Mega Thread Hot Topic - Drugs and AFL

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It will be what it be.. we've certainly played very good footy without Ryder and Gus was up n' down last year

I don't see any drama's with them coming back mid-year could add a real fresh boost if anything
This is how I see it, use our current resources, then a nice injection after.

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Wasn't the Hird action his alone, the players didn't join in but waited to see the legal outcome of the Hird legal fight. Surely that's their right.

Court to rule whether players should stand with Hird

Court to rule whether players should stand with Hird

This was the appeal right? The SCN's were held by ASADA for quite some time before being issued. Essendon, Hird and the players all took ASADA to court to stop them using the evidence they had collected during the investigation. It's only when they knew they were ****ed that they let Hird go the appeal alone. If that ends up being deemed as co-operation, then we are all being treated as fools.

I want Ryder and Monfries to play for us as much as the next guy, but if they play this year the whole thing is a farce IMO. Deep down I'm hoping Paddy and Gus gave more assistance in their interviews and get some sort of special discount, but I'm not holding my breath
Crowley is provisionally suspended (voluntary). He received a SCN from ASADA in September last year and is awaiting a tribunal date. Has tested positive to a banned substance.

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Crowley is provisionally suspended (voluntary). He received a SCN from ASADA in September last year and is awaiting a tribunal date. Has tested positive to a banned substance.
I think its unfair to have a crack at him until we know what the drug in question was. It could be anything from cold and flu, sudafeds to an energy drink... but it could also be a steroid...

Either way he is either silly or a cheat.... id rather be seen as silly ...

Far be it from me to agree with an Arsenal supporter; but I'm with you all the way on that. Let's wait and find out what he allegedly took, before sticking the boot in, and tar and feathering him.

Generally speaking (not necessarily referring to Crowley) I can't believe in this day and age, so many sports people are still stupid enough to not only take a banned substance, but also to think they'll be able to get away with it undetected.

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