Unsolved Girls that went missing from Adelaide Oval 1973

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Here's two routes, in opposite directions, to secluded places that could have been where a car was waiting.

Heading east and meeting a car somewhere behind the zoo, using the path along the river as cover.

View attachment 1789314

Heading west and meeting a car somewhere in the secluded horse trails north of Bonython Park.

View attachment 1789315

Both make use of the river path as cover and both end up at places that are still to this day quite secluded.
Both only take 20mins or so by foot. Could have been gone before any alarm was raised.

The second one makes more sense to me, especially if they were able to cut across the golf course, as it avoids the most 'active' areas.

Technically, it would be possible to head one way, change the plan, then head the other way. Still mighty risky given where all this is happening.
Is there car access to these places?. That must be the escape
But option 2 ignores Kilmartin saying he went East and Lawrie saying he made Frome Rd which is also East.
And how can AO to the zoo take the same time as the zoo to Port rd Thebarton when its basically the same to AO plus extra to Port rd. Its a 5km round trip direct and you haven't even got them to Port rd on your maps.

I’m only proposing hypotheticals based on the terrain and pathways.

Port Rd sighting seems fanciful to me. Too many points at which you’d get seen.

Much more likely they had a car waiting along the river pathways.

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Is there car access to these places?. That must be the escape

Yes. Near the zoo/Frome st there is a winding road that follows the contour of the river that comes out near Hackney Rd. Large recreational oval expanse on the northern side and the high walls of the Zoo on the southern side of the river. The noises of the animals can be quite loud depending on the time of day so it wold make it a very attractive spot to get two kids into a car without attracting much attention.

Back in the early 70s, the area would have been even more secluded than it is now. The path has always been there but back then it would have been more of a track through trees and riverside plants and foliage.

The western route, again, following the river, there is an area that has been used as horse agistment over the years, and even has a disused horse riding club, between the train line and the river. There's an access road that hits Park Tce just before the Port Rd intersection. The area on the northern side of the river is also very overgrown and offers protection from being seen from the other side of the river. There's a group of itinerant people living there on and off because of how secluded it is and how little traffic it gets. I'd imagine in the early 70s this would have almost been bushland.

The main thing to me is that the river offers a lot of protection, with routes to out-of-the-way places that could be accessed by a car.

The problem with the eastern route, is crossing King William Road in broad daylight while dragging two reluctant children.
The problem with the western route, is crossing the expanse between Montefiore Road and War Memorial Drive in broad daylight while dragging two reluctant children.

Depending on golf club activity on the day, the short cut across the greens would be the quickest way to get to a parked car without being seen.
I’m only proposing hypotheticals based on the terrain and pathways.

Port Rd sighting seems fanciful to me. Too many points at which you’d get seen.

Much more likely they had a car waiting along the river pathways.
Agreed, I tend to put myself in the shoes of the perp and think how I'd imagine someone committing the particular crime would think.
Thats why I think a beeline for the Torrens lower paths makes sense, down out of view within a minute, under King William st to avoid delays with traffic or attention, along the Torrens depression until the cover runs out at Frome rd which happens to be right where Sue Lawrie said they we're.
From here its the back of the zoo which is quiet still today and a waiting car or then parklands either South or North possibly using the olive grove at the end of Melbourne st to get around that part of North Adelaide.

I dont buy the Port rd sighting either.
Many have disputed either SL or the man in car sighting. But now we have Kilmartin saying they turned left. That is SL direction yet the Bonython. Park sighting has always been considered credible.

You can go at 3.2klm ph with a full backpack apparently. On the 5klm trip that equates to time of 93min. I suspect he waited for a time and I also suspect he was pushing as hard as he could and there is witness accounts where it was said Joanne continued to chase after him (so wasn't constantly pulling as at the start). I think it's possible. It wasn't the plan but is possible. Could a 60 yo do it? A very fit one maybe but more likely a 33 yo which was Radan's age

Here is the thing. If there was a ring and I'm definitely leaning that way now with all associate connections then you would use the fittest to do the abduction.
Youre 93 minutes assumes he snatched them from their seats as it was 90 .inutes from leaving their seats to Port rd supposed sighting.
Wheres the time to walk out of the stands, go to the toilet, play with the cat all before the 93 minutes began if its already over the suggested time?

And carrying a backpack is very different to a child under your arm, I know, I've done hundreds of kilometers bushwalking with overnight camping equipment to back that up, your whole body supports a backpack, a child under an arm is nothing like that and we're talking an hour and a half at almost full tilt allowing all circumstance.
What if he was a smoker, a lot of men back then were, if he smoked heavily he wouldnt be able to walk long distances without having to stop to catch his breath..
I know, i'm a smoker!
Here is my story which I don't normally share simply because there are some nasty people here in the internet world..

It was about 71' and I was around 11/12 years old..
I was living back in Elizabeth at that time and I had asked the young girl across the road from us if she wanted to go into town. She would have been 9/10, we caught the train into Adelaide city and looked around for the most part. While we were having lunch at the Coles cafeteria we noticed a man near our table looking at us, normally that wouldn't bother us but he was smoking and the smoke was blowing over us..
We decided to leave and got up to walk to the lift, although we were only one floor up we thought we were grown up using the lift by ourselves..
We were the only two to get in it until the man put his hand on the doors to hold it open. As soon as the doors closed he put his rather large hand on my friends shoulder, his grip was tight and she cried out a little bit in pain..

