Injury My Mental Health

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Good Idea to keep yourself Busy so you have less time just Sitting there doing Nothing

Yep my main problem is id just sit in bed and drink or smoke weed. I feel so much better having not done any of that for two weeks.
My memory is getting clearer too

I know it'll be hard but I can't do that ever again
Hi Temploar

I just logged on and read your posts and have read all the posts from the BigFooty Collingwood family. It is really impressive that you took the active step of reaching out as it can be so hard to do when you have depression and anxiety and you are battling yourself. It is really important that you are asking for help.

Unfortunately, whilst we have made inroads in raising awareness about depression and anxiety in our society, we still have such a long way to go. It is misunderstood and people can still think that it is just a matter of "being positive" or snapping out of it.

I wanted to share with you that I live with someone who suffers from this..My teenage daughter who has really battled this illness over the last 7 years. We were very close to losing her about 9 months ago and we have lots of support (and really good support in place). One dark Saturday night late last year , when she told me that she had plans to end it all, I had to find crisis help at short notice, and I have to agree with you that support in a crisis is a real problem in our health system. It turns out that no crisis lines for adolescent mental health are available on the weekend (I kid you not) so I had to keep her distracted through activity until we could access help on Monday morning.

We have found an amazing psychiatrist, a psychologist and we are working our way through it - but we know and she knows that this is what life is like for her. I don't know if this will help you but I thought I would share with you a few things that i have learned that have helped us with the anxiety and depression.

Firstly, your alarm that this is something you may have for life was something I read with interest as we have faced that prospect. I don't know your situation but I told my daughter this is simply a disease like any other and she has self acceptance in the same way she would if she were diabetic, for example. Be kind to yourself. You are a warm hearted and lovely person from what I can read and I have no doubt that you have talent. You are great just as you are. Having a mental health issue does not change who you are.

Indeed, anxiety is more prevalent in people that are imaginative and intelligent. This is because anxiety is the stories that we tell ourselves about what is possible. The more creative you are, the more narratives that you can have. My daughter is very intelligent, articulate and artistic. She has immense talent in art and the written word, in particular. The tortured artist is part of the family bio - she is certainly not alone with this illness in the family. She is fighting hard and is guileless and open about her mental health issues now. I have told her not everyone understands it and that learning at a young age will mean that she will be an emotionally articulate adult that can help others to understand how it feels and what works. We have discussed the dangers of recreational drug use which is so easy to access. Her reaction is that she has a hard enough time with her own head such that she just wont risk it. Daily life is hard enough.

When she was little she would express the darkness of her depression through art. We were told by a child psychologist that she would most likely have depression which would get harder as she got older and that has happened. That psychologist said that when there is a black cloud over your head and it is raining, it feels like it will never end but inevitably, it passes and the sun is shining until it comes again. Just remember the little black cloud always passes.

The problem with anxiety is that we never think about how probable it is that things will eventuate, we only tell ourselves possibility stories and our stories are possible but in many cases unlikely. One way to combat the stories is to think about how likely it is that something is going to happen and it will dissipate. For example, I can tell myself that I am anxious that Carlton will win the premiership if they beat St Kilda....but is it likely if we examine (a) the score; (b) the number of wins; (c) their list and relief sets in.

Imagine your anxiety and depression is a restaurant you are running and how you manage your mental health is a menu at that restaurant over which only you have control as the chef. You can choose to have healthy things on the menu or unhealthy things on the menu. It is your menu. You must have a menu (you cant have a restaurant without one) and only you can change it - only you. If you make an unhealthy choice, forgive yourself quickly and just make the next one healthy. It can stop the spiral to just see it as one choice and re-assert the healthy one. I know it can be really hard in the slump to do this and self esteem can plummet- you need to fight hard to forgive yourself and make the next choice healthy.

The biggest learning I have had is not to try and do too much at once. Set small goals and celebrate when you achieve them. We stripped things right back to basics and did not try and fix everything all at once. Exposure therapy really works. Maybe your first goal is to leave the house once a day for a little while. Then when you feel confident at that you add just one thing - eg I will speak with one person every day when I leave the house. Start small and add. There have been some great suggestions - go for a gentle walk, try and help someone else, buy some food , cook meal. Where you start is up to you. You will know - just take it slowly and layer it up.

