Mega Thread The Adam Goodes Megathread - Now with Added Poll!

Why are crowds booing Goodes?

  • Racism

    Votes: 565 29.9%
  • He's perceived as a dirty player

    Votes: 563 29.8%
  • He's perceived as making a team game all about himself

    Votes: 758 40.1%
  • Because everyone else is booing, I thought I'd join in - like a Mexican wave thing

    Votes: 268 14.2%
  • Because Gillon doesnt want them to

    Votes: 135 7.2%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 74 3.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 183 9.7%
  • His onfield message is at odds with his off field one

    Votes: 233 12.3%
  • He can do no wrong with the MRP

    Votes: 164 8.7%
  • I was saying Boo-Urns?

    Votes: 61 3.2%
  • Jack Watts

    Votes: 56 3.0%

  • Total voters

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The game is up racists, everyone is onto you and you're getting called out for what you are. Everyone who has an identity is against you (except some old racist ex-players and some old racist administrators) and all thats left are faceless men in the crowd and anonymous keyboard warriors.

Seems like you Sydneysider's (including your Chairman Andrew Pridham) need to learn what the definition of a racist is, before you label anyone who jeers Goodes such a term.

A quick search of Google shows that a racist is "a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another". If that is the case, then why aren't Jetta and Franklin also copping the same treatment? Are they not also of Indigenous race?

For you and Andrew Pridham to basically lump everyone into the category of 'racist' is a disgrace in my opinion, and to be honest, I for one (who doesn't have a racist bone in my body) find it quite offensive
Every person in the spot light has a public persona that develops over time. Goodes', for various reasons such as the way some folks beleive he plays, the way some folks think he acts, what some folks think he means when he talks, or due to a combination of the three, has irked a section of the football community.

What I can't fathom is the 'hate', and I mean this generally. Talk to many wastes of oxygen on this planet and they can name someone with a public profile that they absolutely detest and will use the word 'hate' in reference to them. How does anybody know what these people are really like away from the celebrity or public spotlight, or in the case of a footballer. Others can manage their public profile very well yet could be absolute campaigners in private, yet such folks can be cherished.

It's something I cannot understand, and frankly, find the energy expended by the folks who come to this love-hate conclusion with public figures fairly farkin' sad. The underlying theme of Big Footy is of love-hate relationships - love and defiance for anything regarding their supported footy club, inferiority and hate for much pretty much all else. And the basis for this is what? The team you chose to pick as a kid (more often than not). Absolutely ridiculous how conversations can't be discussed objectively for the topic at hand, but rather, argued emotionally based on the the team name in the profile of the poster making the comment. And at the end of the day, you all look like morons from the outside. Some may call it passion. Frankly, it's embarrassing for the the people that exhibit this behaviour.

Booing is such a moronic act generally. There are obviously some deep-seated issues with folks who do it. Maybe they can't get it up, they hate their job, they get bullied, they need to take their shit out on some one else, etc, but a lot of the vocal belligerent set at the footy have their issues.

We don't riot here in Oz, but we are exceptional at booing and will do it at any opportunity. Apart from the physical threat what is the difference between the two? They are both demonstrations of ugly behaviour.

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Everyone just follows like sheep now, they can't wait to have their turn. He's changed his way Goodes, yes he dived, yes he wanted to umpire the game yes it did look like he was being looked after. But he has stopped doing it. It's plain as day.
Unfortunately all the mindless sheep who can't think for themselves line up to have their turn. Racial ? No way.
Don't remember Carey and Buckley being booed like Adam Goodes does.The "excuses" for Goodes being booed a piss poor and not one person has been able to give a decent justification.

What happens if Adam Goodes commits suicide because of this booing? Charlotte Dawson committed suicide sue to faceless trolls. Why do people think its appropriate to bully a champion of the game and who has stood up for fellow indigenous persons? Looking at him in the media from when this first started to now it is obvious it is starting to get to him.
You have proof it's not racist?

Not saying you're wrong, but where's your proof?

Any reasonable person would assume that some of it is racist, and some of it is not.

I see very few people asserting that all of it is racist, but plenty asserting that none of it is.

(Interestingly, plenty of the latter group CLAIMING that the former group are saying that everyone booing is racist, but I see very few people actually doing that, in reality.)
Best way to end Racism is to not mention it. I've never liked him for some unknown reason but he's been a great footballer. I'm surprised he's become such a w***er and disliked by many. But he'll retire and it will all blow over.
He says it better than I could.
I get the Goodes thing, he does stage occasionally but there has been a heap of players that do that and even though they occasionally get booed, this is next level stuff.

The other problem is that why some people do it for what may be ‘pure’ intentions, there are an awful lot of racists overtones mixing in with this. That’s never a good sign.

It’s like if you have a long held opinion and then suddenly Brian Taylor starts saying the same thing. You start questioning your own thinking on the topic and you definitely stop expressing it publicly.

I’m not trying to be preachy, I’m just saying be careful who you stand near in life, it means people sometime confuse you for something you’re not.
You keep saying this, yet still haven't produced anything showing that Goodes has made the booing about race.
No-one comes out and uses someone else's name without consent. All the talks about it being racist booing is being done in Goodes name and Jetta said Goodes was hurt by the constant booing. Goodes is meeting with the AFLPA & AFL over it today. If he didn't think that it was about racism then these meetings wouldn't be happening.

