Play Nice James Hird rushed to hospital - suspected overdose

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Is it just me, or has there been very little press on Hird in the last ten or so months. And now Hird connections and media friends are there calling for everyone to leave Hird alone and consequently there are a plethora of articles about Hird. If his friends and media contacts stopped talking about him, he maybe would be left alone?

Is this a joke?
Wait wait wait
So it's okay for you to express what you want about theories behind it, but Cornes should be shamed for blaming people?

People really need to look at it this way. Would you say what you're posting here to someone you knew?

You can't see those two scenarios to be different?

I posed a theory and Cornes is apportioning blame on anyone and everyone that may have remotely said anything against Hird.
i.e. It was your fault media people, that made James do what he did"

You can't see the difference? What if Caroline Wilson overdosed due to Cornes' insinuations, blaming and rambling?
Who would then write the story of his attack? Seriously. :)
You can't see those two scenarios to be different?

I posed a theory and Cornes is apportioning blame on anyone and everyone that may have remotely said anything against Hird.
i.e. It was your fault media, that made James do what he did"

You can't see the difference? What if Caroline Wilson overdosed due to Cornes' rambling and attack?
Who would then write the story of his attack? :) Seriously. :)
He would cop plenty of flack if she did (although one article apportioning blame is hardly similar to years of articles that constantly attacked the guy)

How are they different? Other than one is much larger in magnitude? Or is it okay because it's James hird?

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Foolish statement. The reality is that there is no integrity or accountability in the media. They can slander and report rumour as fact as much as they want. They are absolutely responsible for driving the popular public opinion especially in this case where the facts have been completely ignored it seems. Hird was certainly not the architect of the program, as has been found in all of the hearings, yet the popular perception among the media educated is that he was. Reputation shattered for placing too much trust in the wrong people.

No. His reputation has been smashed for, firstly, a lapse in judgement, and, secondly, a complete refusal to take responsibility. The media could definitely find more content, rather than producing endless angles on the same saga, but make no mistake, an upfront mea culpa would have seen Hird back and coaching with his reputation intact, no more than a year after the issue surfaced.
If we can't comment until something is publicly available, we may aswell shut bigfooty down
Was it even at the judges house? (I think you'll find that you can't just abuse people because it's your property. That's not a law)

I'll invite you over call you a w***er and and a pissant and another set of expletives. Yep, that is verbal abuse but what I'll then tell you is **** off and get off my property.

You haven't been physically abused, you haven't been racially abused, you haven't been sexually abused. Verbal abuse? Yes, good luck with that one in the privacy of your ones home.

Verbal abuse, is on the delivery and the setting.

FFS people, harden up.
Graham Cornes has it right ..... Those of you who have vilified James Hird — the media, particularly the Fairfax Press, who hounded and ridiculed him; the keyboard cowards who act from their cover of anonymity and lack of any moral filter; the opposition fans whose prejudice and hysteria blinded them to the facts; the AFL which lost control of what should have been an internal matter; the football world in general which has ostracised him; and indeed those from within the Essendon Football Club who were desperate for a scapegoat — must all face the consequences of their comments and their actions.

The keyboard cowards were aplenty here, in fact i still see them on this thread.

For years and years they vilified and hounded him on here, joked and revelled in their unified bullying of him with the most disgraceful comments at him and his family.

Anyone who questioned them was also bullied, harangued, harassed and driven from the board.

Not justifying the media's approach in terms of camping out the front of his family home - but a reality check is needed for many including yourself and Graham Cornes.

Very little, if any, of the media coverage regarding Hird was actually personal.

It was all focused on his role in the doping program, and his subsequent course of action in the aftermath.

His wife went to the media to throw Demetriou under the bus.

His dad used the media on a daily basis to plead his case.

Hird himself had an open mike interview which he instigated himself.

So not all the media coverage was a case of the media hounding him.

Let's be clear about that and not rewrite history.

Regarding the nature of the media coverage of Hird - as far as I recall, it was all pretty much focused on whether or not he, professionally, held some responsibility for the doping program, and what professional consequences should be faced as a result.

It wasn't personal.

