peak' until the actual number of people in the community with the virus starts to decrease. It's still going up at the moment -just at a slower rate of increase.
If recoveries were reported across all states we may have already peaked
This is from someone I know who once played AFL football and IT shows the impact that this pandemic is having on people, or can have.

Stay strong people and If anyone needs a chat (about anything) my inbox is always open.
Tell your friend to shut up and stay inside.
Good news, only 20 new cases in Victoria. Our Chief Medical Officer said for the first time he feels cautiously optimistic we can beat this.

Round 2, let alone a full season, is still a long way off and still probably more unlikely than likely, but don't put a line through the season yet!
Are you going off that figure on the website?

If so i see that it says 20 now but it updates throughout the day and goes up. Like yesterday is the first day i started looking at it and I checked in the morning at total cased it said 120 i thought thats great but i kept checking and it went up to 190
No question mental health is going to skyrocket. No question domestic violence and substance abuse will increase. Unfortunately, the government is picking the lesser of two evils. I absolutely acknowledge there will be some mental scars at the end of this. I can also picture more divorces breaking down, people lacking social and communication skills, etc.

Exercise is a big key for me. I’m going to continue doing daily walks outside alone. Under stage three this is allowed and there is no specified time limit. I think you have more chance catching the covid 19 at the supermarket than walking.

It will be interesting if people are willing to keep up social distancing in three, six, twelve months time.

I haven't suffered from mental illness, so perhaps I don't understand. It seems like folks who suffer from mental illness think about how situations only impacts them, without thought to rhyme or reason as to why the situation is the way it is in the first place. In this case, there's a pandemic and certain liberties have been taken away to protect the greater population.

To me, it's used as a crutch to fail to adjust and adapt to new situations. That I'm afraid to say, is life, and we all have to confront this frequently in our lives. It seems like mental illness is a mindset. Why do some folks plough on and use it to change, and others wallow in the woe is me, and crumble?

I don't want to sound like I'm making light of mental illness. I truly want to understand it properly because it appears to be more prevalent and acceptable today than it was 20 years ago.
The number of people with the virus is still increasing, but the daily number of new cases is slowing. We won't have reached the 'peak' until the actual number of people in the community with the virus starts to decrease. It's still going up at the moment -just at a slower rate of increase.

It only tells me that testing now needs to be extended across the community. How you qualify for this? I'm unsure.
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