PC League of Legends

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Can't wait to play ranked. In normals, everyone wants to carry. No one wants to do the team thing and support or tank.
Can't count the amount of times I've tried to call ADC only to have someone then insta-lock a Draven or Varus or whatever.

At least in rank people understand dualling ADCs bot ain't gonna work...

I might not be the best player individually but I always put the team first before my craving to have to go on a killing spree every game and be the hero.

True, its good because people stick to a meta and they emphasize team play and tactics more. People in normals just try fun s**t and experiment, no harm with that.

Be prepared to be playing roles and champs you don't expect to, because of the picks and bans process in ranked. What are your favourite champs?

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it is great for breaks when ranked gets too frustrating or you need somethin different to summoners rift, but i hate getting s**t champs like udyr for aram :p

I like it, although the only champions I've bought are all the ones i like. So majority of the time i get a good champion, and if i get one of the weekly rotation champs people usually swap.
True, its good because people stick to a meta and they emphasize team play and tactics more. People in normals just try fun s**t and experiment, no harm with that.

Be prepared to be playing roles and champs you don't expect to, because of the picks and bans process in ranked. What are your favourite champs?

For the varying roles:

Solo Top: Nasus, Garen, Gangplank
Mid: Ryze, Annie, Akali
ADC: Quinn, Graves
Support: Sona, Blitzcrank,
Jungler: Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Nunu

Bare in mind I'm a flip flopper and that my favourite champs change pretty often :p
For the varying roles:

Solo Top: Nasus, Garen, Gangplank
Mid: Ryze, Annie, Akali
ADC: Quinn, Graves
Support: Sona, Blitzcrank,
Jungler: Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Nunu

Bare in mind I'm a flip flopper and that my favourite champs change pretty often :p

As long as you are good at those champs you should be fine, although you should try playing some more of the OP champs, easier to carry and win games in ranked with these.

You will never ever get to play blitz in ranked, and if the enemy team picks Sona, what support are you going to play? Try Leona she is very good, and Zyra is also popular.

The more you learn and get better at OP champs, the easier time you will have in ranked :p
As long as you are good at those champs you should be fine, although you should try playing some more of the OP champs, easier to carry and win games in ranked with these.

You will never ever get to play blitz in ranked, and if the enemy team picks Sona, what support are you going to play? Try Leona she is very good, and Zyra is also popular.

The more you learn and get better at OP champs, the easier time you will have in ranked :p
What are some of these OP champs? Seeing as they do patches/releases every so often with buffs and nerfs, I'd assume the OP champs change patch to patch?
As long as you are good at those champs you should be fine, although you should try playing some more of the OP champs, easier to carry and win games in ranked with these.

You will never ever get to play blitz in ranked, and if the enemy team picks Sona, what support are you going to play? Try Leona she is very good, and Zyra is also popular.

The more you learn and get better at OP champs, the easier time you will have in ranked :p

u r a *ed *, leona might as well have an extra chromosome you ****** muching utensil smoking ******. Brad scott would be a better Lol player than you.

Warwick GOAT!

Do you even rift?
What are some of these OP champs? Seeing as they do patches/releases every so often with buffs and nerfs, I'd assume the OP champs change patch to patch?

This is true, there is a cycle and there will always be champs getting changed. Currently, the strong champs for the last couple of months and for at least the next couple are:

Top: Renekton, Shen, Zac, Rumble, Nasus, Jax, Malphite, Elise, Tryndamere, Kennen, Cho'Gath
Mid: Ahri, Kassadin, Zed, Kha'zix, Fizz, Gragas, Diana, Orianna, Twisted Fate, Lissandra
Jungle: Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Nocturne, Aatrox, Nasus, Elise, Nautilus, Hecarim, Udyr, Xin Zhao
Adc: Corki, Ezreal, Jinx, Caitlyn, Draven, Vayne, Twitch
Support: Thresh, Blitz, Leona, Zyra, Sona, Lulu, Fiddlesticks, Nami

All get played heaps, all strong, all great for team fights, if you can play these champs and pick which ones you like then you will do well :)

The other champs in the game are fun too, nothing funner than Darius trust me :)

Edit: This is just my opinion, other people will disagree with my choices and think I left some out :p

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Snakeman86, still going around. floating between B5 and B3, lots of trolls and afk's makes it hard to grind up. Seriousely though is this not the worst community going around?? Seems like no one is ever good enough to win, someone was just to s**t...

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