Hird told us, many times, via the media, he was innocent and did nothing wrong. He told us that when the truth came out, it'd all be cool.

He had many, many opportunities to tell this truth. He even, via the media, set up an interview to do just that.

But we got nuthin'.

Rightly, the media pushed back.

That's not harassment or vilification. It's the media engaging with a high profile person in s high profile scenario when he says he'll clear his name - then over a 2-3 year period comes up with zilch.

It's the media, and the public, calling bullshit. And rightly so.

The media had an obligation to get something from Hird.

Harrassing his family is not on. But unfortunately, once your wife does her own 'tell all' via the media - she's kind of checked into the game.

The AFL and Essendon paying him whilst suspended, was a sham we weren't meant to know about. But Hird, via the media, tried to embarrass the AFL by leaking it out.

It made his junket in France of public interest. The Essendon members were paying for it after all.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again - this saga will never be over until those involved come clean and stop bullshitting.

And as long as Dank, Hird, Essendon, the players and the AFL keep trying to hope it goes away by lying, weaseling and deflecting - the main players are always going to be under the pump. Rightly or wrongly.

People don't like being bullshitted to - and Hird has bullshitted from day 1.
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He would cop plenty of flack if she did (although one article apportioning blame is hardly similar to years of articles that constantly attacked the guy)

How are they different? Other than one is much larger in magnitude? Or is it okay because it's James hird?

It's not OK just because it is James Hird, but.....
James is equally loved and despised and for very good reasons.

I had a lot of time for James not so long ago but then realised I was wrong when he watched his friends take the hits, whilst he was out to save his arse at all cost but....there may well be a lot more to the story but it is hard not to see James to be a self-loving individual....maybe a little too much love for self.

The whole Essendon situation didn't find James. James found/made the situation but that makes for another story.
Foolish statement. The reality is that there is no integrity or accountability in the media. They can slander and report rumour as fact as much as they want. They are absolutely responsible for driving the popular public opinion especially in this case where the facts have been completely ignored it seems. Hird was certainly not the architect of the program, as has been found in all of the hearings, yet the popular perception among the media educated is that he was. Reputation shattered for placing too much trust in the wrong people.

Usage of the words "allegedly", "possibly" are their outs. It clouds the issue and therefore isn't classified as slander etc.
Not justifying the media's approach in terms of camping out the front of his family home - but a reality check is needed for many including yourself and Graham Cornes.

Very little, if any, of the media coverage regarding Hird was actually personal.

It was all focused on his role in the doping program, and his subsequent course of action in the aftermath.

His wife went to the media to throw Demetriou under the bus.

His dad used the media on a daily basis to plead his case.

Hird himself had an open mike interview which he instigated himself.

So not all the media coverage was a case of the media hounding him.

Let's be clear about that and not rewrite history.

Regarding the nature of the media coverage of Hird - as far as I recall, it was all pretty much focused on whether or not he, professionally, held some responsibility for the doping program, and what professional consequences should faced as a result.

It wasn't personal.

Hird told us, many times, via the media, he was innocent and did nothing wrong. He told us that when the truth came out, it'd all be cool.

He had many, many opportunities to tell this truth. He even, via the media, set up an interview to do just that.

But we got nuthin'.

Rightly, the media pushed back.

That's not harassment or vilification. It's the media engaging with a high profile person in s high profile scenario when he says he'll clear his name - then over a 2-3 period comes up with zilch.

It's the media, and the public, calling bullshit. And rightly so.

The media had an obligation to get something from Hird.

Harrassing his family is not on. But unfortunately, once your wife died her own 'tell all' via the media - she's kind of checked into the game.

The AFL and Essendon paying him whilst suspended, was a sham we weren't meant to know about. But Hird, via the media trued to embarrass the AFL by leaking it out.

It made his junket in France of public interest. The Essendon members were paying for it after all.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again - this saga will never be over until those involved come clean and stop bullshitting.

And as long as Dank, Hird, Essendon, the players and the AFL keep trying to hope it goes away by lying, weaseling and deflecting - the main players are always going to be under the pump. Rightly or wrongly.