Please don't give up on finding the right support. There are good professionals out there and you need to get one that works for you. Getting the medication right is important too as not everyone responds the same way to the same medication. Ask questions, lots of them about other options for medication if it is not lifting you enough to lift the black clouds or the side effects are not working.

For those of your reading this who have helped through your posts, what a beautiful community this is. I was told that the number one way to help someone is simply to be with them.

We are all there with you, Temploar, in those dark moments. #sidebyside #forever

Queenie H

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Hi Temploar

I just logged on and read your posts and have read all the posts from the BigFooty Collingwood family. It is really impressive that you took the active step of reaching out as it can be so hard to do when you have depression and anxiety and you are battling yourself. It is really important that you are asking for help.

Unfortunately, whilst we have made inroads in raising awareness about depression and anxiety in our society, we still have such a long way to go. It is misunderstood and people can still think that it is just a matter of "being positive" or snapping out of it.

I wanted to share with you that I live with someone who suffers from this..My teenage daughter who has really battled this illness over the last 7 years. We were very close to losing her about 9 months ago and we have lots of support (and really good support in place). One dark Saturday night late last year , when she told me that she had plans to end it all, I had to find crisis help at short notice, and I have to agree with you that support in a crisis is a real problem in our health system. It turns out that no crisis lines for adolescent mental health are available on the weekend (I kid you not) so I had to keep her distracted through activity until we could access help on Monday morning.

We have found an amazing psychiatrist, a psychologist and we are working our way through it - but we know and she knows that this is what life is like for her. I don't know if this will help you but I thought I would share with you a few things that i have learned that have helped us with the anxiety and depression.

Firstly, your alarm that this is something you may have for life was something I read with interest as we have faced that prospect. I don't know your situation but I told my daughter this is simply a disease like any other and she has self acceptance in the same way she would if she were diabetic, for example. Be kind to yourself. You are a warm hearted and lovely person from what I can read and I have no doubt that you have talent. You are great just as you are. Having a mental health issue does not change who you are.

Indeed, anxiety is more prevalent in people that are imaginative and intelligent. This is because anxiety is the stories that we tell ourselves about what is possible. The more creative you are, the more narratives that you can have. My daughter is very intelligent, articulate and artistic. She has immense talent in art and the written word, in particular. The tortured artist is part of the family bio - she is certainly not alone with this illness in the family. She is fighting hard and is guileless and open about her mental health issues now. I have told her not everyone understands it and that learning at a young age will mean that she will be an emotionally articulate adult that can help others to understand how it feels and what works. We have discussed the dangers of recreational drug use which is so easy to access. Her reaction is that she has a hard enough time with her own head such that she just wont risk it. Daily life is hard enough.

When she was little she would express the darkness of her depression through art. We were told by a child psychologist that she would most likely have depression which would get harder as she got older and that has happened. That psychologist said that when there is a black cloud over your head and it is raining, it feels like it will never end but inevitably, it passes and the sun is shining until it comes again. Just remember the little black cloud always passes.

The problem with anxiety is that we never think about how probable it is that things will eventuate, we only tell ourselves possibility stories and our stories are possible but in many cases unlikely. One way to combat the stories is to think about how likely it is that something is going to happen and it will dissipate. For example, I can tell myself that I am anxious that Carlton will win the premiership if they beat St Kilda....but is it likely if we examine (a) the score; (b) the number of wins; (c) their list and relief sets in.

Imagine your anxiety and depression is a restaurant you are running and how you manage your mental health is a menu at that restaurant over which only you have control as the chef. You can choose to have healthy things on the menu or unhealthy things on the menu. It is your menu. You must have a menu (you cant have a restaurant without one) and only you can change it - only you. If you make an unhealthy choice, forgive yourself quickly and just make the next one healthy. It can stop the spiral to just see it as one choice and re-assert the healthy one. I know it can be really hard in the slump to do this and self esteem can plummet- you need to fight hard to forgive yourself and make the next choice healthy.

