FTA-TV Game of Thrones Season VII

Who will die next week?

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#Familystrokes awwwww yeah.

So ****ing good. Heartbeat was up the entire episode.

- The Hound and Brienne, great little convo.
- Pod, Tyrion and Bronn great to see them together.
- Dany's entrance ftw.
- Thought it was strange that Cersei let Euron leave.
- Sansa and Arya was great, Littlefinger fantastic to the very end.
- The music throughout was perfect.
- ****ing Cersei the bitch.
- Legit thought Jaime was ****ed. So tense. Glad he got away.
- The Jon reveal was very well done.
- As someone said before, how far we've all come. Jon nailing Dany. Excellent :cool:
- Blue fire!!!!
Someone defrost me in 18 months

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But does Lyanna know that when she gives birth? (Genuine question as I'm not a book reader)
I think they do, they're not unaware that the Rhaegar is dead, Aerys and those in the Red Keep are dead and that the Queen and Viserys fled to Dragonstone.

Plus the Kings Guard are there protecting their King, otherwise they would have been duty bound for at least one of them to make for Dragonstone to protect Viserys.

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I'm almost certainly going to be in the minority on this, but I've got mixed feelings about the episode.

Despite the stupidity of the plan, I thought the scenes preceding the Dragon Pit meeting and then the Tyrion/Cersei meeting were great, I loved LFs trial and thought it was good that Dany and Jon finally acted on their feeling for each other. And I love that the story with NK is progressing now that The Wall has come down and the Army of the Dead can get south of it, but that's about it.

I think that the scene between Sansa and LF was weak. I'm not a fan of the show effectively playing rope-a-dope with us like they seem to want us to beleive that Arya and Sansa were with LF.

I hate that they decided to go with Jon real name being Aegon because I don't get why Rhaegar would name him that when he already had a son of that name.

And despite out awesome it was to see Ice-Viserion breathing blue fire and bringing down the wall, I thought the scene itself looked a little cheap and below the normal production standards of the show. I don't know why it is, but I felt that the little lookout that Tormund was standing in looked a hell of a lot more fake than it did last week, and the actor playing NK doesn't ride a dragon anywhere near as naturally as Emilia Clarke does.

Maybe its just because two of the things I disliked about the episode happened right at the end that I ended up feeling this way about the episode.
Plus the Kings Guard are there protecting their King, otherwise they would have been duty bound for at least one of them to make for Dragonstone to protect Viserys.

I got the impression from the Tower of Joy scene in the show that only some of the Kingsguard were protecting the tower, and that some of them were elsewhere (Protecting/fighting with Rhaegar? On Dragonstone with the Queen and Viserys?)
Judging by Tyrion's demeanour at the end, I reckon him and Cersei cut some sort of deal due to the pregnancy and Tyrion feeling guilty about everything he's done....
Hmmm that hadn't crossed my mind. Would be awkward though, Tyrion crossing back to Cersei's side just as Jaime leaves her.

Definitely something up with Tyrion though. He didn't look happy about them getting it on.
I got the impression from the Tower of Joy scene in the show that only some of the Kingsguard were protecting the tower, and that some of them were elsewhere (Protecting/fighting with Rhaegar? On Dragonstone with the Queen and Viserys?)
Except for Jaime and Barristan Selmy the rest died at the trident fighting alongside Rhaegar. Selmy was injured and captured at the Trident and Jaimie was Aerys' hostage/bodyguard at the Red Keep.

Hightower was sent to find Rhaegar and stayed with Dayne and Whent (who had been with Rhaegar and Lyanna the whole time) when Rhaegar returned to Kings Landing (perhaps as part of a deal with Rhaegar that met with the wording of his orders from Aerys if not the spirit).
Except for Jaime and Barristan Selmy the rest died at the trident fighting alongside Rhaegar. Selmy was injured and captured at the Trident and Jaimie was Aerys' hostage/bodyguard at the Red Keep.

Hightower was sent to find Rhaegar and stayed with Dayne and Whent (who had been with Rhaegar and Lyanna the whole time) when Rhaegar returned to Kings Landing (perhaps as part of a deal with Rhaegar that met with the wording of his orders from Aerys if not the spirit).
Ser Gwayne was killed at Duskendale before the Rebellion
Ser Gerold, Ser Arthur & Ser Oswell all died at the Tower of Joy
Prince Lewyn & Ser Jonothor both died at the Trident with Rhaegar, Ser Barristan survived and was pardoned
And of course Jaime was the only Kingsguard in the city when he 'did the deed'
Moral of the story is don't try to lie to a family that includes an omniscient tree.

I really should have seen that coming.
Sansa still had him on the Bolton shit and Lysa shit as well as probably the Jon Arryn shit just by following Littlefingers advice, the Ned Stark shit was the only one she need Bran for and he just piped in at the right moment. Sansa could very well have worked it all out herself as the story made the most sense knowing Littlefinger whereas Littlefingers reasoning on Arya didn't because Littlefinger didn't know her well enough.

Either way she had enough dirt on him regardless.
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