People don't like being bullshitted to - and Hird has bullshitted from day 1.

Brilliant! Spot on.
We'd just be posing the question, that's all?

But no.....we shouldn't have to think like that. i.e. We shouldn't have to think and express.
Let's just suppress critical think and mock it with a "maybe aliens did it" response.

I reckon it would have crossed plenty of minds and which is why I was surprised that no-one brought up the possibility and instead we're going to be flooded with Cornes-like blame games for what came about for Hird. Shame on you Mr. Cornes. Shame.

So you think a guy would fake an attempted suicide knowing that his kids would find out about it? You say this when you don't even know all the facts. How do you know how he was found? May have just been sheer luck that someone found out.

I'll disagree.

His biggest mistake, was the exact same biggest mistake that everyone at Essendon made from day one - they never said "you know what, we might have actually taken banned drugs. We didn't intend to, and didn't know we were - and still hope we didn't. But, looking at the evidence and the people that were involved, it seems as though we possibly or even probably did. And for that, we're really sorry."

Instead, he still goes with the "I'm Innocent! I know I did nothing wrong!" bullshit.
Not justifying the media's approach in terms of camping out the front of his family home - but a reality check is needed for many including yourself and Graham Cornes.

Very little, if any, of the media coverage regarding Hird was actually personal.

It was all focused on his role in the doping program, and his subsequent course of action in the aftermath.

His wife went to the media to throw Demetriou under the bus.

His dad used the media on a daily basis to plead his case.

Hird himself had an open mike interview which he instigated himself.

So not all the media coverage was a case of the media hounding him.

Let's be clear about that and not rewrite history.

Regarding the nature of the media coverage of Hird - as far as I recall, it was all pretty much focused on whether or not he, professionally, held some responsibility for the doping program, and what professional consequences should faced as a result.

It wasn't personal.

Hird told us, many times, via the media, he was innocent and did nothing wrong. He told us that when the truth came out, it'd all be cool.

He had many, many opportunities to tell this truth. He even, via the media, set up an interview to do just that.

But we got nuthin'.

Rightly, the media pushed back.

That's not harassment or vilification. It's the media engaging with a high profile person in s high profile scenario when he says he'll clear his name - then over a 2-3 period comes up with zilch.

It's the media, and the public, calling bullshit. And rightly so.

The media had an obligation to get something from Hird.

Harrassing his family is not on. But unfortunately, once your wife died her own 'tell all' via the media - she's kind of checked into the game.

The AFL and Essendon paying him whilst suspended, was a sham we weren't meant to know about. But Hird, via the media trued to embarrass the AFL by leaking it out.

It made his junket in France of public interest. The Essendon members were paying for it after all.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again - this saga will never be over until those involved come clean and stop bullshitting.

And as long as Dank, Hird, Essendon, the players and the AFL keep trying to hope it goes away by lying, weaseling and deflecting - the main players are always going to be under the pump. Rightly or wrongly.

People don't like being bullshitted to - and Hird has bullshitted from day 1.
Great post. It is not the role of journalists to be starstruck groupies accepting without question morally bankrupt behaviour just because the person involved is a sporting hero.
Simply put.

We know that the media has 6 communications vans outside his Toorak home. All of the major tv networks and at least 2 radio stations (3aw and SEN).

Even when people including Andy Maher and RSN call for respect, there is blatant disregard of that request.

You have to ask yourself - what are the legal ramifications of all this continued visual harassment?

The one thing we can all say is that for Hird himself, he has found himself in the appropriate facility to be treated. Hopefully this treatment works. It might be the lesson that a certain other troubled Brownlow Medallist might need to learn from.

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Great post. It is not the role of journalists to be starstruck groupies accepting without question morally bankrupt behaviour just because the person involved is a sporting hero.

However, when there has been repeated public requests for privacy, it is beholden on the media to do just that. They are described as the scum of the earth because they think their rights are important than others.
Hmmm, where are these facts? Surely if they were presented at one of the hearings James would be in his good place. I am sick of reading these apologists in the media and on social media. They are deliberately trying to soften how the public view James and his clubs efforts in cheating the system.

