The 'Doesn't Quite Deserve Its Own Thread' Thread

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Don't get it? ......why fine the club over flares ......supporters only care, as we've seen, if it impacts them (banned for life) .......remember the uproar when supporters were banned fairly & unfairly (collateral damage)

I tell you what I don't get. Why soccer is the only sport in the world that gets people thinking: "have I got my tickets, my scarf, my jersey, my flag, my wallet ... and yeah, where'd I put the flares?"
According to the Royal Commission, a nuclear waste dump could generate the equivalent of a third of SA's current revenue. We have a vast, uninhabited, geologically stable desert - something most jurisdictions do not have (the Yucca Mountain project in the US was scuttled because it was not that far from settlements including Las Vegas).

We have always been the bankrupt state, so we might as well make good money out of our empty backyard. I have no qualms about putting toxic substances in a desert where it might kill a couple of lizards - the word 'desert' means deserted. As long as any facility is rigorously designed, doesn't affect the water table and is far from any town, I say do it.

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Yup, go for it. There is nothing that could possibly go wrong. The geological formations we have presently will certainly remain stable for at least the 250,000 years necessary after the last waste is interred. There is no possibility of an accidental chain reaction that spews this ultra-poison into the aquifers and makes vast tracts of this country uninhabitable for hundreds of thousands of years if not forever. No possibility of any sort of accident whatever. We will have to transport the waste by sea and then by road or rail, but why should there be any accidents while the stuff is in transit? Nah, ships don't sink, trains don't derail, trucks don't crash.
What could possibly go wrong? Our descendants will thank us.
I have no doubt that shortly after we go ahead we will sell the industry to people from places such as China, Singapore and Japan for a half-eaten bag of potato chips.

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Yeah I'm not for a nuclear wasteland in my own back yard. Thanks for the offer though.
Yeah I'm not for a nuclear wasteland in my own back yard. Thanks for the offer though.
Problem is nuclear waste is stored all over the place, often in inappropriate facilities.

I have no issue it being stored in 1 safe remote location - so long as it is done 100% safely with no risk to the environment.

It would be a much better & safer solution to the present situation.
Saw this last night on ABC and thought "it can't be can it? no it must be some old file footage", but on closer inspection I believe it's brand new footage from an undisclosed location.

So appearing for the first time since his forced extended exile from society...


I believe more than 200 billion dollars is enough of a reward to outweigh the small risk entailed by a well-executed nuclear dumping program. The containers they use to store and transport the waste have been smashed by heavy trains in tests without leaking. 10,000 years is usually enough for high-level nuclear waste to be rendered safe. We are in the middle of a tectonic plate, and whilst South Australia suffers from earthquakes, they are small potatoes compared to those they get in the United States where this stuff is currently stored. Even if this state wasn't in dire economic need, I would still support it - it's like having a huge property which you don't intend to farm, and someone offers you big bucks to make a small, safe, non-smelly landfill out the back. We would be stupid to knock back that sort of money because of the tiny risk of those aeroplane-black-box-like containers leaking. And if some remote part of the outback is altered out of its natural state and becomes a nuclear drum cave, who gives a rat's? We're not talking about giving the Amazon rainforest acute radiation sickness.
Saw this last night on ABC and thought "it can't be can it? no it must be some old file footage", but on closer inspection I believe it's brand new footage from an undisclosed location.

So appearing for the first time since his forced extended exile from society...


What was he talking about they must have been desperate?

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What was he talking about they must have been desperate?

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Perspective on the Lyon / Brownless shitfight?
A brilliantly argued rebuttal.
He's got a point. Of course there's a risk but its incredibly minimal in comparison but most areas currently being used.

Im sure the Greens have and will get their knickers in a knot.
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