Event Goose's Rising Star

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RnD 1 Rising Star Nominations
  • Round 1 Nomination

    Our first nomination is the Bombers SaintsSeptember. He started the season on fire. His skipper BLUEALLTHRU whacked him straight into the guts off the bat and he got some reasonable stats. Falconista your good at stats, can you put some crap in here about him getting a few kicks and what not. I looked at your compendium and after 4 rounds he did some stuff.
    It looks like he did some posting and stuff too. He is a Bomber, so there is no way I'm going to read their thread voluntary. Sun Ra post something here to encourage your Rookie about posting.
    Falc, any of the rookies good at graphics, get one of them to photoshop this bloke getting an award or something.

    Hey Saints, pretend this happened in round 1 like it should have and reply all happy and stuff.

    Other Rookies, you should have been better. You should jump in and whinge that you were robbed. Some of you probably were.
    Rising Star Round 2
  • Rising Star Round 2
    RonnieRaven from the Las Vegas Bears

    Looking at Falconista 's compendium thing, (that had some useful stuff in there, who knew) Ronnie got a run on the wing in the early part of the year and it looks like he got a decent amount of DT point. Hey Falc (or some other boring stat guy), put something in here to elaborate on this rookies Qooty.

    Looking purely at post numbers he seem to contribute to the thread in round 2, not well enough to get a mention in the MVP posts or anything, but he turned up.

    Maybe Mrs Turbo you could interview the captain of the bears and ask them about Ronnie, who is the captain of the bears is it tony , whoever it is get them to say something, if it is too boring just slip something in about JoshWoodenSpoon and posting pr0n or something. Its low hanging fruit, but a cheap laugh is good.

    Again, one of you sophomores needs to just whack in a shoop up of Ronnie Getting an trophy or something, Falc, you seem to know what your doing, and just like at the Gumbies, if you could do all the work, that'd be tops.

    Ronnie jump in hear, celebrate, bag the other rookies for being inferior and tell them they suck. Most of them probably do.

    Congrats on your nomination Ronnie.
    Round 3 Rising Star Nomination
  • Rising Star Round 3 Nomination

    Membling of the Royals is the round 3 nomination.
    Round 3 saw Membling get promoted to the wing. I have no idea how he went, but he played there. Sun Ra get someone do a write up of Membling doing stuff on the wing.

    It looks like Membling did a fair bit of posting, CatToTheFuture , you're a sophomore and pretty funny. Insert something funny about Memblings round 3 posting.

    Insert shooped photo of Membling getting the round 3 nomination.

    Apparently Membling is funny, one you sopomores should interview him and insert that in here as well.

    Good job Membling.
    The rest of you Rookies, at this point should have been told to get better to get your nomination. So pretend that happened.
    Rising Star Round 4 Nomination
  • Round 4 Rising Star Nomination
    sunny3193 is the round 4 nomination.

    Sunny who is a bomber got a fair bit of the ball running around on the wing in the early stages of the season and managed to post about 10 times a game in the early stages of the season. On paper, that is enough to get a nomination. TBH, I've not looked any deeper than that and just hope that this guy is still around and stuff.

    I've got no idea of the quality of those posts, and once again, there is no way Im sifting through a bombers thread. Sun Ra maybe comment your team mates posting here.

    The usual insert a graph here and what not. Well dont Sunny.

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    Round 5 Rising Star nomination
  • Rising Star Nomination Round 5
    Kenney was unselected in the first 2 rounds and if memory serves me correctly, he was involved in some Bombers related controversy early in the year which might be related to his non-selection, maybe one of you sophomores could confirm and add some back story if it is interesting.
    Kenney was in the forward pocket for his first 3 games, despite barely touching it, he did score 3 goals, I guess that is something.

    Kenny averaged about 50 posts a game through this period. As you all know, I think post counts are a ridiculous measure, but in lieu of actually reading his posts I m going to assume he added something to those threads and therefore Kenney grabs a nomination.

    Well done Kenney, other rookies, get better.
    Rising star Nomination Round 6
  • Rising Star Round 6
    MayTheNorthBeWithU is the round 6 nomination. As unbelievable as this seems now damicky calling for this nomination is unrelated to the nomination being forthcoming. I know, I wouldnt believe it either.
    Being placed in defence at Centre half back, unsurprisingly his stats aren't great, but every now and then you need to throw the defenders a bone so they think they are just like real Qootballers (obviously they aren't). I can't be arsed running his stats through that Z score or whatever it is the stats geeks did to compare proper players to defenders, so maybe Maythenorth is not the spud his stats make him look like.

    He posts a fair bit and Falconista reckons he is a chance to win some rookie awards, can't see it myself.

    damicky or Falc, maybe one you guys can say something about this guy
    Rising Star Round 7
  • Round 7 Rising star nomination
    Ge3ks is the round 3 nomination. Speaking to my scouts, Geeks slipped under the radar, perhaps for annoyingly having a 3 instead of an e in their name which I guess is sufficient reason to disqualify them.
    On the Qooty field Geeks has been consistent if not spectacular. But as most of the good Qootball players have already been nominated Geeks consistent match thread posting has earnt a nomination.
    Geeks has posted on average about 15 posts a game ,again, I know that post counts are a lazy metric, but there is no way Im looking through dragons threads to see if Geeks has just posted a stack of Dragon Gifs and Rebecca Black songs (I dont care what anyone says, Friday is a catchy tune), and if that is the extent of their posting that probably explains why my chief scout didnt have Geek in the top 15 contenders.
    serial_thrilla give us a run down on Geeks, maybe whack up a quick shoop while you're at it.
    Round 8 Rising Star Nominaton
  • Round 8 Rising Star
    sunny3193 is the round 8 nomination. Sunny has got a stack of ball on the wing for the Bombers which has earned them a nomination.

    Sunny isn't a huge poster in match threads, but plays for the bombers, who can blame them for not getting involved in bombers' threads.

    My Scouts have Sunny outside the top 15 despite being statistically one of the best Qooty players from the draft class. Is Sunny a rubbish poster and hence not really in the running, or is just lost in a sea of Bomber spam, who knows. I must admit I dont recall Sunny from our game, but in their defence, I do try and block out bombers threads.

    BLUEALLTHRU whaddya reckon, why is Sunny not in the names mentioned for the rising star, do they suck?

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