Mark McVeigh's ever-changing story

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Noone at any time in history used to eat anywhere near as much meat as is eaten today, the less they ate the longer they lived as the sheer amount of acids (iron, sulfur,nitrogen etc), neurotransmitters and steroids in the flesh destroys cells, cycles down glands and doesn't actually fuel the body without creating more oxide in the nitrogen cycle you know another thing that kills microbes being the heavy acids akin to smoking/stress cell death. Stress is a vague an argument as one can give btw, eating meat for instance is a stress to the system.

At risk of further derailing this thread, why do we have canine teeth if meat was so rarely eaten in the past?

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At risk of further derailing this thread, why do we have canine teeth if meat was so rarely eaten in the past?
and why are cows so slow and so tasty if we were not meant to eat them - they eat grass - we eat them - we die - get buried - fertilise of life
Dear god man, oxidizing and bacteria killing things, kill the microbe it's irrelevant to what I speak to, what that is, is the bunk assumption of veganism causing b12 deficiency.
If you think vegans are the top of the tops in drug taking, smoking, poor diet and alcohol you are being beyond ludicrous and also going off on a tangent of appeal to correlation.
People turning vegetarian and vegan are pretty much always in bad health and may never correct that reality.
Vegetarians generally as well just eat meat replacements, it's not untill recently a further sub-set of these groups of vitalists actually started eating more like a fruigivore or primate and not cooking everything.
Those non-fruigivore vegetarians that cook everything if they are surveyed for anything it'll just read like a meat eater.
The assumption is people are always lacking protein or b12 when it's protein as a factor that does the damage and causes the incapacity to utilize b12.
Logical fallacy is meat eating's arguments each and every one of them for a primate.
I don't particularly have concern for whether a person eats meat I'm not one of these ethical types but if they want to argue about it's virtues well no and if they want to argue logical fallacy with misdirecting appeals again no.

I'm continually amused by survivalist on tv strolling through forests complaining about lack of energy looking for protein with big green leaves all around them that every other intelligent animal is eating....Amazingly noone in a lab coat has come along and told them they should get more protein in their diet surely there is a market for that.
These people are drug addicts they are after neurostimulants and steroids found in flesh not actual cell energy just a protein to replace the cell they are letting die via starvation of fuel.

The assumption being made is people without diet sources have the problem as I said this is not the case.
People can have all the diet source in the world and it can amount to none without a functioning producer of intrinsic factor.
There are doctors that would argue the body is prolific with b12 where it has microbes in more then just the intestine but near everywhere and these don't require intrinsic factor only externally sourced b12 does.
You do understand it's actually quite rare to have a strong deficiency right? but it's also less rare among western dieters data sets and statistical percentages in this particular situation are also very tiny due to the standards and numbers of actual people who walk the walk not just talk the talk as stated less then half the people claiming to be vegetarian are vegetarian.
Again if you go to somewhere like India and survey indentured poverty line workers essentially slaves as there is a massive class divide in the country then also take 90 year olds and use them as your test pools, well gee just where is the equivalence? And this is what these b12 deficiency people point to.

It's simply an idiotic conclusion clung to by anyone who wants to defend their lifestyle of meat eating it's the last bastion of bunk defense. There is another against fruit sugar which is ridiculous, your cells run by burning carbon without it they die pure and simple meat eating is drugging for neural energy not actual energy, you want actual energy right away eating meat will have you break down fat stores for sugar because the meat is lean and won't have any energy to give you for a very long period of time while it digests so you break down the fat causing more acid through ketosis, when there is no fat left it's worse your then dealing with breaking down the very acidic proteins.
Actual science falls second fiddle to the economy, politics and consumerism. The meat trade is big industry especially in Australia.

Noone at any time in history used to eat anywhere near as much meat as is eaten today, the less they ate the longer they lived as the sheer amount of acids (iron, sulfur,nitrogen etc), neurotransmitters and steroids in the flesh destroys cells, cycles down glands and doesn't actually fuel the body without creating more oxide in the nitrogen cycle you know another thing that kills microbes being the heavy acids akin to smoking/stress cell death. Stress is a vague an argument as one can give btw, eating meat for instance is a stress to the system.

It is useful to have sometimes if it's specifically a gland to correct a glands genetic disposition but to have it constantly is horribly detrimental.

I'm done with this it's like talking to a wall only a wall doesn't spit out random irrelevancy.
Maybe look outside a little there are men that don't eat at all, where is their dietary source of anything?
Rhetorical. Your fortunate I bothered replying to your argument of repetition. You might want to look up what logical fallacies are.

What are you on about, hunters & gathers & ancient warriors lived of meat due to lack of vegetation available & they were a lot healthier than a cabbage muncher like you.

Don't compare the general publics over consumption of manufactured meats to past years because that's not real meat.
I Always find it amusing when I see headlines the meat causes cancer & the studies are done on hot dogs, salami,sausages etc...

You've made it obvious your a vegetarian whom do more harm to the planet than at meat eaters.
This thread deserves a bump. What an absolute lying, scumbag, flog of a drug cheat Vitamins McVeigh is. Nothing worse than someone who dishonestly publicly slanders someone else who is doing the right thing in order to protect themselves, it's pretty much the biggest dog act you can do. I've been pretty reasonable with Essendon supporters but anyone who defended this piece of shit and attacked Kyle Reimers for telling the truth can go and get stuffed. Anyone who jumped in on the Reimers pile on, which is most of you, deserves to watch their club suffer.

These flogs need to beg on their knees and demand Reimers does not just receive an apology and compensation from the club, but is selected as the first top up player and made captain. They can do that by singing him this song in unison:


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This thread deserves a bump. What an absolute lying, scumbag, flog of a drug cheat Vitamins McVeigh is. Nothing worse than someone who dishonestly publicly slanders someone else who is doing the right thing in order to protect themselves, it's pretty much the biggest dog act you can do. I've been pretty reasonable with Essendon supporters but anyone who defended this piece of shit and attacked Kyle Reimers for telling the truth can go and get stuffed. Anyone who jumped in on the Reimers pile on, which is most of you, deserves to watch their club suffer.

These flogs need to beg on their knees and demand Reimers does not just receive an apology and compensation from the club, but is selected as the first top up player and made captain. They can do that by singing him this song in unison:
please call him Spike Linda Lovelace

they were the best of nicknames, they were the worst of nicknames...

mom once told me, never trust a man named Spike, cos you may confuse him with a dog.

mom was right in this instance, but I had some pavlovian indignance with the old wives tales
please call him Spike Linda Lovelace

they were the best of nicknames, they were the worst of nicknames...

mom once told me, never trust a man named Spike, cos you may confuse him with a dog.

mom was right in this instance, but I had some pavlovian indignance with the old wives tales

Your mom was right about males named Spike, but women who go on to marry men named Snake and who are friends with other men named Wheels are alright in my book. Mark McVeigh adopting the moniker 'Spike' is an insult to this courageous young woman, seen here mocking Vitamins McVeigh by making an accurate representation of his value as a human being:

Your mom was right about males named Spike, but women who go on to marry men named Snake and who are friends with other men named Wheels are alright in my book. Mark McVeigh adopting the moniker 'Spike' is an insult to this courageous young woman, seen here mocking Vitamins McVeigh by making an accurate representation of his value as a human being:


An honourable single teen mother as well.
Brings a new meaning to the phrase 'my drink got spiked'.
I might jump on urban dictionary later and add 'spike' scumbag lying cheat ,'spiked' defamed by former friend to protect a lie.
Any help would be appreciated.....have at it fellas

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