The biggest learning I have had is not to try and do too much at once. Set small goals and celebrate when you achieve them. We stripped things right back to basics and did not try and fix everything all at once. Exposure therapy really works. Maybe your first goal is to leave the house once a day for a little while. Then when you feel confident at that you add just one thing - eg I will speak with one person every day when I leave the house. Start small and add. There have been some great suggestions - go for a gentle walk, try and help someone else, buy some food , cook meal. Where you start is up to you. You will know - just take it slowly and layer it up.

Please don't give up on finding the right support. There are good professionals out there and you need to get one that works for you. Getting the medication right is important too as not everyone responds the same way to the same medication. Ask questions, lots of them about other options for medication if it is not lifting you enough to lift the black clouds or the side effects are not working.

For those of your reading this who have helped through your posts, what a beautiful community this is. I was told that the number one way to help someone is simply to be with them.

We are all there with you, Temploar, in those dark moments. #sidebyside #forever

Queenie H


Reading that was so powerful.
Sending my best wishes to your daughter.

I will write a lengthy reply to you, and many others on here, when I am able to use both my arms again.

Thank you for sharing that story.

I'm looking forward to getting back to you, so make sure you log on for that!!!
I have realised that drugs and alcohol + depression is like falling in quicksand.
You just get sucked in deeper and deeper and the light above gets darker.

Last weekend I became unstuck. And I wish to stay off all substances forever, then, I truly believe I will be fine.

My Dad couldn't control himself on alcohol, and I definitely have his genes. He was a creative and innovative person like me, but unfortunately never got to realise his full potential.

His death at 33 due to suicide from becoming schizophrenic from his drug and alcohol abuse... And me being 22 who was going down the same path.

Nah, not anymore. A lesson learned.
I will use all the tools he gave me.
Your daughter and I sound very similar.
It certainly sounds like it. I forgot to say that she is very musical - and very creative with it.

The gift of creative insight makes you experience the beautiful sunset with the same intensity as the darkness. Remember that you also get the upside and who would want to trade that?

When she is creating something, she is completely at peace.

You can use innovation and creativity as your drug and seek those inspired moments to fill the void rather than alcohol, drugs or gambling. She can paint and draw and write. Maybe you need to do something creative, however small, every day? She makes up recipes as much as she makes up music or paints or draws or writes.

When she hits those moments of despair. I tell her as often as I can that she is the strongest person I know and that she has got this. She has to overcome a lot every day and she is trying really hard.

I have also told her that the goal in life is to be content rather than happy.

You have got this - you already did the hardest bit. You made yourself vulnerable and asked for help. Start small, celebrate, add , repeat.

Queenie H
It certainly sounds like it. I forgot to say that she is very musical - and very creative with it.

The gift of creative insight makes you experience the beautiful sunset with the same intensity as the darkness. Remember that you also get the upside and who would want to trade that?

When she is creating something, she is completely at peace.

You can use innovation and creativity as your drug and seek those inspired moments to fill the void rather than alcohol, drugs or gambling. She can paint and draw and write. Maybe you need to do something creative, however small, every day? She makes up recipes as much as she makes up music or paints or draws or writes.

When she hits those moments of despair. I tell her as often as I can that she is the strongest person I know and that she has got this. She has to overcome a lot every day and she is trying really hard.

I have also told her that the goal in life is to be content rather than happy.

You have got this - you already did the hardest bit. You made yourself vulnerable and asked for help. Start small, celebrate, add , repeat.

Queenie H
Great posts Queenie H. Can't tell from my mobile how many posts you've done but if you are new to the community you are indeed a welcome addition to it. All the best with your own situation.
How dangerous is it to taper off risperidone 0.5mg after just one week?
I wouldn't do it except on doctor's advice. You may just be experiencing ill effects as it's kicking in. You are obviously feeling better about life so perhaps the risperidone is helping. Be patient Temploar. When people start playing around with drugs prescribed for mental health, quite often they undo the good that's been achieved.

