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A lot of Bidens mid sentence lapses can be put down to his life long struggle with a debilitating stutter...debilitating stutter.... and the fact that he's One Hundred and Fifty ******* years old.

Stacey Abrams is one to watch when looking to who he might nominate as his VP.
Apparently Michelle Obama has been mentioned also.

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I'm assuming you're in Victoria, OD. Not sure where you got your numbers from but the count of new cases in Victoria has been 5, 2 and 1 for the last three days. Now these are NEW cases on top of the 350 or so that would still be classified as active in Victoria, i.e. still infected and under observation (38% of those, or around 130, are in hospital, 14% are in ICU and 10% are on ventilation so that's still a LOT of sick people).

Where are these new cases coming from? Unless they're all coming from recent overseas arrivals (unlikely) there could still be a small pool of uncontrolled infection in the community, over 99% of whom have no immunity. This is what the medical experts keep telling us will be the case too, so caution in easing restrictions is appropriate. As all the national leaders have been at pains to point out, if you come off the brakes too quickly you risk a second large wave of cases (and deaths) which can be at least as bad as the first wave. Remember it only needs one infected person ... that was case zero in Wuhan back in November.

Here in the ACT we have had only 2 new cases in the last thirteen days but our Chief Minister Andrew Barr has said we're nowhere near the end of the lockdown. He said yesterday "the end isn't even in sight yet". I'm definitely no fan of Barr but I have to concede he's been pretty good over the course of this crisis.

You should be grateful. Whether you get to play a round of golf soon and whether the NRL gets a free kick is trivial compared to what's at stake. It hasn't been easy for any of them but so far Andrews has looked to me to be the most impressive of any of the national leaders during this crisis.
It is an interesting point, and I err to OD's point of view in that I think there needs to be discussions around golf, fishing etc given the impact they have on mental health. I understand the need to flatten the curve, but nobody seems to consider the impact today's events may have in months and years down the track.
I read something a few days back which put forward the view that depending on how long and how strict the lockdowns are, we may actually cause more deaths in future as a direct result through mental health and economic consequences, than would be lost now if we gradually eased restrictions now.
It is an interesting concept and one which I had not given much thought to.
Trump has now got off the Malaria drug train to now injecting disinfectant.
i kid you not !
Have a look at his latest offering at his daily conference.
will give is Fox friends something to talk about again , since they dropped off the Malaria drug like a hot potato.
And putting "light" into the body to kill the virus

Yes, I know. But the US laws allow access to the Data. I know people who upgraded their data-Centers in Australia who are hugely pissed about this.
Didn't know this. Wow, we use AWS at my work. Might be time to look elsewhere
And putting "light" into the body to kill the virus

Didn't know this. Wow, we use AWS at my work. Might be time to look elsewhere
I don't know that you have to worry. Literally every agency on earth has access to your data, the minute you go online or buy a mobile phone. As I drove out of my driveway this morning (to go to the supermarket) a message from Telstra flashed up #stayhome
Ok thought it was 1 and 1 maybe 2 and 1. These numbers are not a problem when the RO value is less than 1 and we have locked ourselves away from the outside world. I think the last RO figure I heard for Victoria was .5 As I said he previously he has done a good job to date but he is now being pig headed and refuses to answer reasonable questions. I still ask the question why are restrictions tougher than NSW when are doing better. Just show me the evidence and reasons why, so a simpleton like me can understand. To my knowledge NSW has not attributed one case to anyone playing golf. If he can show me the evidence I will change my opinion.

You're coming across as an entitled boomer mate. No one gives a shit about your right to play golf. Go move to the United States if you want to live in a country that throws caution to the wind.
Economic fallout !
A lesson history should have taught us.

1% of the US now own 10% of the wealth.
I think in the UK it is something like 4% own 20% . ( I think a decade ago it was 10% owned 20% , but haven’t checked )
But you see why these numbers are a disaster during a economic shock like this.
25 million now out of work and rising fast , and their crisis a long way from over.

