Revenge of the..

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Aug 16, 2009
AFL Club
What are some of your best revenge moments? How did they make you feel at the time? How do you feel about them now?
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Apologies for the long intro.. thread topic is at the bottom in bold.

I picked up a second job as a delivery driver last week. Been working for six hours after my real job finishes each day, only for the boss to continually tell me that I'll be getting paid "tomorrow". It's been 7 days now and I've put $140 worth of fuel into my car. It's a cash in hand job and there is no such thing as 'payday' for the staff.

Found out tonight that the other delivery driver (he started there three days before me) gets paid after every shift. The cook in the kitchen knows the boss through mutual friends and took the job because they mentioned the boss needed a hand at the restaurant. He told me he doesn't ever get paid (he is very meek, works there four nights a week and doesn't want to say anything for fear of ruining the relationship he has with the boss's friends). The boss is a severe racist and yells at all the staff constantly about minor things (how to sweep, mop etc). I get the impression there is a high staff turnover.

If I'm not paid at the end of tomorrow night's shift I shall cut my losses (can't call Fair Work Australia due to the nature of my pay) and have my revenge. One way or another.. Only thing is I'm stuck.. Short of robbing the till for my rightful earnings (which will end up with a visit from the police as he has my address), I can't really think of anything besides slashing his car tyres or not turning up for work on Saturday night when he needs all the drivers he can get.

I am not normally a person who enjoys or sets out to take revenge on others, but I'm at the end of my tether with this parasite. Any advice would be appreciated.
Do all three things, not only for ****ing you over, but also the cook and everyone else.

Life is a game, get even.

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Yeah he won't pay you. Quit immediately. Well ask for the money first and if he won't give it to you tell him to **** himself.

Report him to the various authorities. You are not his first victim. Hospitality is full of tax evaders not paying or underpaying their staff. You won't get any money but he's likely violating OHS laws in the kitchen.
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been there. Place closed down, was owed about 600 dollars, Lost forever, the stupid campaigner.

However yeah, ask for the money, If not just do something to **** him over, maybe do a delivery, never turn up to the house and just quit

Sorry man to hear that man.

Your suggestion is another one I've been mulling over but ruled it out as too dangerous..

Ideally I'd love nothing more than to drive off into the sunset after the first delivery on Saturday night with the cash and $50 float.. But the fact remains that he is a psycho who is in possession of my resume. It contains my address and current place of work.
don't want to spoil the party but if you ask him for money and he doesn't pay just be the bigger man and quit and walk away...

you can always name and shame the business to your friends and on websites, his business won't be able to survive with a bad enough reputation in the long run.
don't want to spoil the party but if you ask him for money and he doesn't pay just be the bigger man and quit and walk away...

you can always name and shame the business to your friends and on websites, his business won't be able to survive with a bad enough reputation in the long run.
I agree with this Be the bigger man and if you don't get the money owed after asking, walk away .Walk away even if you do get the money. Sounds not a good place to be. Word of mouth soon gets around .

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Ask him for the money, tip off Fair Work Australia & ATO.

Could also name & shame the business on review websites too.
It depends on what gets you up and about. Some people need revenge. Another option is, find another job, cut out all the stress this has caused ASAP and move on. make a report to a union and fair work Australia , maybe even your local senator.

the main priority is you and whats best for you, getting yourself in trouble and/or increasing your stress load is not it.
Apologies for the long intro.. thread topic is at the bottom in bold if you can't be bothered reading.

I picked up a second job as a delivery driver last week. Been working for six hours after my real job finishes each day, only for the boss to continually tell me that I'll be getting paid "tomorrow". It's been 7 days now and I've put $140 worth of fuel into my car. It's a cash in hand job and there is no such thing as 'payday' for the staff.

Found out tonight that the other delivery driver (he started there three days before me) gets paid after every shift. The cook in the kitchen knows the boss through mutual friends and took the job because they mentioned the boss needed a hand at the restaurant. He told me he doesn't ever get paid (he is very meek, works there four nights a week and doesn't want to say anything for fear of ruining the relationship he has with the boss's friends). The boss is a severe racist and yells at all the staff constantly about minor things (how to sweep, mop etc). I get the impression there is a high staff turnover.

If I'm not paid at the end of tomorrow night's shift I shall cut my losses (can't call Fair Work Australia due to the nature of my pay) and have my revenge. One way or another.. Only thing is I'm stuck.. Short of robbing the till for my rightful earnings (which will end up with a visit from the police as he has my address), I can't really think of anything besides slashing his car tyres or not turning up for work on Saturday night when he needs all the drivers he can get.

I am not normally a person who enjoys or sets out to take revenge on others, but I'm at the end of my tether with this parasite. Any advice would be appreciated.

What are some of your best revenge moments? How did they make you feel at the time? How do you feel about them now?

EDIT* - Keen to hear more of your stories and experiences, rather than a whole thread devoted to solving my problem. Cheers though!

Accepting cash in hand money is less of an issue than running a business based around paying people in cash.

Tell the other drivers if you can, find out if they're all getting paid on the right day. Confront the boss about it in front of your colleagues, if he doesn't pony up then walk off immediately. Don't tell him anything about what you're planning to do.

Go to fair work and more importantly, go to the ATO - they are ****ing ruthless. You'll get slapped on the wrist (and probably nothing because you came to them with the info) and he'll be out of business. You could also enquire about making the complaint anonymously, they get that a lot and they can still follow it up. Just say you're a friend of a former employee and you're concerned at business owners avoiding tax and exploiting labour.

Then hopefully he'll be broke and kill himself due to financial stress. Revenge. I'm a big an of not turning a blind eye to this kind of thing. Sure its easier to just change jobs, but "live and let live" is a fools game, conflict is the only thing that gets results. Send his business six feet under. He ****ed with your money, so **** with his.
Confront him, had a similar issue in my first job with an angry little eastern european boss who hadn't been paying super. Told him I'd quit two days out from xmas (busiest time of year), he told me to jog on and 3 hours later he was on the phone apologising and begging me to come back. After that he was nowhere near as big of a douche towards me.

Man up, get in his face, if he doesn't pay you walk out and send him a fake Lawyers letter the next day. Or a horses head, either or.
Do you know where the cash is kept?
If so, just take it.

It's not theft if it's money owed to you.

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