Just my opinion. I am no medical professional.
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I wouldn't do it except on doctor's advice. You may just be experiencing ill effects as it's kicking in. You are obviously feeling better about life so perhaps the risperidone is helping. Be patient Temploar. When people start playing around with drugs prescribed for mental health, quite often they undo the good that's been achieved.

Just my opinion. I am no medical professional.

All antipsychotics take 2-3 weeks to kick In so if I'm feeling this good now then it's either a placebo effect or I've had an epiphany.

I need to get off this shit before the weight gain starts. EVERYONE gets weight gain on antipsychotics because it blocks the D2 dopamine receptor. Even the dr said that would be the case.
**** that

I've never been schizo and risperidone stores itself in your fat and messes with your lipid profiles. Very nasty drug but it's the only one they'd put me on so I took it just to get out of there.

Personally if I were a doctor I'd never put anyone on an antipsychotic unless they're, you know, well schizophrenic.
The side effects are well known to be horror.

And hey, if I was drinking a lot and smoking weed everyday then no wonder why I was depressed. Just took me the weekend to realise that.

Don't think I need any powerful brain altering meds so I'm getting off this while I have the chance. The sooner the better.

If I fall back into my old ways then at least I can make a calculated decision that the meds were helping. But almost everyone has a horror story about antipsychotics.

I've lost 5 kilos in the last month and I am NOT putting it back on. Risperidone ****s your metabolism.

Obviously my source is just a few hours of reading but I think I'll take this approach instead of waiting until the drug is impossible to get off
I have heard that a Few Times that Smarter People are come Likely to get Depression and/or Anxiety.

I always had Anxiety but nothing to the Level that Temploar and Queenie Hearts Daughter is at but I hate when I get some really bad Cases(Stopped using Computers because of it)

Though I took some Tablets for it(Sequel and Doxepin for it) and I find it does help keep me Level a lot More
All antipsychotics take 2-3 weeks to kick In so if I'm feeling this good now then it's either a placebo effect or I've had an epiphany.

I need to get off this shit before the weight gain starts. EVERYONE gets weight gain on antipsychotics because it blocks the D2 dopamine receptor. Even the dr said that would be the case.
**** that

I've never been schizo and risperidone stores itself in your fat and messes with your lipid profiles. Very nasty drug but it's the only one they'd put me on so I took it just to get out of there.

Personally if I were a doctor I'd never put anyone on an antipsychotic unless they're, you know, well schizophrenic.
The side effects are well known to be horror.

And hey, if I was drinking a lot and smoking weed everyday then no wonder why I was depressed. Just took me the weekend to realise that.

Don't think I need any powerful brain altering meds so I'm getting off this while I have the chance. The sooner the better.

If I fall back into my old ways then at least I can make a calculated decision that the meds were helping. But almost everyone has a horror story about antipsychotics.

I've lost 5 kilos in the last month and I am NOT putting it back on. Risperidone ****s your metabolism.

Obviously my source is just a few hours of reading but I think I'll take this approach instead of waiting until the drug is impossible to get off
Up to you Temploar. I did read up on it and weight gain is certainly one of the side effects listed. I understand where you are coming from.
Up to you Temploar. I did read up on it and weight gain is certainly one of the side effects listed. I understand where you are coming from.

I struggle lose weight on my Anti-Anxiety Tablets

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I struggle lose weight on my Anti-Anxiety Tablets

All medications that work on anxiety long term tend to make you put on weight.

The only good medication for anxiety is a low dose of valium but it only works for about 3 months and Dr's don't prescribe it because they prefer to **** ur body up with these shitty antipsychotics
All medications that work on anxiety long term tend to make you put on weight.

The only good medication for anxiety is a low dose of valium but it only works for about 3 months and Dr's don't prescribe it because they prefer to **** ur body up with these shitty antipsychotics

Then Problem with valium it's very Addictive.

Well I found they work for me as I had not had a Terrible Anxiety Attack since I been on it.

Also because all the good medications tend to be "addictive"

That how they make so much money
Up to you Temploar. I did read up on it and weight gain is certainly one of the side effects listed. I understand where you are coming from.

Hi Temploar

Up to you and I have no experience of antipsychotic medication but some weight gain from medication seems better on balance than being debilitatingly depressed or anxious.