The AFL has become so PC in recent years that it just can't handle this issue. What was happening to Stephen Milne was 10 times worse than Goodes, but never got anywhere near the same level of comment from the media or AFL. He was subject to allegations and threats of physical violence, Malthouse was fined for his comments on field (absolute cop by the AFL on that), but it was never brought up in the same manner which shows how protected Goodes is.

If Goodes didn't think it was racism he would of stopped the press using his name, guaranteed. You don't need to be quoted in the press for you to be pulling the strings. Peta Credlin doesn't get quoted yet she is running the country not Abbott.
if by afl community you mean the publicist of all the afl clubs then i agree. however the booing of goodes at matches shows that the vast majority of the real afl community (the fans) are sick of goodes' antics.
Be interested to hear what you think these antics are, specifically.

Antics being foolish, outrageous or amusing behaviour.

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I trust the decency, integrity and judgement of these men more than any cowardly keyboard warrior on this forum:


Shaun Burgoyne: "I hate the booing ... he's a champion person and a champion player."

''It's a disappointing thing to happen but Adam is a strong individual, he is a leader of indigenous players in the AFL and in the community as well and for him to take a stand shows it is not acceptable out there and the response from the AFL and ground staff to react the way they did in identifying the person was good. And now if anything comes out of this it shows we need more education out there.
''It fills me with pride to see him stop like that. It is a disappointing event to happen on a national stage as well. Adam is a wonderful man, having known him personally I think it is great the way he stood up. He has brought a lot of attention to the issue and … people know they can do it as well."



It's a shame because not every football person gets to meet him, but you wouldn't boo him if you knew him, that's the sad part.




Paddy Ryder: “We all support Goodesy and what he’s done. It’s a good part of our culture and it’s just Goodesy showing his love for his culture. We all loved it and there’s nothing wrong with what he’s done and no-one should take offence to it.’’


"He's a superstar of the game and a superstar for us. Fans need to show more respect for what he's done for the game. All this booing stuff needs to be thrown out the window."


He’s a champion of our game and he’s being booed for no apparent reason so I don’t like to see that in our game. I think he should be well respected throughout the community, which I think he is, so therefore I don’t see why people should boo him. Hopefully the North fans appreciate that he’s a good player, and go about supporting our footy club the way they should support our footy club, being nice and boisterous when we kick goals ... no booing hopefully.


"Adam is a great citizen, an AFL great, two-time Brownlow medallist and he deserves a lot of respect."
How can the booing be about race. When Nic Naitanui is our favourite player. Makes no sense.
Seems like you Sydneysider's (including your Chairman Andrew Pridham) need to learn what the definition of a racist is, before you label anyone who jeers Goodes such a term.

A quick search of Google shows that a racist is "a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another". If that is the case, then why aren't Jetta and Franklin also copping the same treatment? Are they not also of Indigenous race?

For you and Andrew Pridham to basically lump everyone into the category of 'racist' is a disgrace in my opinion, and to be honest, I for one (who doesn't have a racist bone in my body) find it quite offensive
Good on you for educating yourself. Check out indigenous life expectancy in Australia as well.
If you say there's no racial element to the booing, you're an idiot.

If you say Goodes gets booed solely because of stuff he's done on the field, you're an idiot.

In the history of Australian Football, Goodes on field discretions are so relatively minor I can't even believe people try and use that as an excuse for the most prolonged, consistent invective hurled against a player I've ever seen.

I watched every single game Barry Hall played for the Swans. Now he was a thug. He punched a guy in the head and knocked him out cold! When he played away he'd get a smattering of boos on his first possession and then basically nothing for the rest of the game.

That's the same with most of the villians running around these days.

If you don't think this is creating an environment that is encouraging racism in the crowd and making Indigenous players feel vilified, you're an idiot.

Most of the "villains" have not engaged the crowd with behaviour that can be construed as negative

Charlie Cameron got cheered all game - pretty sure he did not feel remotely vilified - along with the numerous other indigenous players getting around each week

You reap what you sow in this world - and if Goodes has hurt feelings over this I guess he now has some idea how the 13 years old girl felt
Ryan Crowley. Booed every time he touches the ball. Does he care? No

Hayden Ballantyne. Booed Everytime he touches the ball. Does he care? No

Jobe Watson. Booed for 4 weeks straight for doing nothing wrong. Does he care? No just makes him play better. his own dad said boo him all you want.

James Hird. Booed everytime he was on the big screen in the first 6 rounds. BY SYDNEY in round 1. He coudlnt give 2 shits.

70 + aboriginal players in the AFL. 1 booed and its racism? rofl.
Essendon fan logic
No I didn't. I said they weren't booed every time they touched the ball in response to a quote saying they were booed by fans of every team.

You've never said anything like that in response to me.

Dunno, but you're just making up statements.

He never said that.

I'm not making anything up. Those Freo players get booed when they go near the ball (and my team is one that does), just not by every team. Until the Hawthorn game, Adam Goodes was not getting booed by every team. No making things up, no contradictions, that's what has gone down.
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