The richest country in the world that wants to disband what little national health insurance they have.
( the current ruling party that is )
And a min wage of $7-50 an hour.

In the old days , they would finally have had enough and start removing heads in the town square.
It is an interesting point, and I err to OD's point of view in that I think there needs to be discussions around golf, fishing etc given the impact they have on mental health. I understand the need to flatten the curve, but nobody seems to consider the impact today's events may have in months and years down the track.
I read something a few days back which put forward the view that depending on how long and how strict the lockdowns are, we may actually cause more deaths in future as a direct result through mental health and economic consequences, than would be lost now if we gradually eased restrictions now.
It is an interesting concept and one which I had not given much thought to.

Just because you hadn't given much thought to the economic consequences doesn't mean the government hasn't. You don't think that the health of the economy is at the forefront of every decision the Government is currently making? Do you think there might be a reason that we didn't go to stage four lockdown immediately like NZ did?
Economic fallout !
A lesson history should have taught us.

1% of the US now own 10% of the wealth.
I think in the UK it is something like 4% own 20% . ( I think a decade ago it was 10% owned 20% , but haven’t checked )
But you see why these numbers are a disaster during a economic shock like this.
25 million now out of work and rising fast , and their crisis a long way from over.

The richest country in the world that wants to disband what little national health insurance they have.
( the current ruling party that is )
And a min wage of $7-50 an hour.

In the old days , they would finally have had enough and start removing heads in the town square.

Its <0.01% own 20%.

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Economic fallout !
A lesson history should have taught us.

1% of the US now own 10% of the wealth.
I think in the UK it is something like 4% own 20% . ( I think a decade ago it was 10% owned 20% , but haven’t checked )
But you see why these numbers are a disaster during a economic shock like this.
25 million now out of work and rising fast , and their crisis a long way from over.

The richest country in the world that wants to disband what little national health insurance they have.
( the current ruling party that is )
And a min wage of $7-50 an hour.

In the old days , they would finally have had enough and start removing heads in the town square.
Not in 1066, they wouldn’t have dared!
Dr. Stable Genius. M.D.

Easy Norm, I have a Bulldogs supporting friend who drank windex when pulled over for a
RBT years ago.

I said to him at work, "You do realise windex is alcohol based." Same bloke distracted the
timekeepers in 1994 by pounding the glass yelling blow the siren seconds before the
Billy Brownless goal.
Just because you hadn't given much thought to the economic consequences doesn't mean the government hasn't. You don't think that the health of the economy is at the forefront of every decision the Government is currently making? Do you think there might be a reason that we didn't go to stage four lockdown immediately like NZ did?
I am not talking about just economy, I am talking about health and wellbeing as well. I would imagine it would be on their agenda, but all the narrative at the moment seems to be about the now and now the future in terms of health. I have not seen a single thing mentioned by Andrews or Morrison about boosting capacity with mental health resources during this time. The fact I can run around my local lake and pass a hundred people but can't throw a fishing line into the same lake seems a bit odd and the sooner there are outlets for people again, the better it will be.
As an example, if we save 10,000 lives now but lost 12,000 over the next few years, did we really do the right thing? Anywho, I personally found it an interesting point raised and thought I would mention it.
Now that's drawing :


Surely they work on the problem confronting them right now ?

I for one think our governments ( of all colors ) are doing a pretty good job.
The level of co-operation has been very important.
Dr. Stable Genius. M.D.

FMD! An idiot trying to explain something he doesn't understand to people who DO understand it, and are probably silently face-palming. Meanwhile, all his 'supporters' will watch that clip and think he's a genius. I take Guido's point about disparaging people, but this is a lunatic in charge of the asylum. There is NO intelligence in that 70 seconds... none. Just a totally mis-placed belief that he thinks he actually knows what he's talking about. I'll say it again - FMD.

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