If Essendon were to have won the premiership during James' ill conceived drug program, he and his team would have accepted all the accolades that came with it and basked in the glory. Well James, you got sprung. Part of being sprung is the attention you're receiving as a result.

:) LOL, if you didn't realise that much of this hysteria was driven by who you barracked for then you aint being paying attention.

The AFL and media made sure of that.

Hird was used by a scape goat by all and sundry, he didn't and still doesn't deserve it.

Not only that but the questionable tactics by the media, AFL, ASADA and WADA who still haven't proved diddly squat remain.

And the fact remains, that the ASADA board was full of school yard like bullies, i have seen them in this thread, i am surprised they made their way here quite frankly.
So you think a guy would could fake an attempted suicide knowing that his kids would find out about it? You say this when you don't even know all the facts. How do you know how he was found? May have just been sheer luck that someone found out.


You got one word wrong but I corrected it, for you.
Never underestimate a desperate man/woman.

Posed the theory and didn't make any statement based on knowledge, any more than you could on the strength of what you 'know'.
Simply put.

We know that the media has 6 communications vans outside his Toorak home. All of the major tv networks and at least 2 radio stations (3aw and SEN).

Even when people including Andy Maher and RSN call for respect, there is blatant disregard of that request.

You have to ask yourself - what are the legal ramifications of all this continued visual harassment?

The one thing we can all say is that for Hird himself, he has found himself in the appropriate facility to be treated. Hopefully this treatment works. It might be the lesson that a certain other troubled Brownlow Medallist might need to learn from.

The media shouldn't have those vans out there anymore. Not really fair.

Have they gone?
You got one word wrong but I corrected it, for you.
Never underestimate a desperate man/woman.

Posed the theory and didn't make any statement based on knowledge, any more than you could on the strength of what you 'know'.

I'd imagine anyone attempting suicide is desperate/crying out for help and therefore not thinking clearly. Also may be depressed which can also effect thinking. But you're happy to imply calculating & manipulative behaviour before you even know the facts. I would have thought the first thought and action of others would be some empathy.
Great post. It is not the role of journalists to be starstruck groupies accepting without question morally bankrupt behaviour just because the person involved is a sporting hero.
Yet we seem ok to defend the media's morally bankrupt behaviour when they camp outside the house of a man who is undergoing health/mental issues whilst kids are at home frightened for their dad.

For all you would-be grave dancers in this thread still hanging it on Hird for not apologising/taking accountability, he owes it to none of you and none of us who have moved on. The matter lies between him and the players and whatever peace they've made is none of our business.

That this thread is anything but a place to post your well wishes shows some true colours of people out there.
I'll invite you over call you a ****** and and a pissant and another set of expletives. Yep, that is verbal abuse but what I'll then tell you is **** off and get off my property.

You haven't been physically abused, you haven't been racially abused, you haven't been sexually abused. Verbal abuse? Yes, good luck with that one in the privacy of your ones home.

Verbal abuse, is on the delivery and the setting.

FFS people, harden up.

I think you need to do some reading up of mental health. Everyone has different triggers. Lets just hope you don't fall in a deep, dark hole. But I am sure we can arrange a bunch of people to yell at you and tell you to harden up and get over it. :)
They were still there as of this morning (Today and Sunrise both went live from there as part of their shows today). I guess the next signal is tonight's various news services.

Not good. I guess it's a consistent thing for all celebrities and the media. Public has a thirst for news, especially the doom & gloom variety, as you can see from the first 15 mins of every news show.
They were still there as of this morning (Today and Sunrise both went live from there as part of their shows today). I guess the next signal is tonight's various news services.

Just further to this, if people do feel aggrieved at the media's handling and behaviour to date, there are things we can do.

I'm sure we are all capable of each of them too.
Funny how the bullies on the ASADA board who have thousands of posts on that board and only that board have found their way here and refute all suggestions of bullying, haranguing, harassing Hird and his family.

The gang of hate was big and strong, any suggestion to the contrary was beaten down by the bullies on the ASADA board any poster with a contrary view was like a shag on a rock and treated as such.

Wasn't pleasant and it would have been a fraction of what Hird felt.

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