He wasn't interested in me just her so as soon as the lift stopped I grabbed her arm and dragged her away from him..We moved around the clothing etc on the ground floor with him following us the whole time..

We finally got to the large doors and left the shop, there were two policemen standing in Rundle street, it wasn't a mall back then, so we ran to them and explained what happened, but right at that minute the man came out of the shop and rather quickly walked away.. The police didn't seem to care and told us to go home, which we did without argument..

From what I recall, his face looked younger than he was and he was wearing a hat, he had brown trousers on, black shiny shoes and a nice crisp white shirt under his brown coat!!
He looked just like Hart, not Brown at all, but now Radan is on the scene it could have been him..
the lolly seller witnessed the whole thing, the glasses, and it is not clear whether they were reading glasses or sunglasses, were retrieved by the abductor, the zoo sighting was not reported to sapol until 1979 so imo it is unreliable, the lolly seller watched the abductor and the girls go out through the open gates, through the car park, and continued watching until he lost sight of them behind a tree in the southwest corner of the car park, this would be near the southern stand of the memorial drive tennis courts, so they were headed in a south west direction, which suggests bonython park, rather than the zoo area, as being the accurate final sighting

I found this very early post in this thread very Interesting. I assume it came from MSM reports. It seems to counter Kilmartin's suggestion now of heading left which I understand was toward the Zoo and SL sighting. I'm.confused
I found this very early post in this thread very Interesting. I assume it came from MSM reports. It seems to counter Kilmartin's suggestion now of heading left which I understand was toward the Zoo and SL sighting. I'm.confused

That statement confuses me, the car park was at the northern end of the oval. In amongst the fig trees between the oval and St Peters Cathedral. Unless there was a car park out the front of the eastern side of the oval at the time? (Might need to check this. Anyone old enough to remember the eastern frontage of Adelaide Oval?)

From the entrance behind the scoreboard, heading 'left' would be west if you're facing north, and north if you're facing east. The only way left would mean east is if they were heading south, along the front of the oval down King William Road towards the city.

Even in the early 70s, this would be brazen as ****.
Not sure if anyone is aware of this site but I think it may come in handy here, you can use the timeline slider at the top of the page to select what years you are interested in. I found it handy when researching the Glenelg area on the BC.


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I found this very early post in this thread very Interesting. I assume it came from MSM reports. It seems to counter Kilmartin's suggestion now of heading left which I understand was toward the Zoo and SL sighting. I'm.confused
Not really, it says south west corner of the carpark, not heading south west, but if he headed due south from that point he's accessing the Torrens at its nearest point, pretty much where the new footbridge is today.
I found a pic of AO from '65 and there are no stands where the current southern stand is now, not sure if that was the case in '73 but if there was no stand there then they had to have been behind the stands on the SW pocket of the oval, to exit in the direction Kilmartin saw them they would come out next to the tennis courts and straight down to the described SW corner of the carpark which as I said above, is the closest point between oval and river.
Its only 50m at most to the rivers edge at that point.
Im currently in the far north for work and passed through Yatina and Orroroo where the Pekina dam is.
It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, something creepy as hell about that place.
I think the power of suggestion is very strong, if you visited after reading Bear & Co's story about Yatina then of course it would seem creepy.
I think the power of suggestion is very strong, if you visited after reading Bear & Co's story about Yatina then of course it would seem creepy.
Yes and no, by itself that old 2 story building that appears as if out of nowhere is in contrast to many along that route, its just an odd place anyway.
Worth a read if anyone was doubting harts involvement.

There are many many things which link Hart to the crime. BL isn't a positive link to help us. Sorry, for some reason he is intent (obsessively so it seems) to volunteer himself as the person solving these and other crimes and adopting his current strategy on perp. He for example has pushed for many years the perp Munro as the BC killer. Age didn't match, offending profile didn't match but it doesn't bother BL. Early in this very thread BL known as Bograt said that Hart's only crime on record was stealing potatoes..We now know in recent investigation and reporting on this thread that wasn't true. He did have pedophile offending. The two crimes are linked by identakit and possibly the stoop/ crazy walk suggesting one perp as likely for both. If BL wanted to prove a positive link there are two connections (and comparable hat isn't one) which would do it. He even suggested that a DNA test of the hat he had proving it was Hart's hat would be conclusive. What rubbish. It proves he wore that hat not that it was the exact hat used by the perp. if Kilmartin says it is the exact hat then that smacks of possible confirmation bias rather than proof.. Eyeglasses for weak shortsightedness and a stoop or crazy walk video or witness testimony of it's existence are the two pieces of evidence. These two things would close the evidence loop. Id also like a definitive forensic of the barrel contents. It's first a weak trace of blood then it's no link whatsoever. What is it exactly? Why has that forensics been so hard to decide? Acid? Then tell us so at which point the barrel loses status as concrete evidence and becomes circumstantial because of it's mention within confession letter

The strong associates link surrounding this crime are very persuasive to Hart's involvement as they are also for a ring.

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