Our psychiatrist said to wait at least 4-6 weeks before medication would even out and she was a bit out there and up and down for a week or 2! Getting the dosage right took some experimentation so it may not be all or nothing . it has been a game changer but took some discussion to get to the right spot.

Also you need to be careful about suddenly stopping some medication as it can bring on some nasty side effects.

I think you should check with a doctor/psychiatrist before you do anything. The risk is you may feel better on the medication, think you no longer need it as you feel better and go off and then feel worse again.

Be super careful and take care of yourself.

On iPhone using mobile app
Hi Temploar

Up to you and I have no experience of antipsychotic medication but some weight gain from medication seems better on balance than being debilitatingly depressed or anxious.

Our psychiatrist said to wait at least 4-6 weeks before medication would even out and she was a bit out there and up and down for a week or 2! Getting the dosage right took some experimentation so it may not be all or nothing . it has been a game changer but took some discussion to get to the right spot.

Also you need to be careful about suddenly stopping some medication as it can bring on some nasty side effects.

I think you should check with a doctor/psychiatrist before you do anything. The risk is you may feel better on the medication, think you no longer need it as you feel better and go off and then feel worse again.

Be super careful and take care of yourself.

On iPhone using mobile app
I agree QH. If weight gain is the issue, in itself it can cause depression, but it's a discussion for the doctor rather than here. I have seen many people stabilized by medication but not really seen success in those who stopped. A psychiatrist would be the most knowledgeable person to consult.
We will "weight" and see....

I am NOT putting on weight again.
Took me a year to reverse the 15kg that Paxil made me gain.
My friend's son lost 100 kg of a 200kg weight and now sits at 84kg. He became the pin-up boy for lite'n'easy', and hiked around 10km a day up hill and down dale in the Dandenongs. But he put his loss down to diet rather than exercise.

His whole life revolved around sport, so in the end he had some genuine incentive. SEN interviewed him at one time.

However, he wasn't on Risperdone, or anything in the way of pills. He was never into drugs or alcohol. So I guess that is where the similarity ends. :p:rolleyes:
I've never before appreciated the smell of post-adolescent musk and garbage in my life until now.

So good to be back home

I'll get back to y'all properly when my right hand heals

Thanks for all the love and support
Even you Kappa

Xoxoxo, (minimal homo)
I love your way with words Temploar.
I have realised that drugs and alcohol + depression is like falling in quicksand.
You just get sucked in deeper and deeper and the light above gets darker.

Last weekend I became unstuck. And I wish to stay off all substances forever, then, I truly believe I will be fine.

My Dad couldn't control himself on alcohol, and I definitely have his genes. He was a creative and innovative person like me, but unfortunately never got to realise his full potential.

His death at 33 due to suicide from becoming schizophrenic from his drug and alcohol abuse... And me being 22 who was going down the same path.

Nah, not anymore. A lesson learned.
I will use all the tools he gave me.

Hi Temploar,

I have just tuned in to this thread and became acquainted with your circumstances.

It has been heartwarming to read the support from other posters, and I will offer you mine together with this:

You are not your dad.

Why do I say this?

One of my parents has severe mental health issues. I had a very difficult childhood and a very rebellious teenage phase. People including my own family wrote me off as heading down the same track as mum. I experienced traumatic family episodes, poverty, loneliness, and illness over a 3-4 year period. I left home at the age of 18 and had been on my own until I met my future wife at the age of 24. Like you, I had too many "close shaves" during that period.

I'm now 50, I have a family (gorgeous wife and 2 kids old enough to drive), a business, 2 degrees, and most importantly I haven't touched drugs or drank in anything but a social environment since the 1990s.

I still get my anxious moments but I know they'll pass; my past makes me who I am today and in many ways it helps me empathise and relate to other human beings.

You seem so smart and courageous, I hope my story helps you understand that your current situation is not forever and that the life outcomes of our parents are theirs, not ours. One day at a time mate, your life can and will be beautiful.


EDIT: Just PM me if you have any questions whatsoever or if you just need a chat.
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